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Bruce the Postie

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Posts posted by Bruce the Postie

  1. G'day Fezza,

    Sounds like a fairly straight forward job mate,if you are at all handy give it a go yourself.

    I'm sure that you could get a couple of the c.coast raiders to give you some pointers and moral support if you asked them nicely.


    Bruce :beersmile:

  2. Now THAT is a respectably finished project.

    Looks great.


    Well it looks like the esky was built when the boat was originaly first made ,, definately got my stamp of approval job well done :beersmile: :beersmile: :beersmile: look good in there aswell

    cheers john

    Thanks for your comments guys,i'm over the moon with the way it turned out.And i'm pretty sure it makes the liquid refreshments taste even better!. :thumbup:


    Bruce :beersmile:

  3. It certainly looks the goods.

    Did you glue it down?

    and do you mind telling us the cost of it (per metre or sq metre)?

    G'day Shaune,

    It does look good does'nt it.

    Not glued down mate,but stuck down in strategic places with double sided lino tape(the good stuff used by the trade).And as for the price,i got it for $54 a sq metre,might sound a little bit expensive but when compared to quality marine carpet there is just no contest.


    Bruce :beersmile:

  4. G'day All,

    Had a very kind offer from one of my customers who used to be a carpet layer,he said he would give me a hand(read,do all the work while i watch) to lay the regupol matting in my boat.Well that day was today and i could'nt be happier with the results,a big thankyou to Bob.

    Here's a few pics of before and after.

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    Bruce :beersmile:

  5. Sorry to drag this old topic up again,but i have finally gotten around to deciding what to do with the lid for my esky.

    After toying around with all sorts of ideas,most of which involved a lot of cash and mucking around,i thought bugger it, i'll just buy a ready made one.So i did,and i'm glad,it looks neat,and works like a pisser.

    What do you reckon?

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    Bruce :beersmile:

  6. Yes there's plenty of flatties and whiting there atm BUT they'll be fished out by end of school holidays, anything that is caught is usually kept or killed or left to die on banks, sad but very true.

    Your right there Fezza! :ranting2:

    If only the fishies could turn the tables,i'd like to see that.


    Bruce :beersmile:

    P.S no offence intended towards the tourists,or anyone else.

  7. Niiiiice!!!!! Moving up there next FEB. how far off shore do you have to go????

    Not far mate,not far at all.

    Looks like you were on a good reef with a nice variety of fish there mate. Nanygai is one fish i haven't caught for a long time...years ago they were everywhere untill the seafood shops and fisherman worked out they are a top table fish filleted. I just wonder if that is one specie....it might need to be protected until the numbers grow.... what do you think. I have fished reefs plenty of times and found in the past when i burley up i seem to attract alot of pickers...like small sweep and matos.... as for snapper you are better of fishing just off the reefs into gravel grounds if you can find it in that area, don't get me wrong sometimes you can catch the odd snapper at the reefs. Cheers George.

    Yeah George,nannys used to be thick around our way too,but we still get a fair few of them ,sometimes they are bigger buggers 35cm plus.like this post-5510-080620900 1289618019_thumb.jpg

    Good onya Bruce that's a nice feed ya got there, have you ever tried mutton bird? LOL.. Top day out there buddy..

    G'day Ray,yeah ,turned out to be a great day weather wise and the fishing was allright aswell.

    Hav'nt tried mutton bird ,but my guess is that they probably taste like chicken :biggrin2:


    Bruce :beersmile:

  8. G'day All,

    Have not posted for a while,busy working and actually fishing,instead of just reading about other Raiders' exploits.So here goes.

    Took a couple of mates out off Terrigal on sunday morning to be greeted with a bit of fog ,no wind and very little swell,Yeehaa! says we,and promptly shot out to a spot that has been giving us a nice selection of fish over the last month or so.

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    Arived at our chosen area and decided to anchor up using our new anchoring system (worked like a pisser too).With the pick down,we tossed a bit of burley via our secret method and in what seemed like no time the screen of the sounder started to fill with arches and bait,everything going to plan so far.

    I had recently purchased some of those Lucanus type jigs and wanted to give them a bit of a go,so with baits down,and us full of great expectations i started to bounce this thing around and while staring out the back of the boat i noticed a couple of whales going off just out the back of Wambie beach,sorry no pics of the whales but they put on a spectacular showing of breaching and slapping and the like and we just stood there like dills wathing this go on for ages.

    Anyway,back to the fishing.During the course of the morning we accounted for a couple of feeds for our respective families with Mowies,Reds,Nannies and six spine jackets being the fare for the day.One of the six spines i got was a bloody whopper easily up there with the biggest of this species i have seen.

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    Oh, did i mention that the BLOODY mutton birds turned up and made a pest of themselves,well they did and did a bloody good job of it too!.

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    And as for those Lucanus type things,they caught six spines,sargeant bakers,butchers thingies,yakkas,rock cod sweep and nanygai but none of the promised snapper jews or kings as promised on the packet,oh well better luck next time eh!.

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    My share


    Bruce :beersmile:

  9. Regularly get 7 years plus out of my batteries,but it does seem that my cranking

    batteries always outlast my deep cycle house batteries.


    Bruce :beersmile:

  10. G'day Nanook,

    Your trips to Kanangra look like an escape to heaven on Earth,and your reporting and photography skills belong in the glossy magazines.

    Your kind offer to take another Raider along ,and immerse them in those wonderous surroundings,with some unforgetable fishing experiences sounds like an offer too good to refuse.Unfortunatly for me unless this package comes with a fly in fly out option,i will have to pass .

    Thanks for your kind invitation,and any time your are on the Central coast,give me a hoy and i'll take you out to sea for the day.


    Bruce :beersmile:

  11. Yeah - I can't believe there wasn't extra time & if not settled by then, sudden death! Whoever got the next point! I would have thought they'd have something like that 'just in case'! Apparently not!

    Mentally, some of them would be shot for another build-up next weekend!


    I don't watch the game either! Never been able to work out the rules!

    Rules?,what rules :074:


    Bruce :beersmile:

  12. G'day all,

    Took a mate out off Terrigal yesterday,for what turned out to be a fantastic day on the water.It was truly one of those days when fish were just a bonus,but what a bonus with fish seemingly wanting to commit suicide on our hooks throughout the day,leaving us with no choice but to deliver the last rites to numerous Snapper,Flatty's,Mowie's and even a couple of Samson fish.(as well as a plethora of very large specimens of the usual B.P's,Sargeant Bakers and other reef ooglies,but don't keep any of these).

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    Anyway,I took daughter no.1 down to the lake to feed the pelicans the leftovers after filleting,skinning,boning etc.and i was wondering what everyone else does with their leftovers when you already have plenty of burley and crab bait?

    Pics to follow shortly.

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    Bruce :beersmile:

  13. G'day Anthony,

    I'm a bit confused mate,your looking at a service provider in Carringbah,but yor profile says you are from the Central Coast.

    If you are from the coast,any of the local tackle shops should be able to see you right.


    Bruce :beersmile:

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