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Everything posted by karnage

  1. whats goin on TG.... looking at the backgound in the photos(rocks) im some what perplexed as to why you would say it looks like the weir? i look forward to your reply or abusive phone call champ. ,cheers steve
  2. nice report pj. in all the years of fishing the river i have never ventured up that creek. it looks fantastic. i have heard rumors that there is freshwater cray-fish in there. how far did u walk up? where u concerned about someone towing your yaks away whilst you left them at the junction?
  3. Well its certainly nice of you 2 finally join us PJ (aka mr.carp) just 4 the record i also pick up rubbish when fishing down the river, i just dont take photos of it and carry on and on about it in every post i make. my way of showing respect 4 these fish is to make my blade work as fast and clean as possible. i dont really see what more one can do. the issue i have with your carp fishing tatics is the ultra light line you use. i wont accept that you've never been busted off or snaged up by a good size carp in any of your past fishing sessions.this would be inevitable with your weak drag settings and the amount of snags in the river. it dosnt take a nassa scientist to figure out your leaving a hook and possibly a long length of line in the fish. its fine to claim your sports fishing and giving the carp an equal chance but to leave a fish to potentially slowly die in this manner in my opinion is nothing short of barbaric. in fresh water your hooks will take ages to rust out. i cant see how a carp can spit or rid a hook which has the barb deeply embedded in its mouth,throat or guts.(last time i checked they didnt have hands or pliers) im not suggesting you should fish with 20lb mono and scull drag the vermins in, i just think you should find a balance between light and heavy.(i find 12lb fluro-carbon ideal) maybe this is something you should take on board, you might even find yourself posting some pics of some larger respectfully held carp than you have in the past. thanks 4 the response. ,cheers karnage
  4. kiwi wayne i feel u have let yourself down.... lets get a few things clear here. Firstly i wasn't having a go at "kingies till i die" please dont make false, propesterous statments about me like that in the future. I in no way made any derogatory coments personally directed at him or anyone else and i have sent him a pm to give him some of my carp/catfish hot spots.(hopefully he will help eradicate this vermon species!) As for my attitude towards the nepean,i have posted some pics below i took at devlins lane last year and belive me this stretch of the river and many others is in a similer state at the momnent. Sure when we get big rain it temporaly clears the weed from the surface but it dosnt take long before its choking right up again.I have a mirage drive kayak and i can't use the pedals below the weir after october due to this problem. So im some what perplexed as to how you can expect me to pretend that we have a pristine waterway here. Would you eat the fish outta some of them smelly stagnant pools? i reckon it would be safer eating prawns and catfish from the canals of thailand. Despite the issues i have mentioned in this post and my above posts i certainlly agree that the fishing is productive for all species, the bass are starting to show up consistintly in the sort of sizes that was around in the late 80's early 90's and there is more carp,mullet and catfish as ever. so we are lucky in that regard. if there is a good side to having the river choked up with weed,it is that there is big numbers of fish in the weedless pools in the middle and the pockets on the shore line so it kinda makes it easier to find fish but hard to fight fish. I didnt relize how sensitive some BLOKES are on this forum so i'll try to keep that in mind when posting in the future. kiwi waynie well done on your bass session in your kayak, to get two big bass in 1.5 hours is good going. Hopefully u will post a report and pics up? hope theres no hard feelings kiwi dan and PJ. im sure we will cross paths down one of our local 'swims' in the future and hopefully exchange pleasantries over a cold beer and a 10kg+ carp.(i'll even happily watch Garn release it cause im nice bloke)
  5. twas a day/nighter. mate if u fish 4 kings like ur name certainly suggests,you shouldnt lower yourself to carp fishing.the reason i do is because the river is handy being 5 mins from home. i have caught 1kg trevally and 1 kg seurgon fish that pull harder then one of these 8kg vermon,the river is full of flies(im talking millions), mozzies that are immune to any insect repellent, the water itself stinks due to the high pollution levels,you will struggle to find a area to fish from as 80% of this river is choked with weed. and there are many deadly snakes.also ive had my car broken into down there. im starting to think that the nepean would be better off being concreted in.
  6. ha ha, and their babies. their all better off asleep
  7. ducked down the nepean for a 6 hour session. this was the result (plus 3 catfish)
  8. they encourage catch and release for bass(bring your bass to the weigh in live) but every year there are dead bass and catfish in that skip bin. i have no reason to lie about this. i hope this is adequate clarification for you.
  9. on another thought,if u want to see some real Senseless Destruction you should really get down to the annual "fish fest" held on the nepean river and the rowing club being the weigh in location. they hire a large skip bin to dispose of carp(good),mullet,your so called rare catfish(thats a giggle) and even some bass in there. the carp go to the charlie carp fertilizer company(great mob) and the mullet sold as salt water bait. oh by the way i hold the current bully mullet tittle at 2.5kg
  10. haha thats funny.... they are far from rare. i got 4 in 1 carp session not long ago and rarley have a carp fish without catching a catfish.
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