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Josh edwards

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  1. Thanks mate just had a look there is a sanctuary zone near Barnes rocks so will stay away from there. What does the special zone on tea gardens Side of Myall river down to bridge prohibit
  2. Earthworms are great for both. Redfin are very aggressive and will take most small to medium lures or soft plastics they also love small freshwater yabbies you can catch them by walking along bank slowly lifting up rocks in shallow water and slowly grab them from behind
  3. Taking the family on a fishing trip to hawkesnest for a couple nights. Wondering where best place to pump yabbies is. Can you get worms at local beach ? and is there any spots close to take kids prawning. Kids are 8 and 9 and mainly only done freshwater fishing thinking of fishing jimmys beach for whiting and flathead are there any other good kid friendly spots to fish
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