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Marine Park Manager Appointed

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A manager has been appointed to the Port Stephens–Great Lakes Marine Park.

Max Haste has over 20 years experience in natural resource management, including eleven years management experience in the Great Barrier Reef Marine Park, four years in charge of Fraser Island and, most recently, District Manager for CALM in Broome, WA with major involvement in the management of Rowley Shoals Marine Park.

With the assistance of the Marine Park Advisory Committee, Max will be responsible for the day to day planning and management of the Park.

The 21 members of the Port Stephens-Great Lakes Marine Park Advisory Committee are currently using the preliminary working map to develop the draft zoning plan for the park. Once in agreement they will advise government and the Marine Parks Authority.

Once a draft has been finalised the public will be given three months to comment. During this time marine park staff will arrange meetings with interested groups to discuss the draft plan.

This is another example of the open and transparent nature of the government process in relation to the creation of the marine park.

To date, there has been widespread community consultation with more than 50 meetings held with various groups, including commercial and recreational fishers, Aboriginal groups, focus groups, game fishing clubs, local council, tourism operators, other stakeholders and community information sessions.

In addition more than 2000 public surveys are being examined by the advisory committee in developing the draft zoning plan.

The Port Stephens–Great Lakes Marine Park will protect some of the state’s most important estuarine systems, while allowing for fishing and other recreational and commercial activities.

The 97,200 ha multi-use Marine Park will protect important areas of marine habitat and provide a significant tourism and economic boost for the Port Stephens area.

For more information on marine parks in NSW go to www.mpa.nsw.gov.au

Media Contact: Kelly Stevens 8289 3949 or 0438 247 571

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What a load of bollocks ! Open and transparent ? gimme a break.

Haraka mate that type of report is typical of the uphill battle rec fisho's face. Its a political game made to look like everyone has had a say and its all above board.

My guess is the decisions are made and the park zoning is already mapped out. Yes there were surveys but what are they really worth. A cynic would say they were only to find out what rec fisho's wanted so they could do the opposite ! The questions in the rec survey for this were very specific in asking what everyones fav spots were.

Any meetings were made public at such short notice they were over before anyone knew.

Look at the Byron park, practically everyone opposed it and it made no difference.

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