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Posts posted by bluewater188

  1. Guys, I may have the fish barb story to end all. My mate caught a carp last year and to show his disdain for the lovely species he kicked it. A nano second later he realised just where on the fish he contacted it as a number of dorsal spikes penetrated his foot :1yikes: Needless to say pain followed just as swiftly. This injury caused him some grief (intermittent pain) for many months. Assuming he had some sort of infection sealed off in his foot he went to the doctor, x-rays followed and guess what, he still had the spikes in his foot :wacko:

    Sorry if you are reading this Duncan, but too funny not to share mate :074:

  2. I had to drop a nice 60cm Kingy over the side yesterday, kinda hard to be looking at a fish that big and getting it into your head that it is not legal :mad3: The up side of the limit is there seem to be more of them, I keep getting on to them and they are stacks of fun on light gear. I reckon I will take the sport over the feed any day. :thumbup:

  3. Hi All,

    I just checked out the NSW Maritime website for flare info (mine are out of date :thumbdown: )

    Quote from the site http://www.waterways.nsw.gov.au/docs/sbh/bh2008-part2.pdf

    "Most flares have a use-by date of three years and they should be replaced before the expirydate. If your old flares appear to be in good condition keep them onboard as a backup. Once they start to look damaged, enquire with the manufacturer about the best means of disposal. Don’t put them in the garbage or take them to the tip. Note: It is an offence to set off flares except in an emergency.

    Best bet to check your state's rules on letting them off before you have the flare party in the back yard. :1badmood:

  4. There are a few ramps available. I have put them on the map attached. The green one is a bit sandy and 4wd only, but not as busy. On the south side of the river is a wide concrete ramp right next to the bridge. Busy bit of road there so best to go in from the north bound lane. The other yellow one up near the bar is the best, you have two large jetties which can tie up a couple of boats each. Take beach rd down towards Catalina, you will pass the country club (right hand side) and just after that is a skate park and Rugby oval, the access road is between these, if you hit Birdland you have gone too far. You can have a good look at conditions here as the ramp is right next to the breakwall. Mind the marine park when you get out. It is a fair way towards the tollgates and a yellow marker is at both of the NW and SW ends.

    See you out there mate. :1fishing1:


  5. By the way, we were bottom fishing (obviously!) with Flathead as bait and plastics - Pumkin seed and Mango ripple. I was a little dubious to say the least when the good lady picked out the Mango Ripple(looks like it should be in a lolly shop), but she was catching more than I was on the pumpkin seed so I swapped over.

  6. G'day Jas,

    Are you looking to go up the river or out into the bay?

    I fish there quite often, but not so much up the river. If you go out past Snapper Is which is just off the break wall and lign yourself up between the Tollgate Islands offshore and Snapper Is and go out 1/3 to 1/2 way betwen th two you will find some good Flatty grounds. I drifted there a couple of weeks ago and the drift took me in a S/W direction of that line and we picked up 46 keepers in 3 days, not record breaking, but still worth the effort. The bar is not too bad there. It can play up a bit in an easterly swell, but I have never seen it really bad.

    If you are going up the river, I talked with a bloke who had a nice bucket of bream and a 60cm Flatty and he was hard up against the oyster leases fishing with chicken thigh fillets soaked in tuna oil and rolled in bread crumbs! I know, it sounds like something off Huey's cooking adventures but the 20lt bucket full of bream tells the story. He gave me his left over bait too so he was not telly any porky pies about the method. He was using berley too. There are heaps of leases there too, so take your pick.



  7. hi mate

    I was up at durras last weekend we usely anchor up and burley it is the best way to catch snapper

    last week end was quite we did not get any snapper but did get 2 kings which were both 68cm

    a few weeks ago we got 6 snapper 2 were 3kg each and the others were 1.5 kg so the fish are there but

    dont bite all the time it is all about putting the time and finding the best tides and spots

    I did notice that last weeked the current was coming from the south and the water was a dirty green colour

    which will put them off sometimes

    cheers scott

    Also meant to add that if you are down here sometime let me know and if I am not working I can take you out and show you some spots the easter period is no good for me as I will be working but after that it should be all good

    cheers scott

    Thanks Scott,

    I will try a session on the anchor and see how we go, Swell permitting! We had some good hook ups on Kingys on the Saturday out of Moruya. The ones that got on board were around the 55cm mark, but I got them on a baitcaster as they followed one of our bottom rigs up with a fish on. Bags of fun on light stuff! The good lady got carted twice on a bottom rig that had a whole (20cm) squid. No idea what they were though, but the Kingys were about at the time. Suspect it was probably a shark as it just took off and didn't stop. $50 worth of braid says I will teach her some better technique on playing fish. FYI -we were about 1km off shore and in line with the small headland in between South Head and Congo.

    I will give you a call if we are down there after Easter.

    Many thanks mate. :thumbup:

  8. Hi All,

    Can anyone help with some decent Snapper spots around the Batemans Bay area? We were up around Durras in the boat last weekend and tried a heap of random spots with no success at all. Grateful for any advice/GPS points/Directions?



  9. I voted as per the majority.

    One issue I would like to bring up is the quote below.

    "Fishraider members are therefore not against the concept of Marine Parks, but rather a system within Marine Parks where Sanctuary Zones are used to exclude recreational fisherman from the most accessible and productive areas."

    I was under the impression that membership to Fishraider was not dependant on conforming to the opinion of others. Whilst I happen to agree with the statement made, I do not appreciate being told that I already have an opinion as I am a member. By the voting results on your poll, of which I assume all are members, it would seem that your statement is not entirely correct, some members obviously disagree? I don't believe it does the creditabilty of this poll any good when statements like this are posted.

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