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Posts posted by bunney10

  1. Hi Raiders,

    This new layout takes some getting used to.

    Anyway, me and a couple of friends went out from pittwater on sunday morning at about 6am. Weather forcast was for showers but calm seas. It turned out perfect.

    We tried the usual spots at West head and the Joey for some yakkas but lucked out on them and just got a couple of Travally. We then decided to head outside to the close in reefs and use the pillies and squid that we had. It started off slow but then one of the lads got a nice 67cm king on a pillchard, nice start I thought. A couple of Sargeant Bakers and Red Rock Cod later, and then off went my rod and a good old tussle with a nice 80cm King was the result.


    Very nice I thought.That was caught on good old tackle shop squid. Another 20mins later and i landed another king just short of legal so he went back. A couple of bream were landed too, which was a surprise out there .

    Back in by 1.30pm before the weather turned. A good day


    Welsh Dave

    Nice one Dave we were out in Pitt water on Sat morning and got busted off by something really solid which i presume was a kingy on the last squid i had(damn), even caught a nice keeper bream on a full squid which was a suprise, going to stock up on the squid ready for this Saturdays session


  2. Hi Fellow Raiders

    Hope you've all had a very good Christmas

    Im heading up to Barrington tops in the new year and was wondering where the good fly fishing spots are

    Any help is much appreciated

    Thanks to you all


  3. Hi raiders! I have been a member for a while but my poor writing skill :( does not make me to post any report...

    I usually go estuary fishing with mates and we sometime success to catch beautiful breams and flatties! However, we wanted to catch some bigger fish so, we went to whale beach few times but we have not caught any! (also, we have difficulties to find a good fishing point)

    Since I have read a lot of reports, I can see that avoca rock platform is a good place to catch some nice salmon or bream! We will probably go next week but, we have no idea which place could be the best area to success our fishing trip... Are their any avoca experts to help us? Is it good enough to use my 7ft graphite rod or better idea to get a surf cast rod?



    Hi, I agree woith all the replies to your post, Avoca can be seriously dangerous, and even though it is a fairly large platform you still get waves that cover the whole area, if your looking for tips on where/how to fish Avoca then you cant get any better local info than from Ray R and Mercer007, look them up on this site and PM them, im sure they'll be more than happy to put you in the right direction, these guys fish this area almost every other day and always bag a feed, they have excellent knowledge of all the central coast waters.

    tight lines


  4. South Avoca rock produce a few squid, but like anywhere somedays they just won't bite.


    Thanks Mercer 007

    Great tips as usual,

    ive read some of yours and Rays reports on fishing Avoca and as usual they are very helpful, there was a recent report on fishing the lagoon for big mullet on sp's, couold i ask where abouts on the lagoon that was only i want to catch a big mullet on fly

    Thanks mate


    the haven produces squid mate, either side. ive seen some massive inkers caught there.

    Thanks mate ill give the Haven a bash some time soon



  5. Hi Bunney10

    If your interested in the squid you have to try Pittwater. There are heaps of great spots and if you have a boat all the better. If your landbased try Avoca Beach or Hardy's Bay wharf and drifts along the weed there at HIGH TIDE!!!!(to minimise snags :thumbup: )

    Keep fishing TOM!!!!! :thumbup::1fishing1::yahoo:

    Thanks Tom

    Great tips and a big help for me to catch my first squid, ive not got a boat but i do have a yak


    South Avoca rock produce a few squid, but like anywhere somedays they just won't bite.


    Cheers mate

    ill give it a go as im only in Terrigal

    Thanks for the tips, very helpful and appreciated.


  6. Just to make sure I was not imagining things the otherday I went out today to maqke sure there wqas actually a FAD and not just a big floating yellow piece of cheese in the middle of the ocean.

    The FAD was still there - Phew.

    I was with a mate this time and not just on my own. The conversation always gets more interesting on those days.

    I made sure we were at the FAD by daylight this time and we arrived to see Dollys jumping around all over the place. We trolled past the FAD and had a quadrouple hook up. Good fun with 2 guys. Only one keeper, the rest were too small.

    Turned around and trolled past again for a triple hook up. All too small. Turned around again fore a single hook up which we kept getting every time we went passed for the next half hour or so. Everything was undersie by about 5 cm.

    A couple more boats had arrived by this stage so I decidsed to head to the Port Hacking FAD.

    Well I hadn't read the posts here so after a 40 minute bumpy ride in choppy water I discovered the FAD was gone. We turned around and went back to the far FAD off Botany and hooked up a few stripeys on the way. We used them for bait when we got to the FAD and managed to pull in about 20 more dollys but only 2 were legal.

