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Posts posted by moover

  1. Thanks guys,

    1. I can’t get the fuel tanks out of the boat so I drained them the best as I could (still a tiny amount in the tank)

    2. Filled them up with some fresh diesel and added some Diesel Power form Chemtech…..

    3. Changed all the filters and bleed all the fuel lines, got it up and running. After about 25 minuets the motor just died…… the motor started (Just) so we limped back to the mooring. The next day I got 2 new filters and fitted them, took it for a good long run…. No problems so far (but I will replace the filters again very soon……!!! (just to be sure)

    well you guys were spot on

    So if you thank you have algae and bacteria in your diesel fuel (diesel fuel bugs) just be warned…..!!!! Have plenty of new filters available.

    The best way to do it is to take the fuel thanks out and clean them with kerosene put them back in fill them full and add some diesel fuel additive that contains (Biocide) Biocide kills algae and bacteria in diesel fuel tanks and fuel lines, It helps to prevent it happing again. Always try and keep your tanks full.

    BTW this is only for diesel fuel….


  2. What is the best diesel fuel additive ?????

    I want one that gets rid of diesel fuel bugs. It has to have biocide. Biocide kills algae and bacteria in diesel fuel tanks and lines.

    I have been told that Fuel Treat is the best diesel fuel additive, but its hard to get.

    Anyone use any other diesel fuel additive.????

  3. Great sesh ceph.

    I have been skimming stones with the missus, and have been unable to throw a line in.

    although the boys took my boat out, and got into a few decent kings up to 85cm at a very poular local spot.

    you may want to give the main harbour a go again.

    well done anyway mate


    Arch, Now that your playing Football for Loko Cove FC you wont have time to go fishing at all ????

    Has Tim got a shot of the 85cm KING???

  4. Hi guys,

    Can you please add Moover and son to the kingie social.

    (this is going to be interesting because we have NEVER caught a kingie before.)

    One question, you must register before you commence fishing. My boat is moored at Watson Bay, where can we register before going fishing.????

    cheers - Bob

    Anyone at Rose Bay wharf doing rego’s, at about 7.30 to 8.00 ish….????

    or do you have to register at Clffton Gardens.

    - Bob

  5. Hi guys,

    Can you please add Moover and son to the kingie social.

    (this is going to be interesting because we have NEVER caught a kingie before.)

    One question, you must register before you commence fishing. My boat is moored at Watson Bay, where can we register before going fishing.????

    cheers - Bob

  6. Hi guys, (yes another newbie) :tease:

    I went out on Sydney harbour 12-01-08 (with the wife and kids so not much fishing done) but still managed to get three 30cm bream (one bream thought it would be a good idea to chew his way out of the keep-net a very lucky bream :ranting2: ). Cooked them on the boat, beautiful eating fish. :thumbup:


    The talk about the harbour is that the kingies are travelling around the boat moorings jetty’s and wharfs from Watson Bay to Rose Bay, some people are not travelling around looking for them but sitting on there moorings and berleying up, i will have a go at this next week.

    I have also got some good sized flatheads and flounder on the drift at Little Manley. :thumbup:

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