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Posts posted by screech

  1. hey guys!

    lately i've been out fishing around the container wall and noticed heaps of people keeping undersized kings!!

    one thing that really shits me is people who keep undersize fish. this one guy today, not mentioning nationalities, kept about 10+ under sized kings.

    where are the fisheries to inspect all the boats?????

    does anyone else feel this way about the issue?


  2. hey guys.

    question to the jew experts and especially the georges rivers guys.

    i went fishing for bream and whiting the other week to hide from the wind in Bonnet Bay. i noticed on the sounder really deep holes around 6m coming off very shallow waters bout 1-2m. those who know the waters around there will know the shallow flat that is uncovered at low tide.

    has anyone tried fishing for jews there or any reports of fisherman catching jews there?? live mullet be best bait there???

  3. hi guys well this is the fish a awsome fish a shame to see such a awsome fish sharked so close to the end of the fight !!! arman awsome day out there looking to do another one soon !!!

    left steve middle manny right alexander

    taken at fish therapy earlwood

    great team effort by all special thanks to arman for the awsome fotos


    hahahaha..... thats funny!!

    how do u know alex katra and his dad?? im mates with him!

    tell alex screech sends his regards

  4. mate i live on the point as you come out of oatley bay to the left oposite the rocks...... to be honest i've never fished around kyle bay or out the front of my place..... only the green marker pole towards como is the closest i've fish to my place.... my fishing grounds for bream are in the bay near towra..... never fails me.

    well done on the catch.

  5. mate i've had the excact problem of loosing a rod from trolling..... i thought i checked the drag before starting to troll..... 5min into it... hear the drag then a snap and my rod was over board attached to the snapped rod holder...... if anyone is daring to swim around the container wall and find an ugly stick you can keep it.

  6. hey guys!

    is the hour dial (the one that tells you how many hours the boats done) connected to the engine or the battery?? like does it read how many hours the engines been running or how long the boat used from the battery?

    i've been told by a boat mechanic that its connected to the battery....... but theoreticly shouldn't it be connected to the engine????

    its a 550 savage.

  7. Hi guys

    Yeh was a top arvo sesh.

    The flying fish were tops.

    There was also abit of surface action off long bay about 50-60 meters out from the rocks.

    I was using a raider 20gram for the tailor

    Luke picked his tailor up on a 10cm skirt and on a gillies whitebait around the 20gram mark.

    Luke got the pike on sp's

    A boat also fishing the same school of tailor landed what looked to be a salmon or BIG tailor around the 60-70cm mark.

    cheers james

    cheers james

    could have been a king?? in schools like that let lure sink to search deeper waters for those bigger preditory fish

  8. Just picked up a new boat and last weekend being the brighton fishos october competition was a great time to test it out. started on saturday morning to my bream spot. lost two, and brought in 3 27cm but thrown back to grow a bit more. at the turn of the tide at 830ish i headed out to the container wall for a troll using dead squid trying to pick for some kings. 2 laps caught nothing.

    Decieded to head out to the north head and have a look if any bird action but nothing was spooling up. i droped one dead squid and a lure to slow troll up north. within about 2mins zzzzz my squids gone for a run. my first king but only came to 56cm. i put heavier wieght on to drop the squid into the deeper waters. minutes later zzzzzz on again this time to something bigger. barstad took me down to structure and my line was gone!

    In the rough conditions re-rigged and trolling again. bang another king!! nice size again and look me back into structure and lost. i noticed that there were plenty of kings hanging around, could see a school close to the rocks when the waves opened up. i wanted to stay there and do a bit of spinning but i was feeling far too sea sick and being by myself i didn't want to stay in the rough waters too long close to the breaking waves.

    At night tried jews at captain cook bridge using live yakkas and dead squid but nothing at all. lots of boats but noone was catching.

    2nd day of the comp. my dad came along with me to have a bit of fun. went to the bream spot again and caught a nice bream that weighted in at 798g. caught a few more smaller ones. turn of tide again took the old man for a troll to the north head using dead squid again. more prepared and having taken motion tablets we were onto our first king within 2min again. same spot as saturday. we caught about 6 but all under 63cm. taking turns in driving and catching. load of fun for a small powerful fish. all were thrown back to be caught another day. there were dophins up close to the rocks and around were we were catching the kings.

    Weighed in at 2. end of the weekend won the biggest bream. 2nd time in the two months of comp.

    i was interested in getting some fishraider stickers... who supplies them??

  9. headed out about 6 to botany bay. just after cooks bridge encounted schooling and birds diving. lots of boat around there fishing, two were spining. flicked my soft plastic jerk shad and picked up some taylor in the 40cm mark. threw few more times and came back with tale less plastics. so decieded to keep heading to my bream spot. over there used bait and picked up a few small breams, just undersize so threw back for us to catch when it grows.

    at about 12 decieded to go to the marker poles near captain cook. threw in some baits and waited. noticed so small bait splashing around me so i decieded to throw a sp to see whats chasing them. spined using 3inch white and grey minnow. third cast on. it came to surface and it was a big pike around 40cm. as i was bringing in i thought it may have been a small taylor. i threw it back in thinking it wasn't good eating and basically a dirty fish.... but later to my discovery heard that its great bait. oh well! :05:

    next cast after throwing the pike back im on again but to a slightly larger fish. caught a flathead for the first time on sp. decent size at 45cm. so happy catching a flatty for the first time on a sp. after few more flick caught another small pike.

    it was interesting to see that not much was happening with bait i threw in and had more success with the sp's. starting to really love them!!

    also question on the sp's they are selling called "SOFTIES" are they really more durable than the gulp range???