    There were a few boats that came and went but then another boat arrived who really pissed me off. We were watching them pulling in dolly after dolly and they werew keeping them all. I could see how small they were and I knew from all the ones we caught there weren't many big ones round. They just kept pulling them in and keeping them.

    I wanted to say something but the guy I was with made a good point that you just never know when you will see them again and what they will do.

    Headed back in and stropped off at the peak for a quick look but didn't get anything so made our way back to the boat ramp.

    As usual, I wouold rather be catching undersize fish and throwing them back than floating around not catching anything at all.


    Hi Dan

    Great report and i agree with the other fishraiders the idiots that take undersize fish are just plain stupid what they dont realise is that they're taking fish stock that will keep us all smiling in years to come, and these morons are the first to whinge when the fishing gets tough and we dont catch as many- should have taken the rego mate and reported them, lets hope that karma really exists

  7. Got 3 solid greenbacks last night off the beach. The tide wasnt anything special and the beach formations are poor, but a surfer mate told me about a good "bank" at Avoca. So I drove down there with the kids and sure enough there was a nice inshore gutter. They started biting about an hour before dark, and I ended up keepign three fat ones for dinner, all well over the kilo mark, or 45 to 50 cm. It was a beautiful night and the fishing should stay this good for a while yet. THis time of year is just the best on the central coast.

    The Poacher

    Well done Poacher

    what part of Avoca beach were you fishing and has anything decent come out of Wamby lately, havent fished it for a couple of weeks, last thing i caught at Wamby was a sambo and a bronzy about 4ft



  8. Arrived at my spot at 6am and loaded the yak into the drink and headed to my destination... I had not fished for over a week since all the rain and had to go away last weekend so I was keen as to get a line strait! After a short paddle and a few flicks with a shallow diver I noticed Bait and Bream kisses around like I have never seen or heard before, A quick change of lure to a T-Pivot had me right in the action first cast with a nice Bream. Prawns were skipping EVERYWHERE this morning so I new I should just head to my grounds and unleash. After 10 min's I arrived and thanks to a soft breeze I had a perfect drift over shallow ground on a rising tide just before the sun stuck its head over the mountains. I stuck with the T-Pivot until the treble an jhook was beyond repair.. all up had 17 legal bream and 15 was on the T-Pivot.

    I kept 6 fish for a BBQ tomorrow and the rest were left to fight another day, Does anyone love the easy release with the T-Pivot J-hook on the back??

    I think the rain has helped out in a massive way!!!! And cant wait for tomorrow morning.

    Hi HSM

    Top catch there mate, i've just bought a Yak for the first time and was thinking of hitting BW as i only live in Terrigal and being a newbie to yak fishing could do with some pointers, what type of lures ,tides decent spots etc, any info is much appreciated, and agin top fishing



  9. Bunney that is a great spot up there

    i loved the place motorbike riding it is very senic and great place to ride

    Sorry i have not fished at all so sorry cannot help

    Thanks anyway Johnno, i'm sure i'll get to find out how beautiful this area is very shortly



    I tried Barrington Tops in the early spring.In Manning river caught few not a big rainbows on the dry fly,also met some local fisherman and he mention that this river has a good size of trouts.Just for me it was difficult to cast, at this point spinning rod would be the better one.Also I've read some information, that Dilgry river also contain the trouts in it.



    Thanks Gid

    Any particular place on the Manning and the Dilgry, im based in the Central coast, thanks for the heads up on needing a spinning rod as well



  10. Hi Fellow Fishraiders

    Was just wondering two things


    Where's the best place to fish for trout around Barrington Tops


    Whats the best time of year to fish Eucumbine and Jindabine etc?

    i haven't been trout fishing for ages and NEED to get back in the swing of things

    Thanks All


  11. Hi all

    Yesterday, i thought I'd try to change my reel to l/h drive (again .....) & took some sps down to the marina to test it out.

    I am sooo right handed, that it really does feel weird winding with my left hand, however, it feels much more natural 'wiggling' the rod tip with my right hand, whereas trying it with my left hand makes it more jerky & less controlled! :mad3:

    I didn't even have my camera or extra line with me, and I'd already lost one jig set to a moored boat which took my leader as well ..... so the jig head was tied straight to the 3lb Stren Braid! :1yikes:

    From the jetty, I tossed the sp into the shallows, just out from the weed bed & was 'wiggling' it back parallel to the shore. Whack! I am onto a nice looking flattie! It was about 60cm ...... but I wasn't used to 'setting the rod' with my right hand & was having difficulty finding the reel handle to wind it in anyway, so just held the rod tip high to keep pressure on as I was trying to get back to shore to fight it from ground level ...... it took me under the jetty ....... and got off!! :ranting2:

    Tossed it out again (we are talking small sp here on a small jig head! I am amazed the flattie hadn't scoffed the lot & busted me off) & I get another one, smaller this time! He got off too! :(

    It was an exciting few moments & I continued fishing for another hour with no more hits, altho some bream did follow at one point! :wacko:

    I changed back to right hand drive & felt much more comfortable!



