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Posts posted by hambly99

  1. Just wondering if someone could help me out with a good spot to learn how to jig for squid?? and other hot spots :wacko:

    yeah id love some info aswell if any one would care to share PM me, gps marks spots ect.


  2. Thanks for a great report, but if you don't mind me asking, where have you been catching the dolphin fish? (no need to give away spot X) Offshore or Inshore? ... It's just that your boat looks relatively small (as is mine) and I always thought you had to travel a fair distance offshore to get amongst them (out to the FADS etc).



    Was just thinking the same thing g.t, id be intrested to know aswell :1prop:

  3. Hi Guys,

    As you would be well aware, the marlin showed up in force in recent weeks off JB. We have spent a few week ends down there and after seeing the double pluggers 'thread' I thought it appropriate to share some additional info etc. Many boats fished with many boats seeing up to 12 fish per day. Most boats hooked up with many tagging fish! The bait had thin down last week end and we teased, skipped and live baited till very late each day. We worked hard all day, with the only reward were 20 or so stripies for bait.

    Two weeks ago, the bait was so thick that the fish seemed full and would'nt switch very well. Live bait was the best attack, with two black and one striped falling to the deeper baits including stripies. We came across a bait ball with many marlin smashing into it and a double hooked followed in 30 secs or less. Blues, blacks and stripes, over a few weeks .......... what a way to go! Just lucky I guess!

    Sounds like some quality fishing has been happening down there!

    keep it up.

  4. Went out Saturday morning. Launched the boat at Drummoyne ramp at 5.30 and headed to Clifton Gardens dodging Cruise Liners on the Harbour. 20 other boats around but they soon left.

    4 hour session and a bucket full of bream. No Kingfish but a 45cm Tailor and a couple of flatties.

    Weather looks good for another session this Saturday.


    Beautiful looking bream mate good work!

  5. post-7801-1235865617_thumb.jpg

    10:30 am saturday morning after 10 minutes of having the lines in the water zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz we were on. After a long 2 1/2 hour fight and my back brace and gimble braking we landed this 110-115 kg blue marlin. Caught only a few mile away from baitstation. Water temp 24.5 degrees.

    Beautiful fish top work !

  6. Adelaide Goes Off!

    I need to run thru some history in order to really appreciate how special this trip was.

    I’ve got a good friend (Paul) who lives in Adelaide and thru the years we have been out in his boat on many occasions and managed some good catches of Whiting and Squid but the Snapper has always eluded us. Late last year I helped Paul upgrade to a used 5.3 Barcrusher which was purchased here in Syd and got it shipped over to SA which he has now fully decked out with the latest electronics, trim tabs, electric anchor winch and the list goes on. In short, an awesome rig.

    Last December we lined up a trip to target Snapper, so I flew down and met up with Paul’s mate Brian who is an absolute gun fisherman and really knows his marks. So we had the boat, we had the marks, but as is always the case, when I got down there it was blowing a gale and pissing down rain. We didn’t get to wet a line at all as the weather just did not let up. “NOT HAPPY”. Needless to say I was shattered flying home on the Sunday.

    The following Monday I get a SMS message from Paul and Brian with a picture of 4 Snapper approx 7-9kg, the buggers managed to get out on the Monday literally hours after I’d left and bagged out, devastated.

    A couple of months had passed and I was advised that I had to attend a conference in Adelaide on the 22nd Feb commencing in the afternoon. Well the plans quickly went into action. As the d’day approached the weather was looking a bit ordinary surprise surprise but there was a small window on the Sunday morning, so we decided to target the Snapper then. Sunday came around, and we got an early start and headed off into Gulf St. Vincent. When we eventually reached our spot the showing on the sounder looked extremely promising.

    I got a bait down 1st which didn’t get a chance to hit the bottom when it got smashed. This was a thumper of a fish but unfortunately I dropped him. Within minutes Paul’s onto another cracker of a fish and this one hits the deck and it’s a 10kg fish. This action continued for a while, and I just couldn’t believe how thick the fish were and all the fish were HUGE with only one smaller fish, 63cm caught.

    We were starting to get cocky as we had reached out boat limit of 6 fish over 60cm (2 each), and the boys suggested I give a plastic a run, so I tossed a 6” Gulp out which got annihilated on the drop. We dropped this fish at the boat trying to lift him in and it swam off with the plastic in the side of his mouth.

