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Ragnar last won the day on September 22 2023

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  1. Hey guys, I’m starting to do some research on the Manning River, aiming to target bass in the upper reaches. If anyone is willing to pass on any info/knowledge of the area please send us a DM to chat about it. I’m not after secret spots or anything like that, mainly just after info on land based access points, what potential food sources that they will target which will influence lure selection, or if there is anything else I need to take into consideration when fishing up there. Cheers!
  2. @jenno64 cheers mate! Yea definitely be back there very soon 😉
  3. Yea! A good one to tick off the bucket list haha
  4. With the full moon last night and a well timed high tide change I thought I would give glidebaiting for Jew a crack. I tied on what I think is a very under rated lure, the Savage gear 3D glide swimmer. The action on these things is insane, with a sharp turn of the reel it gets a massive glide, and they are a slow sink which gives you the option to fish the entire water column depending on how long you want to pause between glides. And they are cheap when it comes to glidebaits! I picked a few of them up from the bargain bin at my local boating, camping and fishing store for $10 a pop! Hardware is pretty solid straight out of the packet so no real need to upgrade. When I arrived at spot X I was a little apprehensive as the water colour was very discoloured with little to no visibility due to recent rain. Which played a part in the colour lure I chose, being the white glow. Casting up current and bringing it down with the current to provide the most natural presentation, 3 quick sharp turns of the reel and pause… rinse and repeat. I was only pausing 3-5 seconds targeting the top 1-2m of the water column. After around 10 minutes of working the area my lure was belted.
  5. @Little_Flatty yea I’ve heard the same thing. I’ve caught a couple of soapies in the same area land based so I know they’re around there, but the ones I heard boofing sounded a bit bigger than a soapy!
  6. After cracking my pb bass a few weeks ago I was keen to get the boat on the river to access a spot that I heard and saw multiple big fish boofing baitfish and prawns off the surface that was just out of reach from the land. And I wasn’t disappointed, with a very healthy 48cm EP cracking my Shimano Bantam Jijil 115 off the top! The amount of bait around needed to be seen to be believed, which I feel made it hard for our lures to even be noticed by the dozens of big fish that were working the area! Judging by some of the bow waves being pushed through the bait schools, I’m almost certain some were decent jewfish!
  7. @Subtropic that’s wild, I know that river is renowned for big bass!!!
  8. @big Neil thanks mate. I might spend some time to really nut out some other spots around where I picked this big girl up. I definitely think there are other opportunities for that class of fish in the system. Might have to take the boat out and do some exploring!
  9. @Yowie thanks mate! Yea I’ve had some funny nights out chasing them! From cracking cricket scores to getting mates and my missus on to their first top water bass has been special! I can’t wait til my kids are a little bit older and I can take them out to experience it with them as well!
  10. @Ganguddy Goodoo I’d like to try some of the small back waters down the south coast, but I’m too far away these days. Maybe one day I’ll get back down there. I think if I was to travel to specifically chase Bass I would go north. Mid-Northern NSW has some amazing river systems to chase the bigger models so that might be my next adventure! Yea the spawn run can be interesting haha people get very territorial on their spots along the rivers up there, not really my cup of tea. Id rather go to NZ and have a chance to catch a 30lb+ monster trout, which I was lucky enough to try on my honeymoon a few years ago haha but wasn’t able to get onto one that size. Did pull a 10lb hen brown though which was cool, saw a bloke land an 18lb rainbow. It was ridiculous!! To think they get double that size really blows me away!
  11. @Subtropic cheers mate! It’s in Sydney, that’s all I’ll say lol If you have a look on the DPI website it lists lakes and rivers that have been stocked with what type and how many fish etc, so that should be a good starting point.
  12. @Little_Flatty have a look at the second vid mate. The one I caught was 53cms, I was throwing 44cms models back in disappointment after lol but yea other methods like fly could be a possibility. @DerekD cheers mate, definitely one I’m proud of achieving! It will be very tough to beat, bigger ones are out there though, might just be another million casts til I cross paths with one!
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