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Everything posted by Vara

  1. Well done. Great fish. I have been wondering how it was going out of broken bay. Good to hear. Will see you out there next weekend.
  2. No i didn’t actually measure it. I was so intent on getting it back in the water. It was very large is all I know. And easily the best he has caught and me for that matter.
  3. Saw a report on here a few weeks back from someone who said they had a bit of fun on makos at the spit one night. I was sure they were little bronzies but thought I have never fished there and with the boat out of action thought why not give it a go. Of course the young fella wanted to come and naturally he invited his little mate which was great. They were that excited and went down to the fish markets to buy some bait. Best they had was some blue mackeral. That will do. So we headed out about 8.30pm to set up. Put a line in and took two other light rods to jog for some squid.baits got destroyed pretty quick, nothing to report. Then after about an hour and a half of jigging the young fella caught a 7 inch squid. OK let's give that a go. Whacked it on and threw it out. About 15 mins later he landed a PB flattie. Awesome fish. Removed the hook quick photo and away it went, much to the dismay of two other fellas who were there trying to catch squid as well - with no luck I might add. Only downside was the wife who doesn't get it being furious about releasing her favorite meal and the fact the two young blokes were more determined than ever to catch another squid to put out. I finally convinced them at 1am it was time to go home and there were no squid cooperating. Just shows good fresh bait and the game changes.
  4. Headed up the river last weekend for a couple of days. 12 year old just got his boat licence so you can imagine he was pretty pumped at the thought of complete independence. We've never tried the whole blue swimmer thing and were staying around Bar Point. So we bought 4 witches hat nets and thought why not. How much fun. Baited em up on Saturday around lunchtime with mullet and some old frozen slimmies I had left from the last kingy trip. that was my job done. Sat there and watched as every hour the little guy took a crew of kids to check the nets. Was unreal. Bagged out on Saturday afternoon before 5pm - they were that good sitting around in the evening. Next morning he was up and gone at 5.30am to check the traps we foolishly left in overnight. they were massacred we believe my muddies. Literally nothing left. Great fun, and nothing better than seeing the kids out and about, driving boats, picking crabs out of a net and on the land. Gold.
  5. Thankfully he loves it as much as me.
  6. First time on site. Love reading the reports thought I’d throw in mine from weekend. Got through the wife’s list on Saturday and said to the 12 year old what you want to do. Let’s fish. Ok. Headed out to about 60m of water and a mark I have off Avalon. Arrived at 5.30pm. Drifted over the mark and bang. Bagged out on snapper nothing big but all around 40cm. Great fun and left them biting. Drifted around the mark on the sand picked up another 6 good flatties in quick time and was back at the ramp by 8.15. Great fun and great to see the fish are about. Have fun all.
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