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Luke K

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Posts posted by Luke K

  1. Hi Roberta,

    What a great weekend it was indeed and you have certainly covered it very well. Congratulations on your efforts!

    Thankyou for all the great pics too!

    It was great opportunity to catch up with old friends and meet new ones. It was an awesome event, very well organised and well run too.

    Congratulations to all those who competed and especially Daniel, with an emphatic victory.

    Thankyou also to all support from fellow raiders.



  2. Hi Roberta,

    Sounds like you had lots of fun up there with some of your friends. Wow that is certainly an awesome set up Grant has there and would be perfect for comps too.

    Would have been good to see what was lurking beneath that interesting looking water in that pic. A Jack would have given you some stick.

    Hope that weather forecast for forster is wrong. Windy conditions will certainly seperate the sheep from the goats.

    And big congratulations to Keith, what an awesome effort.

    Look forward to catching up on friday



  3. Good evening all,

    Well firstly, I decided to hit the harbour in the yak this morning. A little bit of preparation for the abt G.F next weekend. Conditions were perfect although a little chilly at first(so my feet were telling me). Within the first half an I had 2 bust ups. Fish 2 me 0. I moved around a fair bit throwing plastics at everything that looked fishy. It took at least an hour and a half before I landed my first breambo 31cm. I wasn't too sure what to think. Was it my lure presentation? Was the jig head too big? Was I using the wrong choice of lure? Or were the fish not there? Mind you there were plague proportions of chopper tailor.

    Anyway I persisted a little a longer until I couldn't handle the lack of action any further. I changed over from a plastic to a blade. Results were almost immediate, but it wasn't the target species. In quick succession I landed a couple of flatties and a whiting and things went quiet again.

    So I decided to change back over to plastic except this time reduced the jig head size. Wow, what a difference this made. It wasn't long before I had a few more breambos on board, all around the 30 cm mark.


    Unfortunatley it all started to happen a little to late and it was time to head home in preparation for mother's day lunch with the fam.

    During the week I decided to buy another yak so that my wife could head out with me on my adventures. So we went down to the cooks this arvo for a little paddle. We had heaps of fun. I managed to sneak a rod on board my yak and I got a couple of small bream. I'm hoping to get the wifey into the fish on the next outing. One step at a time.




  4. Hi Roberta,

    What a fabulous day we had. The weather turned out pretty good, although looking a little dim at first. Wow what a place indeed. There was structure everywhere, perfect for finding breambos.

    At this time of writing I do not have my camera but I will add some pics later. Still can't believe I got that fish out of those jetty pylons. Lucky I had the 10 lb on.

    I owe you one for showing me the art of the sammy, as I'm sure it will come in very useful in the G.F. The great part is that I can now come to forster with a bit L.K and a fishing plan for the G.F

    Thanks so much for showing me around up there I really appreciate it and I look forward to catching up with you at the G.F. Congratulations once again for making the G.F.

    I was great to finally meet Keith too after hearing so much about him on F.R

    Hope you enjoy your trip to Byron and Good Luck Keith.



  5. Thanks Slinky.

    Your right tournament fishing can be hard to enjoy. After a dismal effort at Narrabeen last year, I considered if it was worth it, but you just have to have a positive attitute and enjoy the little things like meeting new people and enjoying the serenity...

    Congratulations and commiserations both, Luke. Brilliant effort to make the final, particularly with the short-bag on day 1 :thumbup:

    I'm told that the hardest thing about tournament fishing is to be able to enjoy it... sound's like you still managed that to some degree (losing an outfit like that sure makes it tough I guess). Good luck in the final.

    Cheers, Slinky

  6. Hi All,

    Well, where do I start. I would firstly like to thank Roberta for an outstanding report on Laurieton and some fantastic pics too.

    It was a very interesting weekend for me to say the least. It was an awesome weekend, except for the weather and some other things . In fact I thought it was monsoonal at one point. It was great to meet new people and to put a face to those I have met on F.R.

    Unfortunately I forgot may camera, but for the pics I didn't get, Roberta certainly made up for it.

    I've never fished this area before and I didn't get a prefish in so i wasn't sure what to expect. Day 1 started out well. I love fishing man-made structure and so I headed a couple of hundred metres down river to a small marina. It looked quite fishy and sure enough I had my first legal fish in the yak in the first hour. ( that was a relief) It was a bit hit and miss after that for the next hour or aso, plenty of chooper tailor destroying my plastics and a flathead here and there.

    I then found a small bay area where there were rock walls and oyster leases and soon enough I had a second bream in the yak and into the live well.

    What happened next would bring any fisho to tears. Whilst trying to put the bream in my live well, I lost my diawa luvias and rack raider over board and to make matters worse, I could not retreive it. Oh and not to mention I had a nw52 pencil attatched to it. Well what do ya do.

    I decided to head back to the main river where I caught and released several more bream, some small ones some legal ones. Little did I know that the bag limit was 3. I thought it was 2. So all my other fish I caught went back in the drink.

    By the way, most of the fish I caught were caught using 2" gulp shrimp.

    When I go back for the weigh-in I had mixed emotions. I was happy because I thought(wrong) I had my bag limit, but annoyed at losing a very expensive outfit. Little did I know my day was about to get worse.

    I had some of the other competitors ask how I went. I told them I had may bag and showed them but then they said, you only have two. Ah yes everything came crashing down. In the end my two fish weighed 1.050 kg and I finished the day in 9th position. That was ok but not good enough to get me to a G.F. Yes I was was very disappointed. If I had kept any of the other legal fish I had caught I would have finished the day in 3rd or 4th position.

    I was so disappointed that I contemplated coming back for the second day of competiton right up until 4.30am on sunday morning.

    Well, there is always tommorrow! There is a lot of truth in that saying, well for me anyhow.

    The 2nd day of competition had dawned and to be honest I wasn't sure how to feel. But even if it was only for good company and beautiful views it would be well worth it.

    I went and fished the same areas as day one and immediately got results with the first fish in my live well in about 30 mins. It wasn't massive, but good enough and by 9.00am had 3 fish(no not 2) in the well. I up graded a couple of times through out the day but never in my mind did I think I had a bag big enough to put me through to the abt hobie final. Well I was pleasantly wrong and with a bag weighing in 1.450 kg I was through to my first fishing final of any type. I was pumped, In fact I still am.

    A big thanks to all those who have commented in Roberta's post and I look forward to catching up with Roberta for a pre fish in forster.

    Should be awesome.



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