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Everything posted by 44jeff

  1. As said before, give bread a try at Manly Dam. Plenty of carp and you can get bass too. when i fished there I was at the south end of the dam near the playground,
  2. Hi everyone, this is an update from my last post. Again, thanks to everyone here for the advice. At this wharf I had recently seen kings swimming with schools of bait. Got there around 4pm and got the yakkas feeding. Saw a few trevally too. Suddenly the yakkas disperse for about 2 minutes but return. And I see a king about 5m away from me swimming around the pylons. Throw in some chicken and yakka flesh as burley and he instantly slurps it up. This goes on for about 5 min, so I rig up a live yakka (it was half alive at this point, which helped I think, and again thanks for the advice 👍) and the king grabs it and runs straight to a pylon. I manage to get him out, but he takes another run straight down to structure. Luckily he didn't dust me and the hooks just pulled. Pirrama park has very heavy structure and I am only running 20lb, is there really a chance of landing a legal king in this terrain? And if so, how would you land it? thanks
  3. Thanks, I'll give it a go 👍
  4. Hi all, Fished a wharf (i believe it was near Pirrama park) yesterday afternoon. Got there around 4pm, burleyed up and the yakkas were going crazy on bread and chicken. Didn't get much other then a just legal bream and many yakkas for the next few hours. However I spotted a king swimming with the school once (the yakkas didn't seem scared at all) and soon after I saw a pair of kings come to the surface. I've seen the same two kings at this spot for the past couple trips and the yakkas aren't scared of them at all. They seem to be around 70cm long. Any advice on how to catch one would be appreciated. Thanks
  5. You can also scrape off the weed that covers the rock for bait and burley: I found a YouTube video of someone doing just that: https://youtu.be/R5UtarLs2ME
  6. Thanks. I'll try to look for weed like that in the future I've used weed that looked like that (also found it in a rock pool similar to the pic) and it worked pretty well
  7. Hi all, Headed out to the rocks today to pick some cabbage for bait. Also found this green, long algae that feels like hair. Would it work for bait? Here's a pic:
  8. I didn't think of that - I was using a fast action rod so that's probably why I pulled quite a few hooks recently and dropped some fish. I'll use a softer rod next time Thanks
  9. Thanks. This week I got the weed off the rocks but last week I got it from a spot close to circular quay. There wasn't much left in the estuary location and I just got enough for one session. At times a lot of green weed grows there (it grows in rock pools at the spot), however it's mainly hit or miss.
  10. Hi all. The net worked well. My brother and I fished the runout with weed gathered yesterday. Managed 6 fish from 29-37cm but pulled the hooks on about 5 and missed even more downs. Still a great day and took a couple home for a feed. Thanks everyone for the help.
  11. Thanks. I'll try your method too as some of the spots I fish off are very high up off the water (The net should be fine though as I'm fishing off a wharf).
  12. Thanks everyone. Sorry for the late reply. I'm using 5lb leader. I've decided to make a net out of some old netting, an old tennis racquet and a mop handle. Will take it out on Sunday for some luderick. Hopefully I'll be able to land them all. Will post an update. Photo:
  13. Hi, I was losing them right at my feet when pulling them up from the water. I think it's because i wasn't using a net.
  14. Hi everyone, this is my first post on fishraider. After reading some of the posts on this site, I decided to target luderick today and turned my light spin rod into a setup using some of the tips provided here. Arrived at the spot at around 9, gathered some weed and threw in some burley. Managed to hook 4 fish but lost them while pulling them up. I've decided to make a net but does anyone have any other tips to land them? Thanks everyone
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