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Press Release From The Fishing Party.

Guest Jocool

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Sorry I have posted this late.... :confusuion:

Monday, 20 September 2004

PRESS RELEASE:          for immediate release.

Recreational fishing and outdoor enjoyment now face further reductions.

The Fishing Party announced today that an increased green political voice attained from a deal with the Australian Labor Party, all for the sake of votes in the Senate, mean the door will be shut on this fishing recreation and others.

25% of the population enjoy fishing, which generates $3 Billion to the national economy. Anglers do agree with looking after the environment but the green agenda is extreme.

The Fishing Party decided that the ALP are a pack of duplicative bastards who will do and say anything to deceive. They are a menace after the party met with NSW ALP heavy weights Ian Macdonald and Luke Foley who at the time were conjuring to get TFP preferences in the Senate to “Prevent the Greens from getting the sixth Senate seat in NSW” at all costs.

Robert Smith, the party chairman said he had been for-warned over the past couple of weeks not to trust them, which has proven to be correct.

The Fishing Party is appealing to all recreational fishers/recreationalists and disenfranchised Australians to stay clear of green/labor deals and put a 1 in the last box above the line in the Senate for group AC The Fishing Party. Fishing will be doomed if we do not make a stand now.

For further information contact:

Robert Smith

TFP Chairman.


Authorised by R Smith, 11 Watts Cl, Singleton NSW 2330

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