    The following morning Brian heads out to fish this spot again and scores 2 great fish, one was a 27 pounder. While cleaning the fish to his disbelief he finds the plastic which I had lost the prior morning – unbelievable!

    So after many heart breaking trips I finally managed to catch that fish of a lifetime. I still can’t wipe the smile off my face.

    Fish of a lifetime.



    The haul – middle fish was 63 cm.


    Brian’s fish next day – top one had the soft plastic from the previous day in it’s gut - bottom one was 27 pound and 104 cm.


    Monster fish good work!

  7. Hi raiders,

    Headed out this morning to a few new spots as my usual haunts have been pretty dead lately.

    Weather conditions were excellent and pretty quickly found pillies on the surface busting up. They can be hard to catch and usually get then on a small piece of pillie being retrieved from the bottom. After about 20mins managed to bag one and put him in the tank ready for a predator.

    Not long after a few kings followed a hooked pinkie to the boat so i quickly put the live pillie on a 50lb rig and as soon as it hit the water the kingies smashed it and ZZZZZZZZ. Boated a 63cm kingie and released.

    Moved to another spot for the high tide. Got a down and massive heavy run on 60lb rig. After a descent fight broufght up a big stingray. Tried to get my two hook rig out of his mouth but he kept trying to barb me so i cut my line as close as possible.

    Started to get some random bust ups around the boat and the fish looked pretty big. This kept up over the next hour or so with the fish getting bigger. Meanwhile i was catching pinkies and yakkas off the bottom.

    Got a good down and short run on a live yakka but he was bit in half right next to the hook.

    Not long after on a fresh yellowtail fillet this big flattie smashed me. He put up a reasonable fight and i thought with the head shakes he could have been a schoolie.

    Then once he was in the boat the fish went balistic on the surface when i could see bonito. I thought at first they were smashing bait on the surface but then i realised that they were getting chased and smashed by what looked like very big kings. Awesome to watch. Threw a few lures at them but they moved on pretty quick.

    On the trek back to the ramp saw fish on the surface all over the place.

    Best thing also was there was practically nobody out there today.


    nice fish mate top report!

  8. thanks penguin,thanks guys.

    we set a good drift and caught mostly all of it except the occy,crab and about 3 flatties on the second drift.

    cr@zy faridation had brought along some prawns on the boat so i suggested the we should set a second drift using sp,s and throw out a hand line with a prawn,the handline scored 2undersized snapper while the sp,s were going nuts.

    if you ask me, sp,s =10 bait =1

    top catch mate, what colour and size sp's were doing the damage?

  9. Had been constantly toying with the idea of hitting the spot where I had caught my first ever jewie a couple of months ago but because of the hard yards involved, kept putting it off. Takes me alot of 'mental angst' heading into a serious jew attempt (so many fishless trips!) - real hope for a miracle but also fully acknowledge you most likely will not convert. Also, on this occasion, had extra odds stacked against me: converting again at the same location on only the second time hitting it - I was surely going to be in for the usual long fishless session.

    Yet the moonerage, tides and even the wind seemed to imply there might be a 'textbook' chance. (anyone want to put forward their thoughts about barometrics and jew??)

    The session started at 2am catching a few yakkas at an ever reliable bait ground which on this occasion held a few squid also. Great start. Caught 2 arrows and 2 southern calamari all perfect whole squid size baits but threw the 4th back as it was probably too small and I could see bigger ones in the water. Interestingly, as soon as I threw the little guy back in - the others all disappeared!

    Got to the spot at 0315 carrying that bucket of live bait pain through bush and spider webs galore. Started poorly with both fresh whole squid taken sequentially by eels in the first 3 hours. Had already cut up the 3rd fresh squid (before losing the first 2) into tiny strips going for a consolation dawn keeper bream or two (which never happened). Thus, had to pull out a 2 week old (but frozen the day of capture) Malabar caught squid and put on half a skinned hood. The sun was well and truly out and I already had dreaded thoughts of the walk back to the car. Then, at almost exactly the same time as when I caught my first jewie a couple of months back - the awesome sound of my new eclipze90's (been doing a bit of gear upgrading recently) drag began. It ended up being smaller than my first jew at 74cm but it fought twice as hard. Early in the fight, I sincerely thought I was not going to be able to land it! (knife is 30cm long)


    Next cast out, using a wing this time, a few solid taps then that sweet sound. It felt like a smaller fish and it was. Went 60cm.


