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Posts posted by cupster

  1. Just like to wish...



    Twin1 & Lumpookey

    Two of the nicest guys you could meet!

    Have a great day fellas and enjoy your week off :biggrin2:

    ..lucks gotta change soon guys and i recon you're in for a good chance this week!

    Also like to wish:

    smoothaz & the sweeney


    Nothin better than having a birthday on a saturday :beersmile::beersmile::beersmile:

  2. Hi fisho 1990,I've sometimes seen green tree snakes [or maybe pythons?] swimming across the hawkesbury river...always stopped to have a better look, smaller ones have such a brilliant almost metallic colour. Never seen one as big as that though.


  3. Reminded me of the show beyond 2000... What ever happened to all these "beyond 2000" ideas anyway.

    I remember back in the 80's it was called "towards 2000"...be interesting to see some of those old shows from todays perspective.

  4. Here I am thinking that life begins at 40 & you're telling me it's all over! :074:




    Hi Grant, have you joined any funeral funds?.....they recon 40 is a good age to start. :biggrin2:

    Seriously though it ain't as bad as i thought. I hit the big 4-0 a few weeks ago and i can honestly say i haven't felt better! [touch wood]

    Have a good one :yahoo:

  5. Just heard about this boat on the radio..it's noted for being the first boat [or fastest..not sure which] to circumnavigate the world using bio-fuel...animal fat to be precise,and also some "donated human fat"!

  6. Hi,

    Mate dont trow back any gummy sharks.

    They are the only ones i eat. Others like small whalers are OK to eat as well.


    Yep..gummies and small [bronze] whalers.

    Went fishing a few times with some Tongan friends of mine who fished exclusively for them. they would finish them off with a baseball bat which always made a bit of a mess. If you plan on gaffing a whaler make sure it is sharp as their skin is tougher than scaled fishes and they tend to object to being gaffed. They will also thrash around on the floor of the boat which can be dangerous [hence the bat].

    Best thing about small shark is they pack a lot of meat for their size & they have no bones [just cartilage]

  7. Well folks, the new years just a few days old and already the company that i work for has been busily shipping out truckloads of easter eggs to the major dept stores.

    happy easter raiders !!! :wacko:

  8. Hi chris,closest spot from brooklyn that i know of would have to be gunyah.you can get yakkas from there but is more reliable for chopper tailor which[though not as hardy] also make a decent live or butterfly bait.


    I prefer to burley with [stale] white bread and fish with a light handline with no.12 longshank and smallest of splitshot.I stay in reasonably close to shore where there's no current and don't fish [*the bait*] deeper than 3-4 meters.

    *Always worth throwing your first livie out with a single hook through the mouth while there,aim toward s/e end of gunyah beach and get it out far enough to hit sand.

    If however you don't mind travelling then i'd go with "flattyfans" preferred 2nd spot which is west head.

  9. I'm off fishing the beach tonight. The water's a little flat but I have beer and a beautiful sunset to look forward to and some good company to boot.. Fish can come or not.

    Mate, that sounds like a great way to finish the day :thumbup:

    I got a nintentdo DS with some brain training games. [could be a hint]

    Also some cash which i'll convert into fishing tackle.

    Can't say what my other pressie is but i'll be opening it tonight. :yahoo:

    Best wishes everyone!!

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