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Posts posted by Hooky.

  1. Thanks fella's, it certainly was a fat specimen.

    I caught it in the Parramatta River in an area that was loaded with baitfish.

    It was a classic example of "match the hatch" when it came to lure choice.

    There was heaps of minnows or gudgeon type fish in the area that looked to be green in colour. Hence the choice of SP that I used. :biggrin2:

  2. I could probarly do it myself but i want it 2 be done properly


    G'day tyrone, doing it yourself is probably the only time when it will be done properly. :1yikes:

    Good luck. :thumbup:

    cheers :beersmile:


  3. G'day Luke, the good thing was that Boxhead went home empty handed. :1prop:

    Me and Steven caught all the keepers and as we did we immediately sent a text to Ziggy each time just to rub it in. :risata:

    BTW everyone, the water police where keeping a high profile in the Bay on Saturday as well. :1yikes:



  4. G'day fella's, I just finished the crab and it was mmmm delish. :thumbup:

    The day was more or less a get together with two mates before Chrissy, so it was mainly bait fishing with the odd SP thrown out when we weren't chatting. :1gathering:

    I caught some small reddies on p/seed and pearl watermelon bass minnows but other than that, not much at all. :thumbdown:

    As for the whiting, they were all caught on peeled hawkesbury prawn, broken up to a size no bigger than your finger nail and put on a small trout hook. I still had a large sinker on, #4 I think from memory, just so I could keep on the bottom. :1fishing1:

    If you can put up with the reddies taking your baits you will get a feed of whiting for sure. Just do the usual drift on the flats and you should be right. :thumbup:

    As for Botany Bay fishing wise at the moment, shocking. Especially when you compare it to this time last year. :thumbdown:



  5. G'day Raiders.

    The objective for the day was to get a sniff of whiting and flatties for a feed. :biggrin2:

    We started off at the container wall drowning pillies until the turn of the tide and pulled up two flatties and a, wait for it........a blue swimmer crab.....mmmmm....mmmm.

    After a while things died down and all the sheep decided to turn up so we thought it was time to get our feed.

    So we ventured over to the only place that is guarenteed a feed of whiting and flatties, Brighton Le sands.

    This is always our insurance policy for Botany Bay and once again we were happy to catch a feed of whiting and flatties.

    It wasn't easy going with one whiting for every ten reddies but we still ended up with a good feed.

    It was a good day spent with two mates sharing a coffee and cream lamingtons for morning tea and a couple of beers at the end. Can't ask for more than that. :1clap:

    Chilli Crab for dinner.


    One of the smaller whiting which went 30cms.





  6. G'day Joe, I have never fished the Minnamurra although at high tide it looks fishy enough to have a go at.

    Low tide it looks unappealing.

    After all the times I've driven past it, at best I've only ever seen about 3 boats on it. I do believe the eastern side of the bridge is the better fishing part of the system.

    cheers :beersmile:


  7. On ya Hooky! :thumbup: What gave it away?


    Woo hoo. :1clap:

    The houses on the hill and the mangroves gave it away.

    Not many estuaries have mangroves 20 trees deep like the Minnamurra. :biggrin2:



  8. Matrix, if you live in an area that is starved of a decent tackle shop like I do, just to walk into a shop like ABA is a bargain. :biggrin2:

    Bass minnows and Poo-eaters at $6.95 is a bargain as far as I'm concerned, this is a dollar cheaper than BigW.

    SX-40's cost me $16 each on the opening day, again to me is good.

    One of the "floor walkers" at the store also told me that once the grand opening was out of the way they will be concentrating on getting their online shop up and running. :1clap:

    As for a super duper bargain, the set of pins on the triton girlie were well worth the trip over to Penrith. :biggrin2:



  9. Can't wait to get her wet

    I was going to call it the dog house becasue that is where I will be with the missus, now the missus is gone.

    Now I am open to suggestions. I like "Grape Escape".

    Anyone got any ideas for a name??


    Good luck with the new rig Jethro. :1clap:

    As for names......Tinky Winky!!!

  10. Thanks for the replies fella's.

    Martin, we're heading up to the Hawkesbury. Anywhere from about Wisemans Ferry and upstream.

    Looking forward to it actually, somewhere different that I normally don't get to fish. :thumbup:

    Not sure the fishing will be too hot with all these comps on though, :1onono: but one must try.



  11. G'day all, I've got a fishing trip coming up and as there will be a couple of us with boats spread out on the river, we were thinking of how to communicate, other than with mobile phones.:1gathering:

    We have 27 meg radio's and I was just wondering what channel is the most acceptable for communcating amongst each other, if there is such a channel?

    This communcating won't be skylarking stuff, :1onono: it will be just a way of letting each other no what we are doing/going etc.



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