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Posts posted by Seazar

  1. We had the same thing on Monday. Headed past a nice temp break at browns. Should've stayed there. But we headed to Heatons. Saw one boat with a hard top circling around the perimeter of the mountain. Didn't look like he caught any. We just cubed. Got zip. Headed back to browns before the sun went down. Started another cube and ended up with one albi about 30 meters down the cube trail.

    Heading out Sunday. This is gotta be the time for some good action.

  2. Was out Monday. One Mako in the arvo & that's it.About 100kg. Cubed for 7 hours straight. Drifted over a temp break up from 19.1 to 19.8 & still nothing. Saw some Stripy's jumping around us. Tried throwing a few lures out & still nothing. Quite bizzar really.

  3. Thought that would be the case.

    Though the yellows will be here...if not already.

    Had masses of dolphins running straight into the 21 to 22 degrees on Sunday. 5 mins later is when we had a double hook up on two yellows. Yellows have been striking in over 20 degrees of water for me every time in the two days I have gone out.

    I reckon that as long as the splash of hot stays together from the north we will have a good run. Just crap weather for a week. Ride the storm & then see where it all places itself.

    I think Cubing will be the hit. So far cubing has won 6 out of 7 strikes. This reminds of our heavy season in 2007 when it started hard on the troll & then cubing was the king.

  4. Damo. Sorry to hear the zeros.

    Yeah the yellows are a coming. I went out on Sunday with a friend & snapped up 3 yellowfin at around the 30 to 35 kilo mark. One on the troll & a double hookup whilst cubing. One on the cube & the other on a livie. Sitting northwest of Brownes between a 19 to 21 degree temp break. Went out Monday with another boat & we snagged one Alby & dropped 3 big fish....don't ask why LOL All day cubing. No blues for us but still...not complaining that's for sure. :)

  5. With these bluefin of up to 100+, what kind of line capacity would you need? Biggest fin I've caught is 50kgs with about 400meters of line. I am a braid user & am using 90 pound with Stellas & Daiwas...out of choice. I do have a Tiagra but prefer the lighter gear.

    What kind of initial runs are we talking here with these big monsters?

    Which pulls harder Yellow or Bluefin??

  6. Hi folks.

    I am available during the week. Work on the weekends.

    Have had a fair bit of experience.

    Boatless...Still building my boat & getting cold turkey...seriously.

    I am easy going & pull my weight financially & cleaning.

    I have all the gear so I am not an anchor ;-)

    My number is 0415 140013



  7. Hi guys.

    I am trying to identify a fish that we catch on the coast of Sydney.

    I have been fishing for over 20 years here and have never seen it before but that means nothing LOL. I can't find it on ANY fish ID site for NSW. Possibly travelled from elsewhere who knows.

    We were surface fishing for Kingies & amongst them I caught two of these fish. I am awaiting on a pic but in the meantime I will kind of explain it.

    It looks like a mix between a kingy but has a flatter & pointier head. side profile like a cobia but not as wide, has a similar shape tail to a kingy but more like a mack tuna. has scales like a salmon but looks like its been already scaled. The major distinction which doesn't match any is two neony blue stripes from head to tail in a similar position to a kingy or cobia.

    The two I caught were 40cm & 60cms approx. They fight identically to a kingfish & are almost shaped like a kingfish. Until you bring it alongside the boat & realise there's something different about them.

    Photo is coming but not very good as we came back in the evening.

    Anyone have a clue???

  8. Hi Raiders.

    I have become boatless after selling mine & have missed two seasons while I've taken on building another huge project which wont be ready for a few years yet.. So I thought I'd throw a bone & see if I get the oportunity to wet a line. I know that when I had a boat, I found it almost impossible trying to find someone that could go during the week when I was available.

    So...If anyone with a boat is looking for a fishing partner during the week for cubing for yellowfin please give me a holler on 0415 140013. My favs are cubing for fin & kingie fishing. Not into Marlin fishing that much as I like to eat what I catch & plus my gear is braided for cubing & Kings. I work all weekends but am available mondays to Thursdays.

    I have all the gear & experience & don't get sea sick. Most of all I have plenty of patience for cubing. I definately pay my way & most definately help clean the boat. i am pretty easy going as well & don't take over someone's ship. I also have a boat lisence.

    If there are any pre-requisits that I might have...they would be that I will only go out with a safe boat & sensible fisho. Brownes is too far for anything less.


    PS...Just downloaded some pics of a few fish caught in my profile gallery just to confirm that I have been fishing ;-)

  9. Hi all.

    Does anyone know of a supplier or manufacturer of fiberglass shaft logs in Sydney. Finding it hard to find someone.


  10. Yeah I've been hearing the same thing. I wwas stupid enough to be convinced that it was going to be nicish day on Saturday. Didn't mind the rain & even 10 knots is perfectly acceptable. Got out there & it was caining a good 20knots & gusts even higher directly from the south & rain hammering down. At one stage my bilge pump was easily pumping a steady flow of rainwater. Waves were just uncomfortable with peaks 3 or 4 seconds apart. Even Botany bay was churning. Needless to say that we didn't go outside. Saw a few bigger boats go out & soon after coming back. Even the Dolphins were hanging out at the heads.

    Saw that warm current nicely shaping the Sydny coast. Would love it to come in a little closer.

    Yeah heard the same thing about the Tuna being caught by a few. Even though they are smaller...for a good feed you just can't beat those little lollies.

  11. Damn...I'm not getting messages for replies on this subject & here's me thinking that no-one has replied.

    That's great news.

    I had a feeling that there would be one last spirt before the end of the season.

    Have you guys been following the tide or were they at unobvious strike times?

  12. Bit quiet here so I thought I'd send a post & see if anyone has tried to go out to have a sticky beak around Brownes & tried to pull a few tuna or should I say try & find some tuna.

    Would be great to know if someone hasn't caught but had tried at least.


  13. Excellent report well done guy's, I'm organising a trip out there as soon as this weather passes.

    Look's like you jagged a perfect day weather wise. :biggrin2:

    From what I heard week was like that. But yes we had a great day. The boys couldn't have had it better. I think they were spoilt. As we all know... it can get very nasty out there. Speaking of nasty, that weather is changing. There still might be hope for Sunday as well.

  14. Thanks guys.

    Temp was 19.7. We were sort of NE of brownes.

    Fish weighed 17, 35, 38 & 45kg.

    The temp break is moving hard & fast & conditions won't be the same on a daily basis. But I'd suggest getting out there in the next day or two as the weather is going sour. I'm tempted to go again in the morning.

    Djmac. If I had a submarine I would have chased him. hahaha. When a Tuna hits a circle pattern there is no chasin' nothin as he is straight down below the boat. That's the part of Tuna fishing that breaks your back. In another way you're sorta right. We could have driven AWAy from the YF & fight him sideways but we had a major concern. I was fighting her on a 40pound leader that was damaged on first gaf attempt & the YF was regularly swapping body sides which meant that his teeth would have been acting as a blunt file & destroying the leader. It was truely touch & go & was very lucky to have caught him with such light line. The trace was on it's last legs (like me lol) when I had a look.


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