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Posts posted by zrealist

  1. What i normally do after each trip is wash all my hooks everything that could have been in contact with the saltair/water dry it off thorougly a quick spray with dw40/rp7 any sprays like this then back into the tackle box, the box is stored in my cupboard in my room, mum HATES seeing all the fishing gear in my room :1prop:

    Where abouts is your tacklebox stored???

    Also those silica gel packets can be found in new shoe boxes.

    cheers james

    i agree wd40 does the trick.

  2. Those small purple jellyfish you've seen are what I call "Purple people eaters". See them often when surfing.

    You see them in summer and not anywhere near as common as blue bottles but some days there can be quite a few around. Not sure what their real name is, but they do sting (from memory almost as nasty as the blue bottle).


    scary name they have.

    it was right next to my foot too. lucky they dont have long tentacles to grab hold of anything around.

  3. Hi

    A mate of mine wants to take his young son fishing and the criteria is that he has to catch some fish. They live just up the road from Clifton Gardens and i was thinking of recommending he go there and just fish for Yakkas with a bait jig and some berley.

    I'm unfamiliar with the topography and would like to know if this is feasible?


    Just get your mate to fish off the wharf early in the morning or late afternoon with the above set up you described and he should be fine.

  4. Can you please explain them abit more?

    They might have been bluebottles, the only types of jellyfish i can tell are the BIG yellow ones thatare in HUGE packs, the yellow ones sting but it isn't very painfull, a small itchy rash appeares from a personal experience.

    And the bluebottles which can inflict harsh pain and burning sensation.

    cheers james

    They were purple in color about the size of a clenched fist. they didn't have any long tentacles like the blue bottles.

    I only saw two of them, one had beached and the other was floating in the water.

    Should have taken a photo, I 'll get a photo the next time I'm there.

  5. Hi guys,

    After fishing at the entrance on Saturday I drove back to Sydney.

    It was absolutely pouring down the whole way and got much worse when I got closer to Sydney.

    I could not see the markings on the road at one stage.

    Did anyone else get caught up in the storm?

  6. Right under the Lennox Bridge (Church St) you can see them from the bridge. When the river is back to normal there are also quite a few through out the whole stretch from the weir near parra park to the weir next to the ferry wharf

    There are also carp in Parra Dam and in Parra Lake

    Thanks Anti Carp I'll check it out the next time I drive past.

    Only if you like mud!!!!

    Dave they are not edible since the Para river is so polluted.

    They don't taste too good in general anyway.

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