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  1. Now have I got a story for you, launched my boat at 4am Saturday morning. Headed into the harbour - pretty poor conditions with the swell and wind, so headed back into the Spit. Had a fish for a while but with no luck headed home. This is where it gets interesting. Tied the boat up and went to my car. Looking up thinking I am sure that is my car - but there is no trailer behind it. Some low down %%%%% stole my trailer of the back of my car between 4am and 7am. How low can some people go. Not only in stealing other peoples possesions, but in stealing a trailer they are really leaving you high and dry. (well actually wet) Thankfully Club Marine was very helpful, got onto the place where I bought my boat and they had someone at the ramp by 10am with a trailer to at least get me out of the water. Well, I had to get that off my chest, and guess what, I also had one of the trailer safety / locking devices and they have somehow managed to get this off. A warning to all and sundry, keep your eyes out for anyone acting a little odd and call the police if you see anyone down there. Let me just catch the bastard I will be taking more than a rolling pin to them.
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