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Posts posted by mako2000

  1. Some pics my father took of the Qld registered, Vietnamese crewed longliner that ran aground last night at Cronulla. Apparently the crew set a waypoint for the Shark Island bait grounds and then promptly fell asleep !! I think they are going to have a hard time getting it off as the high tides are quite small at the minute.



  2. At least you got out on the water..been nearly a month here ....everytime ive planned to go the weather has turned foul or somehting else has ruined my plans. Might try and get out after work tommorow if I can.

  3. Dont be sorry for the length, I enjoy a good read. Shame about losing the big one, my biggest worry fishing light line on big fish is not enough pressure to set the hook properly in hard mouths so make sure hooks are razor sharp. Nice snapper though...well done

  4. If there is 2 or more adults on board you don't have to wear the jacket just have one each in the boat. That rule was passed Nov 1 2010. I would not be paying the fine until you check out the rules, if they have changed then I will be getting fined as we never wear jackets on our 4m tinny when fishing 2 out! It doesn't really matter how good a swimmer you are there is always the chance that you will hit your head, get a cramp or something when you go over. I regards myself as a good swimmer and I always wear a jacket when alone. Regards Jeff

    Thats how I understand it as well, If there is two adults onboard they do not need to be worn at all times.

  5. it seens at this time of year yowie every jet skier and wakeboarder is on the water. The best times to fish now is when it is overcast and threatening to rain. you will have the place to yourself.

    Or do what I do, don't leave till about 3pm, most of the once a year wonders are leaving then so there's normally a spot close to the ramp and within an hour or so the water is pretty quiet.

  6. At least you managed a feed mate, I got out for the first time in nearly 6 weeks yesterday...managed two 40cm flatties and two bream around 32cm. also a couple flounder just on legal released.

  7. http://www.foodauthority.nsw.gov.au/news/alerts-recalls/alert-algal-bloom-botany/

    Botany Bay, Georges River recreational shellfish

    NSW Food Authority advises:

    Shellfish taken by recreational fishers in the Botany Bay or the Georges River areas should not be eaten.

    The warning applies to oysters, mussels, cockles, clams, the gut of rock lobster, the gut of abalone, periwinkles, sea urchins or crabs taken from these areas.

    It does not apply to shellfish purchased through commercial seafood outlets as shellfish farms have ceased harvesting in the affected areas.

    This follows NSW Department of Primary Industries advice that a toxic algal bloom has been detected in the waters of Botany Bay.

    The algae detected produces paralytic shellfish poisoning toxins.

    The level of toxin is above safe levels for human consumption.

    Cooking does not destroy the toxins.

    Symptoms of paralytic shellfish poisoning include tingling in the mouth and extremities, pins and needles, unsteadiness on the feet, weakness of the arms or legs and nausea.

    Anyone experiencing these symptoms after eating wild seafood from or near the affected area should seek immediate medical attention.

    Anyone experiencing health effects after contact with water affected by algal blooms should also seek prompt medical advice

    23 November 2012

  8. With many people getting a boat license in one day and a 'no fail' testing regime, a lot of people have no idea how to use channel markers. If asked, many simply believe you only need drive between them and the colours don't really matter. This may be so in some places but get up the Hawkesbury and into Brisbane Water and one has to understand how to use them to avoid running aground.

    As for inconsiderate, I had a Fastlane 40 come within 10m of my boat last Saturday, in the no wash zone between Dangar Island and the rail bridges. I estimate he was doing 30 to 40 kts as he came from under the bridge and weaves between the few boats fishing there. Idiot.

    He would have found an empty stubby joining him on the flybridge if he tried that on me :1badmood:

  9. Fred, at a guess I would say they are looking to find the dropoff out from shore, sometimes its only a metre and other times 10m from the shoreline. Best bet is to invest in a sounder of somesort so you can find it yourself. The dropoffs are normally where the larger fish are lying in wait for smaller bait etc to be washed over the edge.

  10. One may have been a better size whiting, but 2 were reasonable sized bream, one of them really set the spool on the small reel buzzing, then the hook just let go, still had half the nipper left on it.

    Nice feed anyway Yowie....now you know my frustrations from the other week when I was pulling hooks on all the flatties :1badmood:

  11. I want a couisin like yours!! although my 90 year old grandmother was complaining about no fresh fish the other day so I filled her freezer with flathead and bream for her.

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