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Everything posted by quangvo1989

  1. Great report Doug! Will try putting a livie out next time we gather bait. It is amazing the fish survived with that spear on the side. I think somehow the spear missed all the important organs. Poor king, I felt uneasy first seeing the photo. Did you end his misery or let him go?
  2. Well done mate Beautiful sashimi too, now I cannot wait to get out on Saturday Cheers
  3. Congrats Jim What a dream session, I bought a few light jigs to try to temp the kings this summer but have not run into them in good number yet, now I am so inspired to give them a spin this weekends. Cheers, Ryan
  4. Hi cameldownunder, The furthest we took the boat out was about 2/3 of the way to Port Hacking and up north to Long Bay. I think it is all about checking the conditions, plan your trip carefully and make sure you have all the required safety equipments. The boat is very stable and we were able to return to the boat ramp safely when fishing Jervis Bay and the weather turned bad without any indications. Thanks for the compliment erroll
  5. Congratulations Stingerz! What a great achievement and a terrific story. I was trembling holding my first king of the season on Saturday (check out my Botany King post) and you look ecstatic with that beautiful fish. Keep up the good works! Ryan
  6. Hi Nathan It is definitely an advantage to fish for kingies from a boat, if your brother is looking for one then go for it and halves it with him, that way you both save and IMO its always better to have good company while fishing. I am sure you will catch one fishing landbased sooner or later, even a rat is great fun off the rocks. As a table fish, kingfish is pink flesh and somewhat "crunchy" with a sweet taste raw, cooked they are no match for fish such as snapper or leather jacket as the meat is strong flavored. A simple marinade with some lemon juice and straight on the bbq is the best way to cook them in my book, try not to over cook it or mask the fresh flavor with too much seasoning.
  7. Very close Hazza, it is actually a 4.55m Quintrex Freedom Sport bowrider. My uncle has owned the boat for a few years and it is an incredibly stable fishing platform. The new model starts from 4.7m. Cheers
  8. Thanks for all the positive feed-backs. I just had a beautiful dinner with kingfish sashimi and carpaccio and still have the other fillet left for tomorrow. To welst: As we had only 1 squid, I could not use the whole squid live and cut it into long strips. I always use a simple running sinker rig with a ball sinker above a swivel and about 1m of leader, keep the sinker as light as possible depends on the condition and use good quality swivel. When the fish are pressured a longer leader may help. To monch: Completely agree with you about the baitrunner. I have always wanted to get one but was concerned about the line lay, saw the new reel on a tackle news website and could not resist anymore. A shop keeper at fishouttawater sydney was kind enough to let me have a look at the drag washers, seeing they are the same as the carbontex washers that sell for around $20 a set here I was sold and ordered mine straight away.
  9. Hi Tan The kings are perfect for sashimi at this time of the year, the meat is smooth pink with some tasty fat. I have used the reel only twice, so durability is still the question. However I cannot see any reasons why it would not be as tough as the old baitrunner, aside from the paint job ( but hey, it looks a lot better ^ ^) Weight wise, it is a tad lighter but barely noticeable (the difference is listed on the box). You can find it much cheaper on the online auction site (somehow I cannot type eb*y here) from the US, around $230 includes express shipping. I like the new design and new carbon fiber drag material, it is also more braid friendly with a very even line lay, the deep and narrow spool remains the same and may not be suitable for long casts though but that should not be much of a problem if you use braid. Cheers
  10. Good weekends forum. Got to the boat ramp at 5:00 and tried to catch a few squid near Henry Head, we ended up with only one. Then started fishing the container wall with no bite whatsoever. Changed our plan to drift for flathead around Kurnell and were constantly catching only little snappers. Returned to the container wall during high tide. Some bait schools could be located on the sounder as we fished the tide change, the kings went on the bite for around half an hour and in total we caught 2 rats and one legal fish. A friend on another boat caught one just legal fish. My first king of the season, went 71cm and I cannot be any happier catching it on my new Baitrunner 8000D Great morning on the bay with beautiful weather, hopefully the fishing will keep getting better towards mid summer. ps Has anyone noticed the new maritime jet skis? They were working hard today ^^ *a lil'update*
  11. Congrats Buster, what a by-catch We fished bay yesterday morning as well and got 2 legal kings at 66 cm and 71 cm, Scotty Lyons's charter boat also boarded quite a few nice fish. The conditions were perfect and they seemed to go on the bite only around high tide, spent a few more quiet hours on the water and caught 4 pike around the container wall. Hopefully the kings will start firing up from now.
  12. G'day Rob We fished from 5 to 10am this morning, tried our best to find a few squids but got only one. Our main target was kingfish, hooked up one near the container wall on light gear intended for trevally and could not stop him. Luckily we managed to converted a squid strip into a nice 4kg jew. Also got a few tailors on metal near the drum, they were feeding on small whitebait and pilchard, burst up and then gone really quick. Ryan
  13. Nice bream there Buster 1, and I thought the day was too hot for anyone to go fishing The flatties were in good number around the sand flat near Kurnell last Saturday. Were the bursting tailor at good size? I love flicking a metal at them when there is nothing else to catch.
  14. to the forum! Nice evening king there Dazza. Last Sat I hooked up a 60cm rat on pilchard cube and 10lb gear near Wedding Cake at about 8pm, catching it on light gear is satisfying. Small Kingies seem to hang around structure after dark.
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