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Everything posted by stix

  1. HI Red dragon, At present back creek is extremely shallow on low tide so every effort should be made to not launch or come in around this time if you can ,unless you like walking your boat in. (carvan park ramp Back creek). The river ramp is much better suited and is best crossed in a small to medium swell (south hopefully)on the run intide when a howling nor easter isnt punching straight into it. 8 Boats so far this year have rolled completely due to either a lack of expereince , stupidity or least likely bad luck. Negatives aside the fishing has been patchy at best with the odd cobe, king, mackerel and a few snapper coming in. The mackerel and marlin season has been a total shocker at best thus far but you may run into a mackerel or two trolling small live slimies up north(this hopefully might change).A few small yellowfin the odd dollie and jew are also coming in with a few longtails starting to make an appearance with the garfish becoming thicker close in.Hope this info helps and you get good weather whcih we are overdue for big time.Cheers
  2. Hi Gibbofisho, SWR kings are best in Winter, the water could be between 24 and 26 deg during January so honker dollies, big cobes, small blacks , sails, wahoo, pearlies, fin, etc would be a better option when the water is toast and full of life. Sure there are kings still present, albeit in smaller numbers and size at the rock in the bath water in Jan but why bother? Most charters are hunting the above species around this time frame. The last few months the bar at the river mouth has been 1 foot dep and death closeouts and barrelling at most tides so there should be some unreal smashings and capsizings over the punter's holiday period. There's been a few lately and it will be very interesting in the school hol's. Can't wait to see common sense get thrown out the window again and keen dim wits risk life and limb in ridiculous situations- it never ceases to amaze! Goodluck with the kings, if you can still get a seat on the charters, it gets pretty busy around then..Cheers.
  3. Hi Grantm, Wyong did fish quite tough this year.IN the past an average day is around 30 fish of mixed species.Normally when i fish the river ill keep moving until i find good concentrations of bait. This includes mullet, herring shrimp and whitebait mainly.Ive caught plenty of bream under neath mid river herring schools just sinking the lure beneath them in deep water.Sometimes, particularly when it is dry the fish are way way upstream, up around the high school , for instance.Keep your eyes peeled for bait and keep moving around constantly. A normal days fishing may see 10 or more kilometres of river searched to find the bream and ep's. Once you catch a single EP then work the area thoroughly,keep changing lures often . Typically the Eps will stay in the same spot and you should catch them in the one area over a few consecutive days. 4 pound leader is fine and the standard BM's flies and 35mm hardbodies all work well.Wyong can be very tough to fish at times and can leave you promising to never return. Cheers.
  4. Anyone intersted in jew spinnin', wether hard, soft or fly based , then this is well worth a browse. A few other old records i have in possesion includes an ad by mister twister, stating five jews in the one nite on double tail sp's in 1980 and lunker jew at the murray mouth on big sp la bit later on. This isn't a question of who was first when or where it is just a tribute to the pioneers who flung artificials on Mt8144's and hardcore 6.5 inch Alveys on a hunch with no one telling them what to do, more ground breaking stuff. It just goes to show it is the angler who catches the fish not the gear at all which is a major misconception. love it.All in all good stuff to mull over, please enjoy. Cheers. scan.htm
  5. Is that fishogregg?? If so please email! Cheers
  6. Gday MAcman, The rig i find o.k is two gamma's fixed around 6/0 and up with both hooks fixed permantly via a snell knot. As Bung said one or two half hitches around the top hook on EVERY bait is mandatory. Ive caught up to 3 jews on the one bait when i have had none left and just simply stuffed my hand down and got the strip back and re used it with a trusty half hitch.Since i fish Alveys i only use a trace of around 20 or 30cm as anything longer than this spins like a helicopter in the air and is easily gathered in the side sweep at times so the smaller the better IMHO. It also ensures a longer cast when needed with this compact rig. Another common big fishtaker i reckon kicks arse is the whole tailor or mullet head with a bit of shoulder left on. Simply pin the mouth shut with a large 10 or 12/0 and hurl the lot out. When Tailor are in piranha mode trashing your hard earned squid this head rig outshines everything and the amount of BIG jew that fall to this rig astounds. Trace strengths are a talking point. I fished 30 schnieder to the hook for a full season from the sand, got heaps more bites (with fish to well over 20kg) and did not lose one fish through being bit, rubbed or cut off. I wouldnt garuntee you wont get rubbed or bit off but you definately will get more bites. Noramlly 50 is a good allround trace strength and if the fish are in full chew status they won't give a hoot!I always tie all my rigs first then cut or make the bait to suit, e.g if im using a head on the bottom hook then ill put a thin strip on the whole rig first etc I hope you nail a few in the coming weeks! Cheers
  7. G,day Bung, i reckon i would give that scenario you described ago for sure. I have been skunked before by another fisho with inferior rigs/bait etc one night in exactly the same circumstances you just described.He was in the spot when the jew swam past so his bait was taken first and deservedly so , not mine in the textbook honey hole just up from him.Unless it was dead low with filthy closeouts dredging in shallow water i would fish such formations but around high.The sandbars im referring about are the full working bars that you can walk out to or onto at low and pull grubs from in a low or moderate swell. When the tide is up and there is sufficient water over them then the jew are up on the flats hunting bait.I' have tried it plenty of times, even with the textbook jew gutter not far away producing zilch and the consistently churning foamy flats coming up with the goods.Smack bang right in the middle- say50 metres to the nearest deepwater.Jew will chase/hunt bait in water barely enough to cover their backs . I know it sounds stupid but in moderate to low swell jew absolutely adore foam and wash. Luring them also produces in these shallow sudsy flats spots- ive donged a couple on killalure jewies and laser pro's in very shallow washy water. Havent fished beach jew for a while due to working in the bush flat stick. How about yourself?? Cheers
  8. G'day Lawrie, great advice. Guys around my area have been onto this for a while now with any bait favourable, not just grubs, and it doesnt matter if the sandbar runs right to your fet as long as wash is present and there is a bit of water for jew to swim in no deper gutter required. Grubs certainly seem to bring in a smaller classs fish in general but jew dont mind them, and grubs produce far less numbers than other "can't resist "baits- this may be why you only talk of sub 10kg fish ?? (thats only form my deductions) try a full 3kg tailor head with shoulders lip hooked on a 12/0 if you can cast it, or a huge fillet then the pickers may leave it alone. Just a thought. Friends and myself have pulled jew from full working snadbars on rubber and plastic etc. We always used to head straight for the busiest sandbar during low swell periods (> 1.5m)and without doubt these always produced way better than distinctive gutter formations as the crowds en masse targeted. Sandbars produce cover and ambush stations for predators with which to launch an attack and allso stir up food for baitfish.New moon and full moon periods doesnt make an ounce of difference if you fish both peak periods equally in typicall conditions.Without doubt my favourite night for beach jewin is 4 nights before and 4 nights after the full. Hope this helps.
  9. Hi Guys, sounds like youve run into a few members of the Central Coast Flyrodders, primarily Bob Williams and disciples, they target pigs on bread fly a fair bit. As far as i can gather these fellas have been doing this for a few years at least and have it down pat. Great fun, cheap and effective fly fishing, my best at 3kg was taken on an 8# and gave a hell account of itself!Goodluck with it.
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