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Posts posted by arkedup

  1. Hi Guys

    the young bloke had me up at 5am this morning to go out to the reef, he loves to go out past the heads and the wide varitey of fish we catch out there

    It was a great morning the sun was just starting to rise over the water as we got out there, we were out near the tanker pictured in

    Ray R sunrise shot off Broken Bay

    Amoung a lot of wrasse we got a nice morwong , little red fish, trevally snapper ,a couple of sting rays and Kane got another big PJ shark that he was flat out reeling up to the boat

    The fish went off the bite about 10 am we stayed for another hour or so and a large pod of dolpins swam past us just to top the day off

    On the way home we stopped at little box for a few yakkas to throw in the freezer for the next trip It was a great day nothing better than fishing with the kid on weekend :thumbup:






    Dear Tech Support,

    This year I upgraded from Boyfriend 5.0 to Husband 1.0 and noticed a

    distinct slow down in overall system performance, particularly in the

    flower and jewelry applications, which operated flawlessly under

    Boyfriend 5.0.

    In addition, Husband 1.0 uninstalled many other valuable programs,

    such as

    · Romance 9.5 and

    · Personal Attention 6.5, and then installed undesirable

    programs such as

    · NRL 5.0,

    · AFL 3.0 and

    · Fisherman 4.1.

    Conversation 8.0 no longer runs, and Housecleaning 2.6 simply crashes

    the system.

    · Please note that I have tried running Nagging 5.3 to fix

    these problems, but to no avail.

    What can I do?




    First, keep in mind,

    · Boyfriend 5.0 is an Entertainment Package, while

    · Husband 1.0 is an operating system.

    Please enter command: ithoughtyoulovedme.html and try to download

    Tears 6.2 and do not forget to install the Guilt 3.0 update.

    · If that application works as designed, Husband1.0 should

    then automatically run the applications Jewelry 2.0 and Flowers 3.5.

    However, remember, overuse of the above application can cause Husband

    1.0 to default to Grumpy Silence 2.5, Happy Hour 7.0 or Beer 6.1.

    · Please note that Beer 6. 1 is a very bad program that will

    download the Farting and Snoring Loudly Beta.

    Whatever you do, DO NOT under any circumstances install Mother-In-Law

    1.0 (it runs a virus in the background that will eventually seize

    control of all your system resources.)

    In addition, please do not attempt to reinstall the Boyfriend 5.0

    program.These are unsupported applications and will crash Husband 1.0.

    In summary, Husband 1.0 is a great program, but it does have limited

    memory and cannot learn new applications quickly. You might consider

    buying additional software to improve memory and performance. We


    · Cooking 3.0 and

    · Hot Lingerie 7.7.

    Good Luck!

    Tech Support

  3. Hi everybody

    our Aussie wheelchair rugby and basketball teams are playing again tonight you can see it on ABC2 (22 on most settop boxes)it is great TV :thumbup: If you havent seen it yet belive me its worth watching

    Most of the rounds and semifinals have been played ,the remaining games are for medals so the Aussies are going hard!


  4. Hi mate

    I use Etrade for arround $30 a trade it is very easy to use and lots of tips info available on it

    I have a mate that uses commsec and his trades are slightly cheaper but he dosnt get the same amount of info and tips that Etrade provides

    In my opinion both are good platforms and eazy to use

    However I would be very careful what I invested in over the next 12 to 24 months and never margin lend !

    Just my opinion


  5. Hi Arman

    I think 1 of these would do the trick just make a base to fit your rod holder

    The top ajusts for pan and tilt

    $5 plus post if you want 1 let me know



  6. Hi everyone

    I thought you would get a laugh out of this!

    My :wife: who hates fishing decided that she would take little arked for a fish this morning down to Ettalong

    The car park had filled up with sand so she got the car bogged but managed to get it out with some help from a passer by

    They had just started to fish when some bloke a few sambos short of a picnic comes wandering up the beach naked and starts to talk to them,she manages to get rid of him and decides that she should call the coppers to come to get him as there were other kids playing futher up the beach

    The cops arrive and start to drive up the beach after him where they got bogged and then they call the fire brigade to come to help dig them out

    Meanwhile nude man casually stolled off into the distance

    If I didnt see the pic I too would have found this hard to belive

    In the pic you can see the firemen digging the female driven paddy van out

    Oh yer they didnt get any fish either



  7. Crikey! - did you guys go out fishing or go out for dinner? :074:

    Sounds like you stayed at the local Bed & Breakfast - bacon, eggs, sausages - what more? :1yikes:

    I think the added burley from the boats' head probably brought on the rubbish fish. :05:

    What would you put it down to Grant? :biggrin2:

    Too cold maybe? :wacko:

    Hi Mariner,

    mate it was better than some of the bed and breakfasts I have stayed in with all the comforts of home. Byron neglected to mention the ## odd beers the boys put down over the trip.

