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Posts posted by nosquid

  1. That's a great result for the really bad weather we've had guys.... yes I think i am due to an outing soon.... :) Wife has been promptly still grounding me so Hopefully an outing this weekend will be good. I attempted to make two floats while in detention but sadly they sink like rocks, Note to check boyancy before making floats next time. Anyway I will be really keen to fish soon so catch up with you then. As for Daniel.... enjoy every outing you can. That day pass is gonna get harder and harder to acquire afterwards..... Hope to catch up with a fish with you before then .


    grounded Ad

  2. Hi All, I was wondering if anyone might share a an outing when they go out to net some prawns and possibly garfish at night with a basic landing net. Saw this a while ago on a program with aired and they caught garfish with just a headlight and net.

    Regarding the prawns, I am just keen to see what and how its all done.... Is prawning done by also walking along the shore and just scooping them up? It would be great if there are nearby places in the north to do this. Having a young family night time fishing is my only real option.

    kind Regards


  3. great bag of fish there guys and Paul no wonder you're just sitting there meditating & smiling to yourself taking it all in after a hard days fishing. Awesome results for such dedicated fishemen... So What unethical tactics were used this time to catch another mans fish hehehe.....>

  4. Well either way, it surely didn't matter what the attire was as you still managed to catch a decent bag of blackies Royce and co..... Out of my last six outings for luderick I have not hooked one. So if I have to go out with Royce again and he decides to wear the appropriate attire I really wouldn't mind :)

    hope to fish with you guys again soon



  5. That is a great result no less. How deep were you fishing if you don't mind me asking as I have fished there and not done as well as you. Also I had fished on the incomming tide. Did you get them on weed or on the bread?



  6. Rod is a fenwick graphite one piece that is about 2-4kg. It is actually very soft and I use it also for squidding. I am not striking but just winding up the slack line and lifting the Rod..... Anyways thanks for all the suggestions and feedback which is always welcome.



  7. Rhanks for all the replys,

    I am using Mono 6kg line with a Fluro leader of 3kg. As for chopper tailer I would be very surprised if they were as no one was catching any with bait so that still leads me to think that they were luderick. Also I have not hooked into any surgeons yet and from what I have heard is that they just take off like steam trains. Yeah Royce an outing with you all again will be good so do let me know.



  8. Hi All, Well Sunday morning I went to fish a common spot that is North East of the Harbor Bridge. Armed with Fresh Cabbage and Short Bubble weed I was rather confident in getting a few. Well Arrived there just after 5:30am to start burlying and waited and waited. The first down came about after 06:15am and it was a straight pull I lifted the rod but did not connect. Cast out again and on the next drift the float goes down a little slower but stays down, lift and bugger sill nothing , reel up and notice that the hook is gone. A clean bite off. Anyway from there things went from poor to even worse as I retied the new hook, baited and casted in again to the same spot. As soon as the float sets, the float continues down…… I set the hook only to connect with Nothing ….. what’s happening here, Fish comes back as the float dives down sharply and I lift the rod again only to be bitten off again. I retie and rebait again and did the same drift. As the float gets to the certain spot I can see the fish playing / mouthing the bait as the float is rising and going down under the surface. The float does not go down any more so I reel in to check the bait and yip the hook is gone again and leader is cleanly bitten off. Very frustrating. AS I must of lost about 8 hooks in total that morning. I am fishing with 3kg Mono line and have caught these fish a number of times using the same gear. So not sure why I was getting bitten off so many times and not connecting on the solid downs.

    Anyway the time was about 7 :20am and I still hadn’t landed a fish yet, On one of the next drifts I finally managed to connect with a fish, as I really waited for him to take the bait but set the hook when the float shot up very sharply. Finally One in the net and on inspecting the fish, it had swallowed the hook, It was a nice luderick of 37cm. Anyway after that I had a few more downs but still no fish. I tried at different times on setting the hook and still could not connect solidly to any fish, i.e. early / later / on the down / on the up. After 8am I decided to go and on walking back I noticed a number of luderick schooling in shallow water. Now with the water being very clear as it was only about 2 meters in depth at most. The fish were very easily spooked and even with a very rich burly they would come in to eat but dart away at any movement. So I cast out the float with shortened leader, Then throw out about 3 – 4 scoops of bury and sure enough the fish came back and took the bait but…. No matter what I did the fish just did not stay connected. Anyway the fishing was very visual and seeing them school all around the burly and then hone in on the baited hooks was great. There were some very big fish amongst the school and sometimes you would see them hang on the edges of where the float was, picking at the burly. I think I had about 4 solid downs here.

    This continued for a short while and then some kayakers came through and spooked all the fish and then there was nothing. I decided on going as it was now already 8:30am and threw in the entire lot of burly that I had left which was about 12 scoops full. Not long after that as I was packing up, the school moved in and the fish were going mad eating all that burly…. You could literally see their mouths opening and closing and them competing for the food. Isn’t that just typical …. So with no more weed I had to go and left.

    Thats fishing

  9. Sounds like an awesome outing guys…… Wish I was there to join you on the fun….Man 43cm is a good fish. Those filets would have been a real treat. Having withdrawn symptoms as I have not wet the line in ages and well, it’s not looking any good for the next 2 weeks at least. Anyway at least seeing those photos, is reminding me how good the fishing can be with great friends.

    Yeah the last of the luderick we caught last time, I smoked 2 and they were beautiful Royce.

    Hmmm Well definitely a change to the last outing that you guys fished on the ocean side you sure did come out trumps agin this time.

    Hope to join up with you soon.. once the little guy gets better.

  10. I also like to thank Royce and Paul for showing me the finer art in Luderick fishing. It has been just phenomenal catching quality fish. Well this time the good old 7 foot Fenwick 1 piece did the job and managed to hold onto most fish and did not get abused as the guys thought I would. To Paul, well all that playing around in the garden out the back yard seems to be paying off so I am sure we will all let you net our fish again…. No dropping any fish at the netting stage …. Well except Royces one….hahaha

    Royce thanks for the full service of providing the knowledge, Bait, Fish, Filets and humor.



  11. Hey Trevor,

    Yes it was a great days fishing with you too and the fish is definitely a treat, thanks for your contribution to the take home feed.

    Man I don't know how you managed to fish in those shorts when the temp was a mere 14 degrees in the morning. I was freezing.

    So when the Mrs. lets me out again I am very keen on a squidding outing if you are. Keep well and all the best.

    PS! Good luck on the golf next week.



  12. I have a 3 year license and just asking the questions so don't take this the wrong way. Anyway Just asked the questions also as to how this impact one when teaching others. hence one needs to make sure that when teaching people the ropes, that they too have a licence.


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