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Posts posted by Sherwinator

  1. Hi all,

    I managed to get a nice Kingy off North head in my Yak this morning.

    Me and a mate caught some bonito a few weekends ago and we were using these strips for bait.

    The Kingy went 77cm and 3.4KG.

    Thats a pb for me!


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  2. Yeah lucky my mate was there. It would have been an interesting trip back to the shore by myself...

    We put in at illawong bay and drifted 500m to 1KM in the direction of Cottage Point Marina (in the middle of the waterway its about 30m deep).

    I got a good sized sambo on a squid head too, so there were fish out there. The fresh bait probably helped too.

    Some blokes fishing from the shore said they dropped a kingy right on the edge too...


  3. Hey Raiders,

    My mate Phil and I headed out around Akuna bay on Saturday morning in our Kayaks. We got some good sized squid the night before and got out on the water just as the light was breaking...

    I managed to get this beautiful snapper that went 2.9 kg and 600mm - It also managed to flip me out of the yak. ;(

    I was hoping for a Jewie, but this was just as good!



  4. Hey Jewgaffer,

    Thanks for the reply! Yeah I will certainly take all the advice I can get... I hear what you are saying about using gang hooks for Jewies - never really considered that they might not be a good option...

    Whats the best hook option when fishing with such large strips of bait?

    What do I think happened to the gang hooks?

    Well it felt like they just pulled out - maybe not a good hookup. It happened soon after I had tightened the drag up and there was no pause by the fish, it was just full on zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz and then ................ slack line :(

    Interestingly there was a small piece of salmon left on the last gang hook (the size of a 50c piece)... It definately wasn't a just larger salmon (having hooked a few that afternoon and knowing what they feel like) but the other thing I remember is that there were no head shakes...

    Funny what you say about the gang hooks being more successful for salmon too. I had 2 lines out off the beach - one with 3 gangs and the other with a single larger hook. I hooked up 3 times on the single hook but lost every salmon! Only got 1 good hit on the 3 gang line and landed that fish...

    Looking forward to your reply...


  5. Hi Jewgaffa,

    Just read your article and wanted to run something past you...

    I am on a mission to get a Jew this year and have been putting in some hours off some known Jew spots but with no success.

    I was fishing off the southern end of Wairo beach on the weekend (Ulladulla - South Coast NSW). I got a great Salmon just on dusk and was getting heaps of hits - I think they were mostly salmon.

    Anyway I filleted my salmon and chucked a 20CM long fillet straight back out and left my rod in a rod holder (using 3 gang hooks). 10 mins later i notice some action on my rod so I grabbed it, then the line went slack, then I took the slack out and straight away my reel starts peeling in a big way. My rod is bent almost in half and this thing feel like a horse. I let it run for a good 2 mins (pretty firm drag set) and then I started to tighten the drag - at this point its taken a lot of line. Another 30 seconds of running and then I lost it!!!!

    Got all my gear back - almost like it spat the hooks out. I thought it was a big ray just because if the power. It was a very steady run.

    Does this sound like a Jew to you?

    Cheers mate,


  6. Hi Adam,

    I am on the hunt for Jewies this season in Roseville. Last March I was fishing with a friend who landed a small Jewie (57CM) from the shore. So they are definately there. We were pretty far upstream (beyond the bridge and a bush walk was required).

    We were using very fresh half pilchards caught the Jew just on dusk. We cut his stomach open and found that he had been eating whitebait.

    Good luck!


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