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Posts posted by Jamie_S

  1. 1 hour ago, jdanger said:

    Top bream, and props on the release. I'm in the same boat - since realising how old the big ones are I've got too much respect to keep them.

    I grew up fishing all my life, we ate pretty much everything we caught. Back in the day this would have been straight in the esky. 

    Its nice to know the reality of how old and slow growing some fish are, makes you appreciate catching them more. 

  2. 2 hours ago, Mr Squidy said:

    Ha, I saw the first pic and thought "that flattie looks a little light on" then scrolled down to the second pic and realised the bream is just a horse. Top stuff!!!



    I know what you mean there, the flattie looks tiny and undersized 

  3. I had a quick 10 minute session on Lake Illawarra tonight. 

    The picture doesn't do the bream justice, it was a solid fish.

    The flattie stayed around for lunch tomorrow, but the bream went back.

    Its just too good of a fish to keep considering its about 16 years old



  4. On 16/11/2016 at 0:11 AM, Raymondo said:

    Nice one Jamie, definitely better than tv.

    Shore based or boat? Was amazed how many boats were jostling for position last Sunday at the drop off. When the flatties are on its caos on the weekend. 

    These were from the boat, but I quite often hit it shore based. 

    I rarely fish the drop off as there are just too many boats 


    Most of my fish come from less than 1m deep, so easily accessed from the shore 

  5. I have been chasing a few flatties of an arvo lately in Lake Illawarra, been getting a few each day in an hour session. 

    Been using a mixture of hard bodies and soft plastics, but the plastics are doing better lately. 

    Most fish are between 38-50cm, but a few bigger ones show up every now and then 

    The bigger one today in the attached picture put up an awesome fight, much better than they normally do for its size (just under 50)


    Sure beats sitting around watching TV


  6. The reason we dropped on that inshore reef is that theres always been giant cuttle on it, they are fantastic to photograph but unfortunately the kelp area where they normally hang has gone and not a cuttle to be found.


    The storms have ruined plenty of habitat in shallow, but remember the cuttles die off around this time each year after spawning.

    Hopefully there's a new dive buddy for you next time you dive there!

  7. Ok next time I get a small one I'll give you a call. Put your fingers close to its mouth and tell me how much it doesn't hurt.

    I saw a bloke pick a 3ft bronzie up by the tail once. Almost lost his family jewels.

    Sharks out of the water are a different story, I'm referring to swimming with Sharks this size.

    Any animal dragged out of its environment is going to try and hurt you regardless of its size.

  8. You have nothing to fear from sharks that size, I target them off the beach quite a bit. In my usual spot if there's swimmers you won't get a bite, 2 minutes after they get out of the water however it's on, happens all the time.

    They really are scared of us at that size, his mumma however!!!

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