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Everything posted by fishlearner

  1. G-day guys! Cheers for all the comments and advice (sorry it has taken me so long to write back). Have kept going at it and been having some great fun! It’s been amazing watching the kids get better at fishing. Down at the coast off the wharf they are now able to cast and hook up their own fish! We haven’t tried floats yet and will get the little fellas onto some lures! Cheers guys
  2. Hey all, So we never really fished much as kids, did the occasional fishing during bucks parties growing up etc. I now have kids of my own and didn't want them to miss out - long story short we are now hooked ;). We have been having a ball down at the lake trying to catch redfin and carp etc. Def has been a learning experience for me and has been a lot of fun. We use a rod holder and got a little bell to put on the end (need to keep an eye on the kids so found this was the best). This is a really noob question, what should I do when I get a bite?. So hear the bell ring, go pick up that rod and wait for the fish to bite again and try and set the hook when I feel it bite? or should I let it hit a couple of times, with the bell going nuts, before picking up (how i have currently been doing it) reason I am asking is we have been getting a lot of bites, one or two hits and then nothing. I am switching up my hooks to size 2 circle hooks and will keep worms but will use smaller ones (think I was also having to much tail dangling that was getting hit instead of the hook) Sorry for the long post....it's been doing my head in thinking about it
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