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Posts posted by monch

  1. Thanks for the replies guys, appreciate it.

    Any more opinions from people before i decide on a purchase?

    The vibe i'm getting here is that maybe i should just stick to 2 separate outfits, 1 for bait, 1 for lures. I guess i'll just have to fork out some more money instead of trying to combine the two :(

  2. Hi, A guy a my fishing club just caught the new Australian record for the Tasselsnout. They are rare but are around.

    Hmm... does not look quite as exotic as the one in the post above, but maybe all the plant growth looking stuff died when the fish did.

    How big is that one by the way? can't see the ruler clearly in the pic, but i'm guessing they don't get very big... although, it looks fat for its length.

  3. I would like to consult the brain-trust that is the fishraider community and ask for some advice on what gear to buy.

    I have been thinking about purchasing an outfit for landbased fishing, was initially thinking that it should be used for both baiting and some lure work, primarily for chasing some smaller kings/jews or small pelagics. I was thinking of a 7-8ft, 4-7kg flick stick and 4000 sized reel with some 15lb braid, am i on the right track?

    For some bigger soft plastic work i think this setup would be ideal but if i wanted to set some dead or even small live baits i'm not sure if it would be appropriate. I was thinking of up-sizing to a 5-8kg rod which might give some more grunt for baiting but i'm guessing that would hinder my ability to cast soft plastics and lures.


    I've pretty much set my sights on a Shimano Symetre 4000 for the reel as it has a good retrieve per crank of 94cm so i can get metal lures zipping fast enough. However, i am open to suggestions for a similar reel in the same price bracket of <$170.

    Rod: (Has to be 2 piece)

    I was thinking of a Shimano Rack raider, in particular the Snapper Lt 732 which is rated 4-7kg with casting weight of 7-21g.

    Was also thinking about the Rack raider Snapper 762 rated 5-8kg, casting weight 15-45g. This rod has more grunt and i was thinking it might be better suited to baiting than the 4-7kg one but it has such a heavy casting weight which i think will make casting 1/8oz (3.5g) and 1/4oz (7g) jigheads more difficult. It might not have as much finesse either.

    What do you guys think?

    I also stumbled across a Team Daiwa Tierra rod (TDTR 702MHFS) which is rated 8-17lb, casting weight ¼-1oz (7g-28g) for around $150. Has anyone used one before? The guy in the tackle shop recommended it over the rack raiders because he has seen quite a few broken rack raiders. Has anyone else experienced this?

    Any other recommendations for <$180 spinning rods?

  4. I think the popularity of the fish pie thread is mainly due to the words "jamie oliver" being in the topic title. Google is able to find the topic here when someone on the net decides to search for jamie oliver and thus they get redirected to this website and hence the large number of 'guests' looking at that thread.

  5. I have had a think about jewgaffer's remarks about facing the hooks together but i can't figure out a way that would work. If we work off peterS' diagram, if for instance the fish gets hooked only on the hook on the right, how do you set the hooks on the fish? and even if you manage that.... how do u fight the fish without the hook dislodging itself? Since the hook point is facing the opposite direction that you are pulling with the mainline, you only have a tiny piece of metal that is the hook barb holding onto the fish. :wacko:

  6. Congrats on the 12 pounder and holy jew... 12 landed and 8 lost! how many do you want to catch!?

    Another highly successful report, you have certainly got some pattern figured out...

    Hmm...maybe its because no-one else will be daring enough to brave the icy weather these days... poses one heck of a dilemma.... to fish and turn into a snowman or stay in a lovely warm house with hot chocolate in hand..

    Either way, i'm sure a lot of raiders will be jealous of your success, i know i am :wacko:

  7. An update guys.

    I still have recieved no phonecall regarding the kit.

    I went down today to see that the note i left is still there in its little plastic sleeve untouched.

    I just cant believe someone would leave a kit that clearly would have cost a few hundred dollars there without noticing...

    Maybe they were pulled out to sea by a massive bream!?!

    If it was a kit with some decent lures in there that would indicate a dedicated fisho and i doubt such a person would not realise they had lost their prized gear. Maybe they couldn't be bothered going back to check and assumed that it was long gone already? Who knows.... :s

    A good effort on your behalf nonetheless

  8. Ahhh it was tarwhine... was thinking that :P

    I would be going out to fish more often were it not for looming final exams for uni....

    Lots of good information there jewgaffer, always good to read your posts. Thanks a lot and i will keep the info in mind :)

  9. Big Yakkas always go home at my house for sashimi... haven't found any big yakkas up this way yet though... only the perfect bait size ones.

    El primo table fish raw with soy and wasabe.

    Cheers, Slinky

    Slinky, how do u manage bait size yakkas, i have never seen or gotten one less than 15cm ><

    I always get the 20cm+ models which are way too big for my live-baiting uses so i bring them home. They taste alright... the family loves them though.

  10. Well written report klainz and I find that the details are not extraneous at all, good work :)

    My point was that if we wanted we could have found the relevant moon, atmospheric pressure, tide, etc from info available on this website.

    I myself prefer the extra details in a report so that i can learn from the experience of other people. Isn't it more convenient to have the poster collect and include in their reports the moon phase, atmospheric pressure, temperature etc. what are you complaining about?

    It does not hurt to have a few extra sentences of detailed information in reports, (apart from the poster who may be revealing "secrets") and i am sure most people on this forum will agree. It takes a bit of effort to note all of the details and write a good report, a bit of appreciation is warranted.

    If you don't wanna read all the extra details, just skip them and look at the pictures. I cannot get enough of these details and would prefer one of these reports to one which lacks any substance and merely consists of "i caught so many fish today".

    I will be taking note of your future reports klainz, ty for sharing your experiences.

  11. Sounds like a good session, congrats.

    Pretty good effort, 4 bronzies caught in a night. Wouldn't want to be swimming at that beach at dawn or dusk.

    A stupid question but what does shark taste like?

    Ever had fish and chips?

    That flaky fish is most likely a shark of some sort if its not specifically named to be snapper or bream etc

  12. Is that at kurnell groynes? Wow that's a nice bag! I'm still waiting to catch a legal trevally :wacko:

    Must start fishing there more often. Last time i went and flicked plastics there i got zilch, then a small family turns up with kids and all, drops a handline with float right next to the groyne and got a stonker bream ><... so jealous.

  13. Good idea in theory but like the other suggestion about people adding weather conditions and other stats in their reports, hasn't seemed to stick. There was some initial interest but not sure if people forgot about it or just can't be bothered cooperating. Its a good idea but kind of hard to implement. Also, you have to take into account other factors which may coincide with those pressure changes and thus give you incorrect conclusions.

    I always try to include (what i deem to be) important details in my reports, but due to my low success rate, its not of much help. Still i will continue to do so and will try to remember to include barometric pressure in my reports. Now i just have to hope to get some successful reports :P

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