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  1. Not really too sure about those areas as ive only ever fished the hawkesbury on the north side, and that was by boat, and a couple of times near brooklyn, but they were nothing to brag about. Only tips i can give, that ive discovered over the last few months having taken up fishing again is... If using bait, make sure its fresh. Burley helps. Smaller hooks are better than larger hooks, and make sure they're sharp and that you dont have too much bait on the hook. Light line is a must, the chances of catching 10kg shore based are very small, so there is no need to go for heavy line. Start to think about tides, if your not writing it down, take mental note of what time of day the fish are biting at a certain spot, and what the tide is like, moon, wind speed and direction, etc. If you're going to areas where there are other fishermen, take note of what they're doing. If you're fishing at night, dont leave your torch on all the time. Thats all i got at the moment, that and don't give up. I went through about half a year of catching next to nothing until i started to fish with my head. Everytime i go out fishing with mates, i end up catching more than them. They think its all about luck, which to an extent is true, the fish has to be there when you are. But if you do the other things right, you increase your chances of a catch by heaps.
  2. I havent caught a blackfish in 10-15 years, used to go with my dad, but we used bread, used to get em in the little stream near barton park, rockdale. Thinking of heading down to the georges this weekend, havent been fishing for about 2 months and im itching now. Quick question, what sort of weed should i be using, and are there any spots recommended to find weed? edit: just saw a great thread, thanks Roberta, questions answered.
  3. Great fish there. I hope to catch my first soon, hope it looks something like that.
  4. Thanks. A couple more would have been perfect but the wind was making it really unpleasant so we had to pack it up.
  5. There's something about my dad, i dont quite know what it is. I tie the hooks and sinkers, I cast the rod, but as soon as i hand it to him to do something, he's on. Every time we go out it happens. Its like he has some sort of fish luring lucky charm. I cant seem to catch anything to take home unless he comes along, and when he does come along, he always seems to catch something decent. Anyway, i came home from work this afternoon and my mum had cooked up last weekends catch. We were loving the bream, so we decided to go back for more. Team Jabroni loaded up the car and were on our way to Kurnell. With my dad getting older, i knew we wouldnt last long with the wind in our backs. Within an hour we'd unloaded, set up, and caught these two, as usual, dad got the bigger one, but atleast i got 1. With our backs stiff, fingers cold, and a fish each, we headed home.
  6. Hire a boat from como tomorrow morning with a few mates, should be fun
  7. I gutted my first fish a few weeks ago (bream), my dad usually does it, and yeah, had a bit of fat. They were caught in the georges river.
  8. Great read there JG and great pic aswell, i think i might try some of that stuff out myself, i've never caught a jew. The guy at my local tackle shop (kogarah) was telling me about a Georges River Jew legend called Julius, cant remember how many hes caught in a year but i think it worked out to be more than 1 a day. And theres some graffitti near Como about the said Julius. I'm guessing its the same Julius?
  9. I havent had much luck there for a while, but it does seem to be firing. Came home with 2 flatties and 3 bream, close to the bidge, on the 28th Jan. Last time i went there, about 6 weeks before, got absolutely nothing. I think the warmer water must have something to do with it. I also cam up with a theory that the fish are probably hungrier when its raining as there are no fisherman going around losing their bait. But then that would assume that fisherman are the fishes main food source, which isnt quite true.
  10. Finising the garden off saturday morning and hopefully make it out by high tide, wanna try a new spot out on the gearges river.
  11. Thanks for that, might go out this weekend with my dad, he hasnt been fishing for a while, had a crook knee. I think i might need to throw out some of my tackle, the box is getting a bit woofy and the hooks dont look the sharpest.
  12. Hi all, Its my first post, been reading the posts for a while, love the pics of the great fish you all catch. I've been fishing fairly regularly for the last year, hadnt touched anything since the last time i went fishing with my dad before that. I go about once a week in better weather. Over the last year i've caught 1 keeper, a nice bream on the hawkesbury. I've caught heaps of fish but all tiny and it really irritates me when i come home empty handed yet again and my dad gives it to me. I dont own a boat but am considering getting 1 early next year so ive only been doing shore based/jetty fishing, mainly around the shire and st george - Como, Woronora, Lilli Pilli, Lugarno, etc. Does anyone have any tips for what i could be doing better, or should i be looking at getting a boat if i want to catch anything decent. Ive tried a variety of baits, prawns, different worms, squid, mullet, chicken, but havent really gotten into the SPs as im not too sure how to use em, ie, how big a sinker to use. I go to the places i used to go to with my dad, where we used to catch good fish all the time, but they all seem to be fished out or only contain little fish.
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