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Everything posted by heavy

  1. thats what i want to see!!! JEWIES FOR ALL
  2. nice catch!!! the tides were great over the weekend..
  4. Want an effort!!! great day to be out!!
  5. top stuff!!! We WAnt MORE!!!
  7. must of been a good fight!!!,, more hours in the water more KINGIES!!! p.s must also have the bait to go with it!! great little session...
  8. excellant catch!!!! i have caught one there as well around 85cm.. great effort.. lunch as yours this weekend!!!!
  9. it was easy as that hay!!!! should be out more offen
  10. Mate,, dont worry,,,, its happen to me many many times.. Smart fish they are.. i hear the bridges are going well,,, next time!!!
  11. excellant!!! i find it hard to leave my comfort zone!!!
  12. must of been a FAB day-- well done!!!!
  13. Hi raiders, another raider Ali called me yeaterday afternoon saying how of a day he had at work, inwhich i had as well..We sugguested that we needed to have a stress free nite and went out into the bay.. We hit the water around 6pm and headed to our spot.. All looking good, with 5 roods out,, BINGO!!!!! After a good fight for 10min we landed this approx 12-15kg JEWFISH,, This Jewie took me for a ride around the boat 3 times,, how lucky that Ali had pulled up the anchor and also the motor.. In a space of 3 hours we caught 3 kingies ,2 flatties and a Jew!!! We are now--Stress FREE!!! looks light we might be out again 2nite
  14. Thats Right,, leave the catching to me and the report to MrG (ali),, the tides factor may sometimes play a role, but it the fresh bait that gets them,,We have a white boat,, maybe this Sunday at 12pm we will be heading abck out, While the is asleep.. Stumpy you can PM either one of us to join us.. Anyone is welcome.. P.s Bring the Beers..
  15. Dear Raiders, myself and another Raider friend Ali went out on Sunday to the hawkesbury on Sunday lunch time,, With the wind--not helping we headded inland for cover.. With in 15 mins landed a nice 97cm Flattie,, With in the next 20 min both the 6500b reels started Singing at the same time ,, IT WAS ON!!! they loved the live squid,, in total we landed 5 good size jews,, So one each was enough!!! We had also been BUSTED!!! 4 times during the day,, all reels with 35-40pound line,,, We both think these ones are around the 8kg-10kg,
  16. heavy

    Botany Bay

    near the 3rd run way..
  17. heavy

    Botany Bay

    hi there, wally's walf is close-- just after sunset-- make sure you have your boat close by.. the jewzz love it!! fresher they are, the quicker they bite.... good luck
  18. Raiders, i have been having very good luck with the jewfish in the past 3-5 weeks in Botany Bay,, each week they are getting bigger and bigger,, Last week friend and i hooked up 3 in total. 3-5kg, all caught on fresh squid which we caught the night before.. best time was around midnight,, full moon was out, so that might of help. ill be out in force again to hook up more this weekend.
  19. heavy


    dear all, here are some jewfish that i have caught in the last 2-3 weeks out in Botany Bay more to come!!!
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