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The Iceman

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Posts posted by The Iceman

  1. G'day Joh.

    I have a backpack style bag which I don't think I could do without nowadays. It's a "No Limits" tackle backpack.

    I do all my fishing land based, including a lot of wading, so a back pack style bag was a must. I also had a major problem with my previous bag because it only held tackle boxes side on rather than flat, so I'd end up with hooks sliding through into the next compartment and so on.

    The backpack I have comes with five tackle boxes in a compartment at the bottom, where they sit flat on top of each other, so no problems there, although I never carry all five boxes at once. There's three zip up sections in the top part of the bag, two big and one small. There are also some small compartments on the sides of the bag, including the all important stubbie/drink holder!

    It's got nice padded should straps which you can do up around the front of you as well, and two zippered pocket sections in the straps.

    I looked at a lot of tackle bags before deciding on this one as it has everything I needed. I've had it for about 7 months now and it's been great in all situations whether wading the flats, up the beach, or rock hopping.

    I'll try to post some pics of it tonight so you can see what I mean. :biggrin2:



    Thats exactly the backpack I want after seeing Hookys which is the same Does anyone know where I can get one?

  2. Nice feed there Takes me back to growing up in Gladstone QLD which is claimed to be the mudcrab capital of the world Made a lot of money selling muddies in pubs when I was a kid

    A hint on finding muddies for you guys is place your traps at the mouths of drains on mudflats that have mangroves at low tide when the tide is starting to rise check them every hour and move them further up as the tide comes in :thumbup:

  3. I use it for blackfish because it floats but the light 4lb and 6lb can stick to light floats on heavier floats the weight of the sinker pulls it through to the stopper so I use 10lb on my luderick rod You do have to take it easy fighting the fish so you dont pull the hook out of there mouth

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