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Yellowfin79 last won the day on November 15 2023

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  1. Thanks Donna, just saw your post. I've uploaded the pics on the record fish tab with details Thanks I'll get Zayn( my son) to get his own log in, he'll be very excited to be a new member of this forum
  2. Jerry's Threadfin @1.2m took a live bull mullet
  3. zayn's biggest Threadfin of the trip @1.22m on a live mullet
  4. All released, wanted to eat one fish but our itenarry didn't allow us to unfortunately
  5. G'day Fellow Raiders Had a recent trip to beautiful Rockhampton with my son and my friend Jerry Idea behind the trip was to catch some quality fish and quality we did get into indeed What a beautiful spot Rockhampton is with Fitzroy river being such a healthy nest for these species. We fished with a local guide for 3 amazing days, each producing quality fish. Photos speak for themselves, hope you guys enjoy! EDITED The biggest Threadfin @122cm belongs to Saad, mine went 120cm, the ones in the photos above were around the 90-95 cm. All fish caught on live bait.
  6. Hi Mate, We just hook the yakkas under the chin coming up from the nostrils. The best way is indeed to use some decaron and needle but when the fish is on, it takes a long time to rig up I'm not a fan of the wire trace but coz we kept getting bitten off by the Toadies, I had no choice other than to use wire. It did cost me as after a few fish the wire snapped off while hooked on so not my first preference
  7. Hello Raiders, We decided to go last Monday as the weather had a good day on the forecast, went to west head and loaded up on yakkas in no time as my friend Jerry Aka ,"Yakka destroyer" put 30 in tank. Reached north Fad with within 40 mins to find 2 boats already hogging the Yellow markers Got a call from home with Mrs advising that it's raining quite hard in Sydney and I looked up the heavens and saw blue sky and said it's going to be ok here!! Within 20 minutes Sun went missing and it started to bucket down! Bureau got that bloody forecast wrong! We got drenched for next 2 hours but persevered in hope that once the rain goes we might have chance. Rain for lighter around 10:30, Fish came on, Rods bent and we got 6 of them in no time, all bigger models. Then Rain came again , Fish shuttled down and we moved to flatties grounds with Jerry destroying the whiting colony! Overall a good day. Friday 31/3. We decided to go again within a week as this very well maybe the last hurrah for Dollies with long weekend looming and I am busy with work the following week. Again hit the usual spot for lives with Jerry the yakka destroyer putting 30 in the tank in no time. Headed to the Fad, outgoes the livies and we both got hooked but.... Lines cut off!!! Bloody Toadies on the surface menacing with the yakka and cutting off our lines! I quickly rigged a wire leader and re baited again, so does Jerry. We kept hooking dollies consistently for next few hours. When we were just about to leave the Fad, I hooked up on a mako shark and boy it ran and cut off the braid and jumped out of the water with the hook in its mouth... What a sight! By lunchtime, we decided to go for flatties and hooked decent sized ones . A great day and end to daylight savings. Till next time....
  8. Well said Zoran. Jerry is like family to us and can't think of going fishing without him!
  9. After a few 🍩 attempts on Dollies for last few weeks we yet again decided to go out on the Fads to see if we can break the drought! The day before our fishing buddies smashed them everywhere so things were looking solid. Launched at Brooklyn Wharf in the dark and went to west head in pitch dark conditions... Yakkas were coming thick and plenty and we loaded up within 25 minutes with my friend Jerry smashing them. Headed out and reached the North Fads by 7am, sea was super calm so even little dinghies were going to the Fads. To our surprise upon reaching the Fads, a big yacht was hogging the yellow marker and hooked up only to find the landing net they have is not long enough to pick the fish up. We got our livies down and then waited and waited for half an hour till my Jerry said to me "mate I don't know , you've jinxed them again" especially when everyone caught them the day before! A minute later Jerry was on only to have his line snapped as the fish was decent and the leader roughed up by previous catches! Damn! By this time there were atleast 15 boats there , one of them hooked up on a metal lure! We then drove up to the 2nd Fad where there was only the big yacht jogging it and drifted with our livies till Jerry gets a 2nd strike. Soon, I got a hit and in 5 min time we have 2 in the boat! A few minutes later we got one more and lost one and then fish just shut down. We couldn't smash them as fishos did the day before but atleast I got to see some green after an year! Maybe there is one more go left for this season for Dollies 🤞
  10. Thanks Zoran, it's just that the dollies and I are out of sync, the day we get in sync, yellowfin will be loaded up!
  11. Went to Sydney north Fads to duplicate what 3 Amigos did last Friday!! damn I should've gone last Friday!!! Loaded up on yakkas in no time and headed to the Fads with us being the 3rd boat there! One of them was hooked on to a small dolly on a surface lure but that was it! No other fish to be seen with us throwing pillie pieces, live yakkas near the Fad to entice them but Zilch! On to plan B... Flatties ... This time they were a disappointment too.. only a handful before the Wind picked up... On our way in towards the heads, we came across a massive school of big yakkas , there were so many of them.thatbthe water turned yellow from their colour but no pelagics were chasing them. We caught a few for bait for next time and went in to encounter a Tailor frenzy off Lion island and hooked a few legal ones. Called it a day... But... A day out on the water is better than staying home!
  12. Great pics and photos, I told Jerry the day I won't be there , he'll catch them. We went 5 times to catch a 🍩 each time!
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