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Everything posted by Jewdreamer

  1. Finally got the boat back into the water! Based on report of various crocodile attacks up the Georges River decided to chuck a few SPs araiund the flats at the Moons, GRRRR 17 degree water and nothing taking anything! We were chucking into every eddy off the flats on the drop off and didn't get a touch! What were we doing wrong except thinking we could catch a bloody fish....? Anybody have the patience to coach a couple of old codgers who would relly like to have a successful outing for a change??
  2. Top Croc there Snag!!. I wonder if she has any friens around - or she ate them all! Recognise the spot, it beautiful there. Just got my motot back on line and think I might tootle down there this arvo and see if she has any friends?? Best wishes Chris
  3. Hey Jewhunter, great lizard mate More like a croc. What I wouldn't give to be around if you ever try that leg of lamb stunt! Chris
  4. Thata not FLathead Its a figgin CROCOCDILE!!! Good on ya!!!! Your little bloke will have a memory for life! Chris
  5. Hey Jewfish King, GREAT!!! fish. Sent you a PM just now. LOL Chris
  6. Mate I don't feel bad at all. What was it someone said "the worst day fishing is better than the best day at work!" How are things look out there tomorrow?? Things are quite at work and i though I might nick off early and put in some boat/rod time. Any more experienced fishraiders going to be out there?
  7. Please explain how a downrigger works? We had the yakkas on a 2M trace under a 2oz sinker and a ball bearing swivel, then one 4M and 1 six M drop stopper knot to the bobby on the main line. Used to work for jew and kings off the rocks?? According to our sounder they were 2 and 4M off the bottom. Maybe I'm really dumb, but I've never in the old days had a bait riggedlike that last 1/2 an hour let alone 6 hrs!!!
  8. OK guys - I feel like a total turd, I soaked 2 live yakkas all arvo on new years day, just inside cape banks, botany bay., realeased all the other yakkas we caught, ended up releasing the two live baits , relatively unharmed?? What am I doing wrong?? We fished the whole of the runout in 10M of water, with a burley trail full of yakkas running towards the livies, the livies 2=3M off the bottom under a bobby. Didn't get a touch!!! WTF??? Help I am a boating novice, spent most of the 80s as a reasonably succesful Sydney rockhopper, but I am getting old and just got a quintrex tinny (my lifetime dream), now I can';t catch a fisH!!! Any clues would be greatly appreciated
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