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Posts posted by tentonner

  1. Hey raiders, spent the arvo on Pittwater today and fished for a couple hours around the top of the tide. Got a couple of nice bream amongst the catfish. The biggest being a new PB at 42cm on 4lb line with a prawn on the hook. Not too much else to report but conditions were pretty good and gotta love a new PB.

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  2. Hey raiders, went to a tackle shop today with the intention of buying a Daiwa saltist LD to go with my saltist rod for kingies this summer. Had read a few internet reviews and they weren't too positive however still thought I'd go ahead and get it anyway. As often happens I changed my mind when in the tackle shop I picked up a talica and compared the two. The Talica feels like a tank despite its small size and In the end spent the extra dosh and picked the Talica. It fit 300m of 50lb tufline with ease and will be used predominantly for live baiting kings this summer and a bit of jigging too. Anyone got one of these or used one before? Just wondering what the general consensus was? As a bonus I paid a fair bit less than the recommended rrp of $900.

    Thanks raiders

  3. Thanks roberta, thats amazing catching a squid on a topwater lure like that, the other thing about it is the jig I was using was a green yamashita which is yet to catch a squid despite it being used many times, go figure

  4. My two cents worth, find a wash or soak and set up a running rig with the smallest sinker possible, 4-6lb fluoro and a tiny hook. chuck a powerbait nugget on the hook and you are away, the powerbait floats so the sinker sits on the bottom and the nugget will suspend above the weedbed. Works for me at eucumbene

  5. Gday raiders, headed out on the harbour this morning chasing squid. After about half an hour of trying I sent out a cast out and a couple of jigs and bang line starts stripping off the reel. The drag is set super light to avoid jigs getting ripped out of squid and this thing is really running, didn't want to touch the drag so let it run, thought I was on to the mother of all squid when I see a flash of silver in the water, eventually get the thing to the boat and Lo and behold up comes a 37 cm bream. Was absolutely stoked, struggled on the squid but the bream made up for it. Was my new pb on a lure haha. Pics to come when I get home. Cheers guys

  6. Hi, I just went out and bought the 2-5kg model, havent fished with it yet but it seemed to load up pretty well, the action is slower than a t-curve which could be a minus for some but for me i prefer it that way. They seem pretty good value for money I reckon, I only paid 170 for mine which is a lot cheaper than a t-curve.

  7. Hey raiders, went down to Lake Eucumbene on monday with a couple mates to chase a few trout. Was absolutely freezing in the mornings but all in all weather was pretty kind to us with no wind to speak of and mostly sunny days. Usually do a lot of trolling and spinning but this year had to mix it up a bit. Went out the first arvo and trolled around old adaminaby for a donut.

    Day 2, up at 5 15 and it was about -5 I'd say, on the water by 6 and met by a real foggy morning. Trolled around providence portal for around 2 and 1/2 hrs and had only one rainbow to show for our efforts. (Super frustrating as this was my first opportunity to try a custom rod I had made purely for trout trolling). So a change of tactics was called and we pulled up to a soak near the portal and lobbed a few powerbaits out. Long story short we caught 8 fish in an hour and spirits lifted considerably. One of my mates is English and this was his first trout fishing experience so he was a happy camper.

    The new rod in action, post-8401-052151500 1309417467_thumb.jpgMate with his first trout,post-8401-089438000 1309417498_thumb.jpg

    A typical Eucumbene morning, post-8401-080567600 1309417518_thumb.jpg

    Day 3

    Essentially a carbon copy of the first, trolled around for one fish then pulled up to powerbait a different spot, another good little session producing 9 fish from two different weedbeds

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    I'm guessing the trout weren't feeding too actively and thats why they were more likely to hit a stationary bait rather than a lure?

    Cheers raiders

  8. Yeh mate the tackle store near me is having a huge sale and the rod was like 30% off so that was behind the decision to go with the nitro and I'm a very happy camper now

  9. abecedarian, hey mate I went ahead and bought the Nitro this morning. I know what you mean about rods not just snapping, but when the nitro is only $30 more than the lox I thought it was no contest. Very happy with it

  10. Looking at buying a new outfit for ultra light trout spinning predominantly. Can get a pretty good price ($250) on a 6'6 Nitro Vapor 1-2kg. I've heard pretty good things about them but was after a few raiders opinion on the rods. Originally thought I would get a lox due to the price but have heard of too many snappings of lox rods. Gonna match it up to a 1000 shimano, symetre or stradic and 3lb braid. Does this sound about right ?

  11. If the weathers ok you could punch out to the island in a 17footer. Try jig or livebait a few kings, thats what I would be doing anyway. The North western corner of the island seems to produce the most for me the couple of times I've been down there

  12. Hey cruisecraft, do the Eucumbene and Thredbo rivers closed season mean you can't fish there at all or does the bag limit just change? I was under the impression you weren't allowed to fish the rivers during this season but your report and a few others I've read suggests otherwise. Could someone clear this up because I'm thinking about going down in a few weeks to fish the lake and am wondering whether the river will be open or not?


  13. Headed out early tuesday morning with two mates hoping for a king or two. Started off squidding and it was as tough as its been in ages, in 3 hours we had nothing to show for our efforts before I managed two in two casts, one of them being as big a squid as I've caught

    post-8401-030474300 1307577992_thumb.jpg, I know theres much bigger, but this was probably the biggest I've caught.

    Having got sick of squidding we decided to hit a few spots in the main harbour for zip, and then middle harbour for zip as well.

    Anyway, was not a bad way to spend a weekday morning.


  14. Hi all, planning to head out tomorrow, hoping to catch some squid tomorrow to start off with, however with an early low tide and the rain we've had recently not feeling too optimistic. Anybody had any success the past few days?

  15. Agree with dan and greg about fresh squid being the key. Also not to dampen your spirits but I would never go out on a charter expecting 'guaranteed' results, the problem with going on a charter specifically for kings is that you will pay a lot of money to go fishing and they might just not cooperate on that day. However in saying that, last year I went on a charter in the harbour specifically to have the guide teach me and my mates how to catch kings and while we didnt catch any that day the lessons we learnt from the guide that day means that now when we go out in our own boat we are reasonably confident of being able to catch a few.

  16. Hey raiders, thinking of heading out off sydney in search of hopefully some snapper thursday or the weekend, just wondering if jackets have been causing many problems lately?

    Also any info anyone might want to share, haven't done much of this sort of fishing before, planning to do a few drifts with a variety of baits and maybe throw a plastic around.

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