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Botany Bay 18/02


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Hello there,

My first fishing report! Thanks to all fishraiders for making me feel welcome :1prop:

Being a novice fisherman, I decided to see if I could give my *NEW* 12ft rod a bit of a workout, aiming for fish >30cms, which is predominantly what I've been catching off land thus far. Having heard of the Kingie action at Mol Point, I decided to give it a whirl at about 7:00pm. Other equally keen anglers seemed to be well underway in very very windy conditions and after clambering down the rocks and making small talk with the blokes next to me, I was informed, very kindly, that if I parked my car where I'd parked, I'd have no chance of getting out of Mol point before sunrise. Seeing that pizza delivery was out of the question, I decided to bail. End of part 1 of my fishing expedition without as much as casting a line :05:

I managed to get to the car, just as the security guys / ranger drove past with flashing lights, having closed one gate and leaving just enough space for me to squeeze through. Boy, was I relieved, I was still out with a chance, and said to myself, Go Ash go, you're going to catch one of those suckers yet, and with this renewed optimism, headed out to Bare Island.

The scenic view of Bare Island as I drive in never fails to take my breath away and I unloaded my gear with the sense of urgency and resolve that only a fisho deprived of a catch can empathise with. Worked my way out to the rocks on the Western side of Bare Island and cast out with a squid on a 5/0 hook, muttering a silent prayer to the fish god to keep the bastards hungry. After about half an hour of standing in what felt to me like a gale, I was rewarded.................................................................with rain :1badmood:

Got myself and my gear back to the car, cursing :ranting2: , yet bizarrely enjoying the spectacular night show. A sense of despondency had befallen me as I realised that the odds were against me and I trudged wearily away, leaving the fish to fight another day.

Needless to say, I pulled myself together and headed to Cooks Park...more disappointment and after spending 6 luckless hours in awful weather, the only solace I could get was a good nights sleep which I proceeded to get earlier today.

I will be back, watch out fishies, I'll get you yet!



Edited by ozeash
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Hey Ash

One of the best reports I've ever read of not catching a fish :074:

I know the feeling mate, I haven't caught a keeper since before Chrissy, spent 3 hours yesterday fishing Wanda for zilch then another 2 hours off Lilly Pilly baths for 2 squid and no fish.

But the babe sunbaking next to me in a very skimpy yellow bikini made it a bit more bearable :drool:

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Great story Ash - and all credit to you for toughing it out.

You can tell that you're a true fisherman because all these obstacles seem to have actually increased your desire to fish! A lesser man would get frustrated and pack it in.

You'll get one next time, or if not then the time after that, or the time after that . . . . .


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Everyone has days when nothing goes your way and as Mondo said, a lesser person would give it away, but then there's the days when everything goes right and you can't stop hooking up.

Stick with it Ash, and before you know it you'll be posting reports with heaps of fishy pics. :thumbup:



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Hey Ash

One of the best reports I've ever read of not catching a fish :074:

I know the feeling mate, I haven't caught a keeper since before Chrissy, spent 3 hours yesterday fishing Wanda for zilch then another 2 hours off Lilly Pilly baths for 2 squid and no fish.

But the babe sunbaking next to me in a very skimpy yellow bikini made it a bit more bearable :drool:

yup rob, I'll second that to make things bearable :biggrin2:

Everyone has days when nothing goes your way and as Mondo said, a lesser person would give it away, but then there's the days when everything goes right and you can't stop hooking up.

Stick with it Ash, and before you know it you'll be posting reports with heaps of fishy pics. :thumbup:



you hit the nail on the head mate, i've had days when the arms get tired and say enough fishing!! obviously, this wasn't one of those days, but I'm REALLY looking fwd to the next one. Cheers, A

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