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Posts posted by lsdjy3

  1. Hey guys,

    I went Saturday morning and Sunday afternoon for nothing! 

    I was fishing with fresh squid that I caught the day under a float and also spinning some stickbaits and poppers.

    Although a guy bottom bashing with fresh squid hooked onto a small school shark.

    Both days were around the western side of South Head. 

    On Sunday afternoon, I came back home after fishing to find out big hail poured down while I was fishing. Thank fishing I avoided this :D

    Going back today after work to spin again. Would be 3 days in a row :-rolleyes



  2. Hey guys,

    Swell has been pretty bad so I am going to spin inside the harbour or around middle head this weekend (haven't fished weeks due to swell :()

    I'm wondering what your opinions are in throwing out stickbaits and poppers mostly 40~60grams. Are they too big inside the heads?

    Not really experienced spinning in calm water so any tips and advice would be appreciated!

    Chasing pelagics hoping for bigger kings


  3. 10 minutes ago, Noldty said:

    Hey mate,

    i hooked two kings and landed one a few weeks ago in double bay on live squid. I have been again to the same spot twice since and nothing. I really think that you have to be in the right place at the right time with the right bait. 


    Great job on landing the king! How big did it measure?

    I understand that kings travel but just feels like there are lot less of them around this season.

    I did 10+ all nighters catching squid and yakkas to result in just 1 salmon :(

    Hopefully it gets better!

  4. I fish every summer and land some decent kings off the rock ledges around North Head (unfortunately one of the spots have been fenced off)

    But this year I am yet to even hook one. Been using livies, mostly squid and throwing poppers and stickbaits at sunrise AND sunset (skipping work).

    Also tried inside the Harbour around Manly with no takes.

    Only 1 salmon caught from the last 10 sessions! Will I see some action soon?

    Going tomorrow arvo again to spin.



  5. Hi guys, I often read about fishing of the stones here but still not sure if it's just a general term to describe rock fishing or an actual singular place everyone knows except me. Can someone clarify thanks.

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    a general term to describe rock fishing

  6. Just wondering what you could potentially get other than sharks live baiting a bonnie/mak tuna on a balloon off rocks in sydney? Saw a guy do it today, he was using really heavy gear on his stella 10000. I asked him but he was just anticipating anything massive but didnt have a general idea. He was spinning for bonnies and were using them as live bait. We were using yakkas and we looked very noob/beginner compared to him haha :fishing1:


  7. Hi guys, me and my best mate are on uni holidays now and have been fishing literally every day trying to get some kingfish action landbased with no luck but salmons despite our efforts of waking up at 3am every time T_T. We have our own gear and tackle and if anyone wants some company we will share the cost, fuel, cleaning up, etc. We been fishing for very long time so quite experienced so we wont be a burden! We have a car for transport and are very very keen fishers so please let us know thanks!

  8. Hey guys I've been fishing out in the morning from about 5am in the harbour landbased and whenever I use my metal lures they just seem to chase it but just dont bite it. I would really like to catch one of these using lures and I've also been using soft plastics and various metal lures 30~50g. It was exciting see them chase my lure but now its just really teasing. Any help/tips will be appreciated thanks

  9. I bought a new reel and its spool specs are 18bs - 215yds | 0.45mm - 195m. I am wondering which line to put on and it would be helpful if anyone can recommend me some decent and cheap line. I will be targetting smaller kings, tailors, salmons, etc. Thanks~

  10. Hi guys I read alot posts here but never actually posted anything. I just arrived from narrabeen lakes and was fishing with fresh squid that I caught yesterday. Not much action until when we were gonna pack to leave my line went crazy ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ. It screeched very loud, I ran to my rod and hooked it. I tried to fight the fish but couldnt bring it in as I was using like 8lb line it wouldve snapped if I tried to bring it in. Eventually my line snapped and now I am really really curious as to what fish that couldve been?? I was there targetting flatheads but it was way toooo strong to be one. I fished near middle creek reserve and I am pretty sure jews dont come up here. The fish fought for a minute then stopped for awhile then fought back then stopped and so fourth it kept repeting that. This was my first time encountering such a massive fish, though I lost it, hell it was funnnnn

  11. If you want to catch a Kingy from shore at the Spit, fish from the North Eastern side of the bridge... there's a nice park there and the water drops off deeply close to shore... the kings follow the drop off as they move around.

    Hey Slinky I attached a map. Is the circle around the place ur talking about? Just wondering, what can I catch there at night?

    Thanks for the help!


  12. I have just been on there website for you and your not aloud to put up a tent over night

    Good luck fishing :thumbup:


    thanks dawg

    if we arent allowed can we just stay overnight without putting out a tent?

  13. Hey guys I planned my first fishing camp to Maianbar/Bundeena and can anyone whose been down there before could you please locate where we can camp and catch some fish? I attached the area of the map.

    Thanks alot.


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