    The head definatly added to the burley trail whether it helped or hindered us I couldn`t say. :wacko: The eels catfish rays and sharks are the usual critters that are pulled up on a night fish in the Hawkesbury and every now and then there is a jew in amongst them unfortunatly it wasnt to be on the weekend.

    The great company , commeradery and laughs that comes with 6 blokes on a boat more than made up for the lack of jew :thumbup:

    The night although cold was suprisingly warmer than I had expected ,the cloud cover and only a slight breeze helped to keep the temp up a bit

    The only bad part of the trip was being the last to bed and trying to get to sleep with sound of 5 blokes snoring :tease:

    A big THANK YOU to Ian for a great trip


  8. P.S. A BIG thank you goes to Arked who was kind enough to take me out with his deaf son and showed me some nice spots and tackles used. Great company, beautiful sunny day and a sweet ride! Not many bites but managed to score a nice bream! Certainly learnt a few things on the day from Arked - thanks for being a champ, it was a great day! :thumbup:

    Hi Tim

    It was a pleasure to have you aboard with us and you are welcome to come anytime. Kane enjoyed having you to sign with , he can talk like a thrashing machine but he said that it was great to have someone that could sign too!!! :thumbup:

    Shame we couldnt get the fish to come to the party but thats the way it goes

    I hope you enjoyed your bream and the treva for tea and that those yakkas can help you to catch another meal or 2

    If you want to call in to go over rigs or knots just let me know


  9. Hi,

    Could anyone plz guide me to how to catch tailor as a bait for jewie and where to look for nippers as well?!?

    I'm fairly new to central coast and don't have a boat so any tips regarding land based fishing especially lure fishing will be much appreciated!!



    Hi Saad

    if u had a boat I could put you to some good spots but with no boat all I can do is suggest you try these spots

    for nippers try the sand flats on low tide at empire bay , hardys bay ettalong or st huberts island go for a drive to these spots at low tide and look for guys pumping

    for tailor burley up with bread and a small amount of tuna oil soaked into the bread at wagstaff jetty ettalong or half tide rocks if u dont mind a walk


  10. Hi Mariner

    It made me jump and I thought it was a bit much to show little arked then Byron comes up for a few days and tells little arked that its a game and if he wins he will get a rod and reel so he hassels me to give him a go , against my better judgement I gave him a turn

    what a mistake he got to the point where the face came up sat there shell shocked for about 5 seconds then ran out screaming and crying grabbed his mother and wouldnt let go

    When he calmed down asked me to tell you that it was the best scare anyone has ever done to him

    now anyone that comes over he want to try to scare them with it too



  11. Hi Yarraone

    wow that s a long trip for a fish all the way from Bathurst.Good to see you made it worthwhile with some nice table fish to take home with you :thumbup: The port jacksons seem to be everywhere down near lion island at the momment we got our share of them too on our last trip out there anoying things they are


  12. Hi everybody

    I had planned a day out with Jewgaffer and a mate down from Port Macquarrie for today but due to car trouble Jewgaffer was unable to make it. The water has really cooled off over the last week or two and it is getting cold in the morning when I have to jump in to get the boat off the mooring luckily my good mate Doug did what only a good mate would do and offered to jump in to get the boat WE had planned on trying to get some sqid on the way but due to a late start we opted to grab some frozen ones out of the freezer instead anyway headed down to the usual spot to find the trawlers had left

    Every year at this time 2 trawlers sit and wait for the mullet to swin back out of BrisbaneWaters to sea They wait in a small cove near Box Head and as the Mullet leave they net them by the boat load This is the sign to me that the season is nearly over once again unfortunatly

    When the mullet leave the larger yakkas seem to move out to the reefs with them and the action drops right off

    Things started off slow with only 4 40cm soapies and lots of undersize tailor 3 of the 4 soapies that we threw back seemed to swim away however 1 that wasnt looking real healthy and floating on the surface a sea eagale noticed and made several passed over it looking at us and the floating soapy we thought he was going to get it but he evenualy shyed away

    then my mate caught a 50cm flatty not long after I got a decent tailor that had been bitten by a shark on the way to the boat we both caught several Port Jackson sharks upto about 2 1/2 foot aswell

    At this stage things werent looking real good for tea when my mate yells "I got a good 1 on" the rod was bending and the drag screaming I thought maybe it was the jewy I had been trying to catch all season but as he got it closer to the boat we saw it was a little hammerhead about 3 foot long he was hooked in the corner of his mouth and we got the hook out pretty easily and put him back into the water

    After so many sharks it was time to move down the hawksberry we went to Juno Point where I got

    another good size tailor and shovel nose shark then things went very quiet only a few pickers so

    we called it a day and headed home It was a great day out on the water and quite warm sheltered in at Juno


  13. Hi Humsey

    shame about the lack of fish and there is nothing worse than winding in to see it was the knot that you tied that gave way. I know the feeling!

    1o points to the pair of you for braving the poor weather conditions

    once the jewgaffer is out on the water he`d stay out there till the cows come home !

    anyway good report and good luck to you both for next time


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