    Hi Roberta

    Having flyfished in the Uk all my life and being a right hander, it seems more natural to wind left handed, the other reason is when playing a fish it seems more logical to use your stronger arm to control the rod when playing the fish, in case of sudden runs or lunges and use the weaker left hand to regain line, so i know it feels awkward at first but do try to persevere as it will become second nature over time and the control you will have of the lure will improve dramatically..... best of luck and tight lines


  12. Good luck at Euc, WIndy - we nearly went there, as we heard the fish were really firing there at the moment!

    Thanks for the info on the Hatchery! A good Win for common sense!



    Fantastic report roberta ( As always)

    Could you please give me some locations of where you fished as being new to here from the Uk ( 2 yrs) i still haven't taken my fly rods out just beach and rock fishing so far, and was planning a trip down there with my brother in the near future and didn't want to waste too much time trying to find good trout spots as it we will only be having a long weekend break

    Thanks again


  13. 6th December - TCD

    TCD has dropped a little but was still at a level I like. Mick and I chose to fish the western shore this time around, we normally head over to the eastern shore and work the bank from the dam up to the quarry. But seeing as we havent been getting many fish over there we opted to try something different. Was an interesting day today, lots of fish were rising and cruising and we stumbled on a slick of dead insects and larvae. These looked as though they had been washed up over night and as the wind slowly picked up the wave action deposited this food sludge back into the lake, natural berley! Sure enough, Rainbows could be seen darting through it. It was a successful trip, all though we did not actually grass a single fish. Fish were lost, hits missed and follows had but it was good to know we had located the fish and it was only our ineptitude at staying connected! As the wind got stronger the fish dispersed and we called it a day.

    7th December - TCD

    Went back to TCD to take advantage of the locating trip yesterday. But the weather had changed, wind blew from a different direction and subsequently I did not see a single rise or cruising fish and it was the sort of day where you did not feel like you were going to catch a thing. But I did, I managed to grass a solid Rainbow of around 1kg from the ledge where the insect sludge was yesterday. Funny game this fishing, you don't land a thing when the Trout are around in numbers but when they aren't you do? Very fat hen Rainbow too. I had a couple of lone follows but that was it really.

    TCD has not been kind to me for 2008, it has been a very hard year with more doughnuts than good days to be honest. Still, would be boring if it was easy hey :thumbup:

    The Rainbow


    20th December - Pejar

    Been a long long time since I visited Pejar, even before it dried up! Was more interested in having a look than fishing, it was restocked about 6 months ago and I am looking forward to it regaining some of its lost glory. Lakes at about 40% and it looked excellent, flooded grass etc. There were fish rising around the place and I threw a few casts around and managed a very small Rainbow, very promising for the future. I do hear they are putting more in shortly, but I would love to know what the main food source is since it dried??

    26th December - Eucumbene

    Christmas time and along with beer, turkey and cricket part of our traditional xmas is Trouting! Yens Bay was choice of spots and boy does the lake look good. At 25% it is flooding into the grass and thistles, I haven't seen the lake looking this good since about 2004 when it was at 70%. Trout were cruising hard against the bank in amongst the thistles, perfect Fly Fishing stuff but I started out with the spin gear working small shallow running minnows along the banks. After a hard few months with very few fish it was relieving to finally hit some fish, Rainbows were happy to smash the minnow but I was still suffering the dropseys. First fish spat the lure on the jump, second snapped the leader (I got it caught on a thistle just before and didnt check it, bangs head against wall muttering 'lazy d8ckhead' ovre and over) and the third just pulled out. But finally it came together and a 750g Rainbow found its way to the net. All the fish we were to catch over the xmas break were in the thise size, they were long and thin and really should have weighed more? But they hit hard and fought hard. Dad and I ended up with 4 fish grassed for the morning and more missed.

    We headed back to Yens for an evening session, my brother James joining us. But it wasn't as active for some reason? James got a Rainbow on a live Mudeye and we witnessed an old friend who lived at the lake score one on a fly but we didn't see many at all. But the three of us decided to make it a long after dark session hoping the live Mudeyes would score a nice Brown. It didn't, but sitting out at the lake listening to the frogs, staring at the stars and having your Dad and Brother with you was just as rewarding. In fact, I suspect I will remember this more than any fish we would have caught.

