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    Nelson Bay

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  1. Hey I'm getting a new rod and reel this week , a Daiwa generation black 4-9kg rod and Stradic c14 4000FA , I'm considering putting 15lb braid , but don't know what to use for my little ill be targeting big bream , fatties , small jewies and chasing school fish like bonito small king fish exc and will also flicking soft plastics with this set up what lb line should I use......
  2. Best eating fish mate! Mind me asking we're this was caught
  3. moe

    Need help.

    Hey guys I'm 13 , new to braid , I'll be using a stradic 4000 c14 , and 20lb braid.... What line do I use for the leder , mono line or braid , how many lb do u guys recommend for the leder
  4. What a feeling YFT, well done boys
  5. hey,sweet report i was up there the same time and i was helping you catching potty mullet , noah,reply if you rerember me ,im always on my father fish raider kthnksbye
  6. Hi fish raiders, Wednesday the 15th. Left rose bay at 6:30 heading towards browns mountian. Started trolling at the shelf towards browns, picked up a striped tuna roughly 3KG. Arrived at browns at 8:30 am and started to cube for yellowfin. As we were cubing we were bottom bashing and picked up 2 nice sized blue eyes 11KG each and 3 Gen fish. at about 12 we caught an albacore. around about 3:00 pm decided to put the striped tuna under a baloon. we were still cubing, at about 5:30 the 24 went off slowly with the whole striped tuna as bait, my mate paul thought it was a shark the way it took the bait. so he gave it some line then set the hook. At the back of the boat something went flying out of the water and we realised it was a Marlin. about half an hour into the fight the yellowfin decided to turn up on our trail. while my mate paul was fighting the marlin i decided to feed the yellowfin and i wasn't allowed to put the line in. finally after a hard 45 minute fight we had the fish aside the boat. since we havn't got experience we failed to gaf it. but in the end we got it aboard. headed back for long journey home. Please help, is this a blue or striped marlin? since its my first marlin and estimated weight since we had no scale.
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