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Attack Of The Flathead

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Howdy all'

Swordfisherman was on the hop as usual to go for a fish today. We were to go to Macquarie Rivulet at Lake Illawarra but we heard that the lake was closed. We decided to go to (you guessed it :biggrin2: ), bloody old Chippo Lakes!

We arrived at the ramp about 7.30am, yes I stuffed around and made us late, swordie was jumping around at sparrows fart 5am ready to go.

We whacked the poly into the river and out came the pink Smilin' Jacks again for a bit of a troll. Two seconds later I caught a fish and then a second. Swordie took up the challenge at 2 nil and of course well overtook me by the end of the day.

I selected a few cd's to play as we fished, some oldies for a change. The Skyhooks song Smut was blasting away and swordie and I were singing about the twisties and what was in the bag :074: and a lady of similar age was pushing a pram along the bridge and waved knowingly at us :biggrin2: .

Just as we went past the Warwick Farm Road bridge, I was casting along the bank trying for a few more bream, when I said to swordie "I think I am snagged" ZZZZZZZZZZ woohoo this snag is moving :yahoo: . After a few tentative moments and Stewy trying to knock my fish off with the environet trying to keep the score even :ranting2: , I landed a pb flathead of 56cms.

Atfer a quick measure, Stewy says "now put this rag around your thumb and shove it in its mouth". :1yikes: . The bloody thing clamps down on my thumb and bites me, and Stewy is screaming at me to hold it still for the picture :mad3: . Check out the grimace in the pic below.

Although the bream were small we had a great time casting to the structure and landing a heap of fish. I also got a pb Silver Biddy today as well.

On the way back towards the bridge, a guy and 2 young boys were fishing out of a tinnie. The man yells out "Stewy isnt it"? We motored closer and he introduced himself as a raider by the name of george s. See raiders are everywhere! We chatted with George and his boys for a while and left to go home. Nice to meet you George and your sons.


Cheers mrsswordfisherman






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top stuff swordies...

that spot serves you well,

well done,


:dito: Congrats mrsswordie on the PB flattie. Can't wait 'til you land a 70cm+ model - WOOOHOOO. I often hold 'em in the mouth for photos - it's a real problem when they start thrashing! Sounds like a great day on the water. Apparently some gun shark fishos blast their favourite "shark-catching" cds. It's scientifically plausible that the bass (pun not intended) beat attracts the noahs. Maybe it works the same on flatties?! I'm going to pull out the Skyhooks next time I target flatties - it could be the key attractant of 50cm+ fish! :biggrin2: Looks like george.s also had success on such fish as well. :biggrin2:

Go the Smilin' Jacks!!!


Edited by Flattieman
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Guest madsmc

Sounds like a top day guys. :thumbup:

Well done on the PB Flathead Donna, it's always a good feeling to set a new mark to beat. :biggrin2:



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