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Posts posted by eastwood1980

  1. Well done.... so lucky. Everytime i try for a groper... they seem to just swim into the rocks. so ya.... never caught one before

    don't know what to do when they just run in there. i used a 25lb didn't really do much

  2. I've been to bermagui once and also narroma...... Most beautiful place on earth I reckon. The waters so clear I can see the bottom, was around 15m deep and you can see all the fish and the seals chasing the fish. Mate well done on your mako.

  3. I went to akuna bay to check the place out but seems to be fenced....

    i heard from a friend, some people leave their rubbish behind after

    fishing and the rangers got upset. So they just fenced the area off.

    Thanxs to the idiots leaving their rubbish behind, funny how the bin

    was like 10metres away only.

  4. I think on that day the swell was around 1.5 wasn't that bad because i remember the swells went up to 3m from monday

    Out of 15 times going there only had 1 good day, no waves etc.

    Not going there ever again that's for sure.... kinda turned off fishing now.

  5. Hi guys,

    Went to Garie beach on Sunday around 12pm off the beach and no bites at all for like 5 hours.

    While fishing i realised choppers from channel 10 and 7 were flying around the rocks

    and starting filming i think.... weren't to sure why, anywazzz around 5pm damn was it getting cold or what....

    decided to leave and when i got home.... guess what... someone died at Garie Beach that day in the morning

    fishing off the rocks. Freaky......

    Don't think i'll go there again.......

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