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Posts posted by Kiwi

  1. Hi,

    For outside fishing I always towed the boat to Narooma. I launched to the right behind the servo once over the bridge also the one closer to the bar on the left hand side.

    No problem launching and just had the bar to cross.

    This gave me good access to Montague-kings going off now, and livies just outside to the right, or run up the coast to Potato Point.

    If too rough outside there is a stack of good fishing options inside Tuross and also the Narooma


    Cheers Rowan

  2. I used to run an 19' old savage with a 140 yammy on it. I would head to the shelf from Swansea and Port Stephens.

    With an 80 litre under floor tank I would also take 3x25 litre contianers and 3x20 litre drums. I would not use it but I was happy that I always had enough fuel to return with plenty spare for the murphy factor. Don't forget spare oil.

    I also carried a length of fuel line just in case.

    Cheers Rowan

  3. I don't wish to be a knocker but maybe if you described or posted a photo of your boat, then there would be a higher chance

    of reccomending yes or no and advice to going to Browns.

    Like saying would a 4wheel drive make it around the top of the outback. Yes if it is built to certain requirements and has certain modifications.

    You need to be able to withstand a certain amount of bugger factor, as in bugger I didn't plan for that. But was prepared for it.

    Sudden wind change in direction and strength. Running against the sea can use a higher proportion of fuel compared to cruising back at 25 knots.

    Safety gear and back ups with charts for the murphy factor when it rains so hard and the gps dies you run back to home via compass.

    Cheers Rowan

  4. Hi Victor,

    I use a wind on for game fishing and also chasing kings for about 15 years.

    I tie a short double with a bimini twist in the main line and join it to the leader with a cats paw.

    I pass the leader through the loop 3 times as I feel it spreads the load under tension a bit better.

    I make my own wind ons and have no problem under strain on a big fish.

    The commercial ones are ok just check the jion where the mono goes into the dacron.

    They retail from $15-$25.

    Cheers Rowan

  5. TLD 15 or 20.

    Great for trolling and sending livies down deep. Lever drag graphite and reasonably bullet proof.

    Used them for years on small yellowfin,albacore and kingies in NZ. Straylined for big snapper on the deeper reefs with no problem.

    If casting wind just take care and use a small amount of thumb pressure or drag.

    Cheers Rowan

  6. Hey Kingfisher,

    The top of Coro is screaming with big kings at the moment.Fletchers and off the top small island called Square top.

    Incoming tide fish the southern/mercury side and outgoing the northern/Auckland side.

    Use 3-4lb kahawai with minimum 200lb trace and 10/o gamagatsu hook.Heavy tackle if you want to stop them.

    There is a shallow reef that runs out to square that has a nice deep channel that fishes well for snaps and kingies.

    The reefs either side of Fletchers is great but not as productive as square top.There are big bronze whalers over here as well.

    This outer reef has a heck of a current and fishes best with a tide slowing to either top or bottom.

    This whole area is also full of good crays.

    Channel also goes well at times

    The biggest I got off there was 72lb with the biggest I saw was about 90lb.

    The trevs are about 10-16lb and respond to mussel berly. They will take jigs.

    Cheers Rowan

  7. Safety:Spare plugs, short lenght fuel hose, flares, v sheet, first aid kit,motor oil, water, basic tool kit

    tin snips-for smaller hooks, bolt cutters-for big hooks, laminated charts, compass,torch /spare batteries,spot light?,

    fuel filters, fuses, hats & cheap sunnies. All I can think of that I carry as spares for now.

    Cheers Rowan

  8. Right:

    Tie double with plait or bimini in the main line about 600mm long.

    Use cats paw join to joun double to wind on if you are using one.

    Or use double uni knot to tie on sampo style snap lock of 300lb.

    Look for peter pakula "marlin bar" buy "Between the Lines" dvd

    sorry admin but best to cut out a lot of misinformation.

    Cheers Rowan

  9. I have several Tiagras all over 12 years old and after each trip I put the drag to strike and lightly hose the reels.

    Then with warm soapy water I use a tooth brush for the driven in salt and flick it out.Around the lever drag and harness lugs and reel seat.

    Dry with a soft cloth and spray with inox.

    Each year before I retire them for the season I take the end plates off and make sure no salt is among the ratchet/anti reverse

    and lightly grease all parts.Check the 4 screws holding the ratchet plate are tight as they can come loose (I found out the hard way once, reel jammed, lost fish.)

    When I reassemble the reel I grease where the harness lugs are-stainless steel against aluminium.

    And also put a dab of grease into the holes the side plate screws go into. I then fill the holes with marine grease after the screws are tight. This lessens salt reaction between the screws and the aluminium.Wipe down with soft cloth and rub the excess marine grease over the whole reel.Ready for next season. I also rub vasaline around the spool before spooling the reel to lessen the chance of salt reacting against the spool when driven in through a fight.

    Cheers Rowan

  10. Penn are good but I only run Shimano. Off the rocks the TLD50 would be great.

    Away from the rocks then either TLD50 or Tiagras.I find them easy to service myself or if

    there is an issue I can not fix then send them to Dunphys for great service.

    90 percent of game and charter run Shimano for areason.

    Cheers Rowan

  11. I was listening to the vhf yesterday and heard a lot were into the fish at the carpark.

    In the 3-5 schedule there were multiple hookups with several boats going 333 and one went 444.

    Sounds like a great time and lots of action. Good luck to all out there over the next week.


  12. Father in Law lives on the South Coast Tuross, which has now been cleared by the wet.

    Some surfers were out of there the other day with some seals when a White came out beside them and cut a seal in half.

    I believe brown stains and walking on water were occuring at the same time. :1yikes:

  13. Hi,

    Father in Law lives at Tuross. I was there over Chrissy. Nothing on bait but

    in the shallows across from the Pickled Octapus 2-4' water there are plenty of big flatties.

    I got lots even 1 of about 11 lbs. Mostly on Pearl squidgies 5" not with the paddle tail or Nuclear Chicken.

    The dolphins are still in the river last I heard.

    Happy hunting. Cheers Rowan

  14. When I moved here from NZ 8 years ago I had to insure my gear and itemise it all.

    I had a replacement cost of $3500 in game lures alone. Let alone rods, reels, hooks, swivels,trace, nets, gaffs, electronics and on and on- etc.

    Think about if you had to totally replace all the stuff in your kitchen cupboards. All those little things add up.


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