  10. went to new port yesterday at 10 in morning. zip all there! had a few nice bites but no hook ups. moved to narrabeen at about 2. stayed till 4 and caught a nice dinner plate bream, 34cm. other than that was a quiet day. awsome weather did manage to pick up a tan! i think that the water wasn't rough enough for the fish to be around the open water.

  11. One is not a bad effort :thumbup: Where abouts do you fish for jews in the hacking?Land based or boat (drifting or anchored)?

    just out side of yowie bay. we were anchored on the boat.

    nah sorry guys no pics.... didn't have the camera with me

  12. went yesterday avo with my uncle to the port hacking and to target jews. didn't have any live bait but we bought fresh squid. on the water at bout 5. At about the turn of the tide which was roughly 630ish line goes for a long zzzzzz then stops. uncle goes to strike and nothing. bring the line up and it was untouched.... evidence of a jew. 5min later same thing line goes for a long run then bait spat out. within 10min again same thing. about 8:00 lines goes for a run and strike!! brought up a small jew about 2-3kgs over 65cm. after that went quite and headed home at 9:30.

    i guess a lesson learnt is the importance of live bait for having a better chance with the three misses we had.

  13. good stuff man

    gotta love the ACPE mid semester break...

    shame its almost over

    all the best for the weekend!

    Ian ( from Res. & Analysis)

    hahaha..... how ya holidays? yea LOVE the semester break!!! just organised my prac for the end of the year!

  14. woah mate now thast somethign!! can i ask were you fishing off the boat or on the beach?? i cant imagine a big school of salmon right off the beach at yarra as i think its quite shallow...

    i was on the boat but im sure if someone tried on the beach they would def have caught a stray sambo

    :1badmood: I was a couple of days to early. I was keeping an eye out for any bird activity on Monday but not a single bit of action. Never mind maybe next time great report mate and well done. Some cracker Sambo's to.

    I notice you would have had a full tide and Barometric around 1017.


    mate i was out on monday as well!!! i was around the oil wharlf where birds were diving and had bait fish swim all around me but not one bit of action..... i couldn't believe it!! thought something preditorial may hit them! lots of action on the bay this week i reckon..... fish are out following the bait...... soon kings would be in i hope!! i'll be out saturday and sunday... im with my uncle in the botany fishing comp. anyone going?

  15. went early morning with a mate at botany bay at yarra bay looking for fresh squid to use for the hunt for kings. nothing! maybe im not jigging correctly so i need advice on the squid jigs. few hours later notice birds schooling and diving around the bay. decide to take a closer look and notice LOTS of action!!! throw in my 4inch plastic minows and hook up with big taylor. threw back and WACK my line is gone for a long run...... thinking either was a big taylor or a king..... finally bring it in and was about 3kg salmon. hunt was on!! havn't caught salmon this big on the northern beaches before. chased the school around yarra bay towards bare island cast after cast getting strike after strike hooking onto salmon or taylor. kept 10 salmon but would have easily caught over 20. havn't had this much fun in a long long time!!!! watching your line get slack after a big run then bang out of the water she goes and back down! loved it!! :1fishing1:


  16. Long casts into the current and work your sp back towards you using the current to keep it down

    I use 1.5gm squidgy finesse heads all the time in 30ft to 40ft of water in reasonable current

    Also when fishing deep look for eddies this is where a lot of bream will sit I like fishing the last couple of hours of the runout when fishing this way

    When fishing pilons in deep water I dont worry about the depth so much as the bream arent on the bottom but somewhere higher up An example of this is I have caught bream in those areas using 1/28oz HWS jigheads It can be a matter of trying different weights without going to heavy to find what depth the bream are at

    what are eddies??

  17. hey guys!

    on saturday i have a soccer game in wollongong so i've decieded i'll stay there and fish sat night until sunday. anyone know of good beaches for jews around there? i havn't fish at wollongong before but heard its good with the jews.


  18. You've had your first taste... Now the addiction sets in...

    Well done dude.

    The next stop - fly fishing :P



    your definatly right about the addictive part.

    but i think that you need to find the schools of bait on the sounder to have awsome success on sp's. unless to it can be very quiet.

  19. Atleast you had a fun day in the warm weather mate, thats the main thing. What do you mean by the old wharf? You talking about the oil wharf?

    oppss..... my bad spelling error. your right i ment oil wharf.

    we caught a 41cm bream near the hot water outlet and a heap load of trevs and yellowtail as well as tailor and were getting the tailor on metals.

    it was a good day for us. we also managed to get 2 flathead on soft plastics near botany ramp but were undersized and were thrown back

    well done on the day. were you there when the water ways came telling everyone to move 100m from the wharf??

  20. couldn't believe the amount of boats that were out on sunday! went early morning and hit the old wharf and caught plenty of taylor. those who were there would have seen the birds and taylor smashing the white bait. fun day using soft plastic catching taylor(40cm). ended up with 2 octopus and didn't keep any of the taylor. fun day as this weather is getting warmer. sorry no pics.

    tell me guys whats the reports on the bream in botany bay georges river? where they been catched?

  21. finally caught something on sp's!!!!!!!!! haha...

    went out on sunday morning to botany bay to the oil wharf and caught HEAPS of taylor. they were schooling chasing white bait, birds were diving. didn't even cast near the action as my sp was sinking BANG is on the run. taylor were in 40cm length. lost heaps of my 5'' pink and white minnows. they demolished the lures. came up with out tails. fun day with sp's!! sorry guys no pics

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