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Everything posted by BreamMeUpScotty

  1. I'm planning a trip to Launceston and Hobart for 3 days in each town in November and was wondering what fishing options are open to me. I don't mind fishing for anything, fly fishing for trout, spinning for bream or anything that will grab a lure, dunking a bait for anything. I'm planning to bring travel gear so the surf rod's out. If fly fishing there is as good as some magazines make it out to be, I'll bring the 4 piece fly rod otherwise its the 2 piece spin/ estuary outfits... I know its still a long way but I believe in good early planning to make the best out of the trip. Say, any Atlantic salmon to be caught there?
  2. If the Caldia KIX is as smooth and as nice to use as the certate, then why is it nearly half the price of a Certate? Call me cynical but I don't think in the present time (or times past) you can get something for nothing...
  3. Swoffa, how did you reel end up trying to be a submarine? I've seen a whole lot of pics and ads that show a saltwater fly fisho dunk his outfit in the drink while taking photos of his prize bonefish. I guess even the Certate cannot cop the abuse that those high end large arbour reels can...
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