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  1. Seagoon.. What I was refering to, was don't use mains cable as a starter.... I've seen people do that before becaue " if it's good enought to use it home, it's good enough for my outboard"..... no go.. pete..
  2. Hey , Personally I wouldn't use building cable on a boat.. Although the size of the cores maybe the same, or indeed larger, they are still rated to 10, possibly 15amps... Building cable has a thicker conductor due to higher voltage, low ampres that is generally used in a house. Can you imagine if somoene was wiring up a boat and used it as a starter cale thats pulling about 30-40 amps under crank???.. Use the right cable for the right purpose... Use DC cable for DC and AC mains cable for AC applications. regards, pete.
  3. hmm, loosing tackle / POSSIBLY catching fish.. I think it's a good try! Like I said, I've only ever tried it from the boat, so didn't loose alot at all, although it seemed like quite a productive area. By the surround of the area, it must be a rocky bottom for sure..might float the bait then and try my luck.. should be good either way=] thanks raiders:) pete
  4. G'day raiders! Some time away from the site I am now back into the scene! After tackling Botany Bay yesterday and getting no luck, I have decided to move further inland [quite the opposite them most people]... Can anyone tell me if there is LANDBASED access to under como bridge??? On the marina side...I've fished around there a few times, but only by boat so wanting to tackle it head on.. from the land! thanks raiders,, pete=]
  5. ..G'day, Boat name : Whitebait - printed on the sides too =] Coast guard: ENC654. ALWAYS monitor ch 88 on 27mhz=] Mainly fish in the Georges river, so give us a toot if you see us. pete.
  6. ..gday Another great idea like the photo shows is using a 'jiffy' inclosue to mount a switch panal.. With that, also a plus is using cable glands, not gromets!. Glands will protect the box from anything going inside as you can tighten them around the cable, so you can hose the boat out wil no worries about water going behind the switches, also a plus for salt water prevention. A standard automotive gromet will suffice, although personally I perfer glands. Pete:)
  7. traysexy

    Vhf Radios

    hi, Purchasing a unit from America shouldn't be a problem as I think all channels are the same?? Maybe only repeater channels are changed although emergency ones are identical? Possibly another raider and clarify as anything to do with safety should be double checked. pete
  8. g'day, as with charging batteries, it is ideal to charge a Sealed battery to approximately 10% of it's capacity and not to give it too much current. Too muhc current, and being sealed may cause the plates to pop, because there is no exhaust for the gasses to escape which is a concern for ANY BATTERY BEING CHARGED! As stated, if you have a 100amp battery, then 10amp charge would be great. With a 6 Stage charger, it is exactly that, it will pump it's total capacity [charger dependent], and then in 6 stages when the battery is getting close to full, switch to trickle. If you can, get a charger that is close to 10% of the batteries capacity.The battery will last longer because there is no sulpheration build up that can occur when you are only 'topping' up the battery. As most poeple know, just make sure that your charger does switch to to a trickle cause you don't want that hundred dollar battery being useless in the first season. ta, pete:)
  9. nah davo, coastguard have no authority at all.. they are literally just safety in a way.. jurisdiction??? I think thats the way to put it.. they have none of that.. they can only recommed that you do something, not enforce it:) pete.
  10. traysexy

    Thumb Nurse?

    thanks everyone:) thanks mottyman. I had someone look at it and he said blind shark straight away. So I guess it must be that:) thanks again everyone:) pete:)
  11. traysexy

    Thumb Nurse?

    G'day, While doing a spot of beach fishing today came across this guy. Doing on googling and I think that it may be a thumb nurse?? Can anyone give me a definate? Also, are they ediable?? for next time when I catch one;)... This guy got to go back:) cheers, pete.
  12. traysexy

    Good Woman

    ohh, that is great..... pete
  13. Said that right - hang... dave, lets stop here, cause it's heading in the wrong direction convo=finished.
  14. thats because your rod isn't long enough dave ... hehehe.... pete
  15. Nathen, thanks for your concern, but knowing david, not even fish wrapped in newspaper would help him..lol pete
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