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Posts posted by bmar560

  1. I have broken my "Shimano Only" rule and picked up a Morethan Branzino.

    Apart from the powder coated bail arm ( :thumbdown: ), this reel is very nice. Lets see how it holds up against some masked bandits this weekend!!! :1prop:

    The supplier (Japanese outlet) told me that Daiwa probably won't run them again so, if you were thinking about getting one, you may want to act quickly. :biggrin2: I am unsure if this is true therefore, you may want to do your own research.

    They're excellent reels mate !

    You won't be going back to shimanos after that.

  2. Yeah its going really well added a new bilge and a stronger livebait pump. Goes real quick to.

    I've seen dilligaffer on a couple of boats. wats it mean?

    Good to hear that you're looking after her :thumbup:

    she does pretty quick on full throttle just be careful of those wakes, or you might find yourself airborne :1yikes:

    She's got a 40HP Yammie 2 stroke Phil.

  3. Its a shame a great fish like that get's put up by someone who wants to show us what he caught but wont tell

    anyone nothing at all.

    Its not that hard to tell a few people what sort of tackle & live bait it takes to land a solid fish like that.

    Im sure they wont go out & take all the fish from your favourite spot!!


    Hey Nexus go easy on the new guy will ya...

    He might not be online since he posted it, and there's no reason why he should tell everyone.

  4. I think the right technique is whatever works sometimes just letting the plastic sit there works.

    I do have to add that proper presentation when rigging up the SP is very important i.e making sure that it's swimming straight, not spinning around when winded in, etc....

  5. Haha Tony,

    I've taught my gf to clean a fish last week and now she catch them bleed and clean them all by herself.

    Leatherjackets are good eating but they are annoying when they chomp down your live squid.

  6. Good going Jorg and Mike !!

    Apparently they grow up to 15lbs in the a shop check out youtube and search for peacock bass, and they do an amazing aerial display too. Wish our bream can grow that big...

  7. She was enjoying every moment of it Iceman :thumbup:

    she got sore arms and her heart pumping from all the adrenaline rush

    Ali, I'll be there Friday weather permitting..

    the Branzino is still locked away in my cupboard Matty... I'm not letting her catch a fish on it before I do :biggrin2:

    Squido, I got 12lbs on the rod I was using.. I might have to upgrade her whole outfit or do a swappy with me since she's getting all the hookups :biggrin2:

  8. went down to our usual landbased spot this morning with the girlfriend for a pre-work session.

    started by jigging a few frogmouth pillies for bait.

    The day started quite slow, my girlfriend got pulled around by a decent trevally and I think I got done by a trevally too. all went towards the pylons :ranting2:

    At about 6.45am something tapped on her bait and the thing took off !!! and kept on taking off peeling the 4lb fireline right down to the backing, her drag was already tight and I've upgraded the drag on the stradic to carbontex. Unbelievable !! whatever it was, it was something decent.

    I managed to land a small trevally model about 30cm+ and she lost a few trevallies later on, she definitely get more hookups than me :wacko: I'll have to upgrade her rod and reel I think hehe

    looks like I have to come back with a Tiagra next time around :beersmile:

    here's a footage of the fish taking off, watch the line turning from pink fireline to mono.

  9. I got the reel back from Daiwa.

    Just less than 2 weeks... free of charge. and they even ship it over to my work place.

    How good is that... !!!

    Thanks for the excellent service Daiwa !! :thumbup::thumbup:

    injay the repair dude I was dealing with was Raef Johnson, top customer service, he actually replies to your email.

  10. Hi All,

    Thought I might ask the question here.

    I've been looking around for a spin rod 7' as a preferable length with line ratings of 15-20lbs. it'll be used for spinning kings in the harbour or landbased. will be used on a 3000 size reel.

    I've had a look at 3 of these rods:

    - daiwa saltwater rods: nice price, components but hate the colour on it

    - g loomis pro blue saltwater: nice blank but poor workmanship and components for the money

    - nitro viper: alright rods but not my cup of tea.

    What others would you recommend ?

    had a look at majorcraft off blow.. pity that they don't sell these rods here. with that price and components it would be a big hit in australia.

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