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Late Afternoon Fun


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Got a call yesterday arvy off a good mate of mine with the invite of joining up with him and his brother for a late arvo/evening session at his brothers secret location.... after initial baulking i eventually agreed with the solemn promise off his bro that i wouldnt regret it.

After a erratic drive ( which i believe was a deliberate attempt to disorientate me :1prop: ) we parked and set sail. The walk in was a slight pain but we got to SPOT X to be greeted by reasonably calm conditions.

After my last outings effort i was not very confident, but as if the gods were shining on me my 1st cast was met half a minute later by a solid :bump0ee: and soon a nice 40cm bream was flapping around.

Within the next 30 mins i had landed another 2 bream going 34cm and 37cm.

I decided a change of tactics was on the cards so i floated out a lightly weighted whole pillie sprayed with some ultrabite spray, as it lay in waiting i started to rig up a rod to throw some metals out. Just as i was about to cast out the metal ZZZZZZZZZZZ line starts peeling off my light raider stick, quicker than you could say YOU'VE GOT ONE i had the rod in hands and was fighting a very solid fish. I had no idea what was on the end but the fish was pretty keen not to let me find out, all sorts of calls were being made for it , even the hallowed " K- word" but eventually as the fish started losing his battle he showed his face with a trademark leap and a few pump and winds later Mr Salmon was landed and measured at 64cm ! MY PB!

For some unknown reason my mates brother loves eating salmon so we kept it for him.

Fighting temptation to throw another pillie out i settled back to my metal rod and after a few casts was met with a strike and a undersize tailor, gradually hooked into a school and another 9 were landed ranging from

30-40cm. As it was near dark i decided to go back to bait for a final shindig..... and my efforts were rewarded with a few bust offs from the choppers(bastards!) i whacked on a 30lb leader and a ganged pillie as my last resort while the others cleaned their catch, was met soon after with an absolute wolfing and a wonderful 5 minute battle before a nice 46cm chunky tailor came to shore and was released

the final numbers between the 3 of us were : 7 bream, 1 salmon, 20-something tailor and 3 trevs

being the conservative type we only kept 5 bream, the salmon , 4 tailor and a trev. Even tho most were easily legal..... no point taking more than u need

NOW- if i can only get the spots location proper to tee up for fellow raiders... all i know is it was down south and the drive was about 1hr 10 mins .... will try get more info

ALL in all a top day and a great warm up and appetiser for this weekends SOCIAL :yahoo:

see u guys there :thumbup:


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Got a call yesterday arvy off a good mate of mine with the invite of joining up with him and his brother for a late arvo/evening session at his brothers secret location.... after initial baulking i eventually agreed with the solemn promise off his bro that i wouldnt regret it.

After a erratic drive ( which i believe was a deliberate attempt to disorientate me :1prop: ) we parked and set sail. The walk in was a slight pain but we got to SPOT X to be greeted by reasonably calm conditions.

After my last outings effort i was not very confident, but as if the gods were shining on me my 1st cast was met half a minute later by a solid :bump0ee: and soon a nice 40cm bream was flapping around.

Within the next 30 mins i had landed another 2 bream going 34cm and 37cm.

I decided a change of tactics was on the cards so i floated out a lightly weighted whole pillie sprayed with some ultrabite spray, as it lay in waiting i started to rig up a rod to throw some metals out. Just as i was about to cast out the metal ZZZZZZZZZZZ line starts peeling off my light raider stick, quicker than you could say YOU'VE GOT ONE i had the rod in hands and was fighting a very solid fish. I had no idea what was on the end but the fish was pretty keen not to let me find out, all sorts of calls were being made for it , even the hallowed " K- word" but eventually as the fish started losing his battle he showed his face with a trademark leap and a few pump and winds later Mr Salmon was landed and measured at 64cm ! MY PB!

For some unknown reason my mates brother loves eating salmon so we kept it for him.

Fighting temptation to throw another pillie out i settled back to my metal rod and after a few casts was met with a strike and a undersize tailor, gradually hooked into a school and another 9 were landed ranging from

30-40cm. As it was near dark i decided to go back to bait for a final shindig..... and my efforts were rewarded with a few bust offs from the choppers(bastards!) i whacked on a 30lb leader and a ganged pillie as my last resort while the others cleaned their catch, was met soon after with an absolute wolfing and a wonderful 5 minute battle before a nice 46cm chunky tailor came to shore and was released

the final numbers between the 3 of us were : 7 bream, 1 salmon, 20-something tailor and 3 trevs

being the conservative type we only kept 5 bream, the salmon , 4 tailor and a trev. Even tho most were easily legal..... no point taking more than u need

NOW- if i can only get the spots location proper to tee up for fellow raiders... all i know is it was down south and the drive was about 1hr 10 mins .... will try get more info

ALL in all a top day and a great warm up and appetiser for this weekends SOCIAL :yahoo:

see u guys there :thumbup:


Well done mate hope you can do the same on saturday :1fishing1::1fishing1::1fishing1::1fishing1:

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hey kingvirgin you wouldnt happen to be crazy liverpool supporter and have gone to freeman college a few years back would you?

haha unbelievable it is you ian we went to school together mate

btw great fish there mate

Edited by gio
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hey kingvirgin you wouldnt happen to be crazy liverpool supporter and have gone to freeman college a few years back would you?

haha unbelievable it is you ian we went to school together mate

btw great fish there mate

Yes i believe we did geography together with that "butter face" teacher and learnt all about overfishing and water pollution hahahahaha

lets catch up for a fish!

Well done mate hope you can do the same on saturday :1fishing1::1fishing1::1fishing1::1fishing1:

I think im in the right hands mate, looking at adding a few " new species" to my list ! :thumbup:

Top stuff there ian,

well done champ..

lookiong 4ward to showing u my kings that i catch sat on the social...


cheers steve

Mate there is only one other person hoping you catch a king as much as you do and that is ME!

i have faith you will rise for the occassion and silence the critics ( or should i say critic - chris-)


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Great catch there KingV - looks like you really got into 'em!!

I take it from the photos that this was a beach session?


Pretty much mate, we were off a ledge about 30m out from shore ( it was tucked away in the corner of the beach) and i was fishing over the sand in about 2-3m of water, probably could of landed the casts in same spot from the beach, thats if i could cast better LOL, a seasoned beach-o prolly would of had no problem though!

im 90% certain this spot was in the RNP

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