    Absolutely no joke, during the night I had seen 2 shooting stars!

    Autopsy of the bigger model revealed this:


    Anyone know what it is?? It's got some lobster like tail on it.

    Instead of taking a monster bag of laundry or stuff needing storage to my folks' place I was able to give them a few of these.


    I'm never going to hit that spot again, surely!

    PS. Is it just me or does there seem to be more jewie reports than ever before? More guys fishing for them or signs of a healthy system? It's great stuff.

    PPS. If anyone is wondering, I actually livebait the yakkas under a float - I've heard that you can apparently get kings at this spot too - yeah, gotta be a load of BS (then again, the Spit apparently offers both) Don't think I'll bother with the yakkas anymore. The arms certainly won't mind.

    Nice catch you have there mate! good to see the persistance pay off. if you dont mind me asking where abouts at malabar have you caught the squid before?

    cheers keep it up.

  10. been popper fishing in fiji with fellow raider adrian and phil from the usa. . to say the fishing was great would be an understatement . gts to 37kgs and heaps of yellow fin to 40kg and dog tooth . was lucky enough to spent a month there (extra week due to weather) no flights out of nandi but we only had two days of rain in kandavu. i will let the photos say it all

    now there some solid fish top work keep it up!

  11. Hi All

    With the nice weather and crowds around on weekends at the recognised Kingie spots, Rod Hogger (8yr old son) and I have been working the quieter Flattie grounds in the Bay of late.

    RH managed his PB Flathead (70cm) a couple of weeks back and so we kicked off west of Towra and worked our way towards the heads as the tide fell. We managed several bream, whiting and flathead along the way and had a nice dinner taken care of but nothing "outstanding". So we headed back to the spot he got the last big one and within 15 minutes he landed an almost identical fish a smidge under 70cm (see below). Once again a solid effort on 6lb line and smiles all round. :1prop:

    As the wind was starting to kick in, I was happy to head home but RH was doing the old "just one more cast" routine. So we set up another drift and the rod buckles over again over a particular patch that I have now programmed into the GPS and locked away in a safe!!!

    A lot of weight with occasional head shakes and I'm hoping for another big Flattie. On the 6lb gear RH is slowly trying to lift the beastie out of the depths and see colour after 3-4 minutes. A huge ugly wide head and close to a meter in length and I call it for a good shovel nose. WRONG!!!!! :1yikes: It's a whopper Flathead significantly bigger than the last one and slugging it out 2 metres down just out of reach of the net. I'm freaking and jumping up and down, yelling at RH about being careful with the drag pressure whilst he is composed and telling me rightly to "Shut up Dad".

    A couple more runs later and still we can't get her close enough when with one big shake of her head the line parts and we watch her gracefully slide back down. A moments silence came across us both before RH looks at me and says "We'll be back ..."


    Nice looking fish and looked like a good day on the water!

    what bait were you using if you dont mind me asking?

    keep it up!

  12. use light line if possible, size 4 mustad 92247 (baitholder hook) half metre trace, and choose your sinker to be light enough to cast out just a few metres beyond or on where the bluer water meets the shallow water depending on where you fish.

    As a rule for me I tend to get some of the smaller fish when surprisingly I cast heaps further out, its as if the larger fish are game to come in closer.

    But keep moving along the beach if you get stuck with no bites or too smaller fish.

    And fish the twilight hours.

    Good luck


    cheers thanks for the reply!

  13. Just went for a fish off the beach down at brighton, caught 5 oversize whiting 35+cm :1yikes: and threw back some just under size bream and whiting

    Used nippers for bait, fished early morn 6am to 10am on a rising 1030am high tide

    Good day out and beaut weather.....


    sounds liek good fun! what rig where you using to catch the whiting?

  14. There are plenty of garfish in between shark island and blackwoods beach at cronulla. I have recently seen a lot of schools ranging from small to big gar either diving or they turn up in the burley trail while im catching yakkas. They like the shallower water just off the beach there, hope that helps someone.

    Cheers Mike

    Any spots closer to the eastern suburbs any oen wonts to give up haha :)

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