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  1. Hey guys, My mate fishes from a Freedom Hawk 4 Kayak. Not only can he fish but can stand and cast 360degress around the yak. He has found it awesome for lake, and inshore closed waters. Love's it!! It has two removeable outriggers at the rear that open out to give the yak complete stability. Being able to remove them made it easier for him to transport it. He said he bought it from Flybridge. They have some info on them at there website. www.flybridge.com.au if your interested.
  2. Hey Col. Had no problems with them tearing etc. They seem to last really well, also the sent stays for age's. Matt.
  3. Hey Col. Nice fish bud. Yep im all over the Wave Worms. Been using the on the flathead but also on a patenoscar rig for my father-in-law when we are jigging for kings in winter in 100meter mark in my mates haines. When the kings school up he drops two down unweighted in the lumo or key-lime pie colour in the 6" shad. Always gets smacked!! And easier than ripping those heavy jigs up for him. Those 9inch shads trawl real well to eh. Scored on the dollies at the fad with the smoke colour. The importer is FLYBRIDGE. I buy them from my local tackle shop. They list a few on there website. www.flybridge.com.au Matt.
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