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Everything posted by Rileymcsmiley

  1. Seeing as there was a break in the weather this morning I figured I’d go down to the lake to try and find a couple flatties on some soft plastics. Started fishing around 5:30 around the bridge and quickly had my first one on at 36cm. Over the next hour another 5 were landed which were all in the 35-40cm range which was a welcome change from some of the donut sessions I’ve had recently. Relocated to one of the creeks to see if I could find anything else and I very quickly connected to a much larger model. Eventually managed to tire it out but it was far too heavy to pull up over the railing on 6lb leader so I had to hop over to grab it. One misplaced step was all it took for me to slide waist deep down into the water (whoops) but the flathead was still connected so I powered through. Ended up going 62cm, stoked to have finally gotten a decent model this season. Even considering the accidental swim it was still a good morning out on the water. Merry Christmas all!
  2. Gday all, just a quick report for an interesting day I had. After scouting around on google maps I noticed a good looking sand flat at the end of C&C creek so I figured I’d go check it out in the kayak today. Launched around 6:30am at Akuna Bay and arrived at the flats 15 minutes later only to find it devoid of all life besides the odd ray. Decided I’d fish the rather substantial drop off on the edge of the flats with a vibe instead in hopes of a flattie or two. Nothing substantial came about it, just a couple undersized flathead in roughly half an hour. The exciting part of the day happened when the last one that I was reeling up looked like it had an absolutely huge flathead following it, but I quickly realised it was in fact a shark. I have no idea what kind but it was probably around 1.5m long with a grey-ish tint. I’ve always had the thought of shark encounters in the back of my mind while on the kayak but never really expected it to actually happen. Curious to know if any of you guys have had similar experiences, I’m hoping I don’t have too many more 😂
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