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  1. Had a fish at Iron Cove myself on Saturday Night, wheather was perfect - no wind, glassy water and FISH! Had some old hawkesbury prawns which I used mostly for berley and had some fresher ones for bait. Within 10 minutes of starting on the berley there were bait schools all around where I was fishing choping and smashing the bait on the water. First up was a 30cm bream on peeled prawn, the other rod was being picked at while I was bringing in the Bream so as soon as I dropped it back in the water I picked up the other rod and gave it a gentle lift - off went the drag and I was onto something pulled in a flattie about 35 to 40cms. Rebaited my rods and things were quiet for about 10 minutes - started reeling in and was attacked by a little chopper. Sent another bait out and straight away was onto something decent. At a guess it was a 45cm tailor which I brought in and dispatched for bait. The Tailor strips went out on two of my 3 rods with a little more weight to get them down faster and past the tailor which I could here chopping away at anything that moved on the water, no joke they were less than 10 feet from me and I could see them swimming in the water. My bigger rod went off (tailor fillet), thought I might have hooked a Jewy but could soon tell it wasn't that big - a decent bream came in with a fillet strip half the size of it's body. Still managed bites galore for the next hour but couldn't convert. Just as I was about to leave another slab of tailor fillet was grabbed by something and I mean something big! it must have been a bream as it turned right and headed straight for the oyster encrusted rocks about 50ft beside me - SNAP and that was it. One of the best nights I have had down there. No photo's sorry! even forgot to take a torch this time.
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