    27th December - Eucumbene

    We had intended to go to Jindabyne, but reports were it was was fishing poorly so we headed back to Eucumbene. Had a short look at Cemetary Point but the wind was blowing quite hard making it hard so we headed back into Yens Bay and the small corner from yesterday. The Rainbows were on the go again, they were packed into the very end of the bay where a small soak/creek flowed in. I was determined to get one on Fly but it took a while to get my casting rythm, the thistles sure got a work out on my back cast! Dad was scoring fish on shallow running minnows and I was sore tempted to change but finally I got one on a home tied Fur Fly. Being used to playing the 'bows on spin gear it was a rude shock on the Fly Rod and the drowned thistles made it fun but I got him.

    All up we kept 3 Rainbows and released a further 4, a good solid session and we left them rising in the corner. Succesful lures for the session were all shallow runners, Stiffy Minnows, Jackson Komachis and Strikepro SmeltA the pick of the bunch.

    One on the Fly


    The corner at Yens, those trees way in the background is acually the high water mark for Eucumbene.


    Well, 2008 is over. The first half was a bonanza for the Trout but the second half very hard. Lets hope that the lakes and rivers continue to flow and rise :thumbup:



    Hi Matt

    great post, i was wondering where TCD is and also Pejar, i know of Eucombine, although never

    fished there before (plan later in the year)

    Thanks mate and tight lines


  14. *First Post*

    Went down to Jones Bay, Pyrmont today for my first taste of Australian fishing (recently moved from UK)

    Tried some different baits, spoke to some old guy who said you used mince meat mixed with egg white etc, but not sure how to make it stick properly for the water (tips please?)

    Ended up using some prawns, lost a couple of fish one being a nice flounder (I think!) but will give it another shot later in the week. Quite a few nibbles, but only a couple of big bites so im guessing lots of little fish biting near the pier edge.

    Anyone have any tips for this area?



    Hi Jonas, welcome to the mecca of fishing here in Aus, like you i jumped the pond from not so sunny Uk 2 years ago and after never ever been sea fishing or beach (trout fisherman in the Uk) I can say with all honesty that the fishing here is fantastic and the excellent help you get off fishraiders is first class, there are so many species to target and almost all of them taste better that cod, just keep asking the questions on this site and im sure you will pick it all up really quickly, if you look on some og the past thrteads you wil find that they have perch ( redfin) and carp here and both are much easier to catch than at home and the perch grow much bigger on average

    Anyway mate tight lines and good luck


  15. Hi,

    I was in Barington Tops at the weekend and also visited few streams.Few rainbows not a big ones caught in Manning river on a dry fly.But next day all rivers became brown and dirty because of big rain, so fishing looked desperating.


    Hi Gid

    Do you have any info on where is best to fish in Barrington tops, i've heard that some of the bestplaces are on private land, don't know how true as ive never been but seeing as i live in Terrigal, its not too far to drive,any info would be appreciated( which rivers/streams/places etc

    Thanks Steve

    Got back from Flat Rock yesterday after 6 days camping.

    Got about 8 fish each day between me and the mrs but dropped a lot more.

    there where anglers everywhere, I have never seen it so bad in the last 4 years we have been going up there for the opening weekend.

    the river was nice on friday and saterday but got dirty after the rain and stayed brown.

    caught most fish on lures but managed 5 on fly, little black nymphs, 1 red tag and 1 not sure but a little brown grey dry.

    Will head up again in a few weeks for a day.


    Hi Yes Dear

    Where abouts is flat rock, i live in Terrigal and would really lke to get back into the flyfishing after a 2 year lay off, got the bug back after a recent trip to NZ's south island

    Thanks Steve

  16. hi guys Im heading to swr this thurs has anyone been in the last couple of weeks. just wanted to know what the bar has been like and any fish?

    Hi Offchops

    Fished SWR at the beginning of the month on Gunrunner,

    between the 4 of us we landed 20 pearl perch

    and a couple of snapper up north of the ramp,

    There were a few boats around fish rock looking for kingies

    and we saw loads of bait schools getting hammered in front of the goal

    the bar that day was really flat

    hope this helps


  17. Great report Steve :thumbup:

    Sounds like a brilliant session - heaps of fish

    SWR is a sensational place alright

    What was the bar like? How far did you have travel to get to the reefs?

    Hope to hear more good news for your next trip



    Hi Peter

    The bar was really flat and we went out about 20km north of the boat ramp,

    top stuff,got yourselfs a tasty feed there

    and congratulations on the widest post ever,lol


    cheers arman

    Sorry about the widest report Arman , still geting used to it

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