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3 Bridges And Surrounds


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G'day all,

Having decided that I had the fishing itch as well as needed to discover some new spots, I woke my mate up (5yr old son :1prop:) early this morning and we headed out to find some new spots and wet a line or three.

Started off with being the first fishos out at Blues Point Reserve, a first time for me out there, and we proceeded to rig up 2 rods - one with bait and the other with plastics. I could see what looked 70 - 80cm kingies about 10m from land, and that stoked us. Used whole squid on a ganged hook and 3" minnows on the other rod. About 2hrs worth of effort yielded us one (looked to be legal) snapper, which was released.

Moved across to Greenwich which was just too crowded. We gave it a few casts, got hopelessly tangled with idiots who do not know to cast straight nor read the wind and it quickly went into the too hard basket.

A bite to eat in Crows Nest saw us nourished to venture further afield and I set out to find some new spots to fish at. With the trusty UBD in hand, I checked out about 6 spots between Iron Cove and the Gladesville bridge. One particular spot, was absolutely sensational. In the space of 1hr there, I was busted off 6 times and each time it almost ripped my bream rod out of my hand. Gawd, I wish I'd landed one of them.... :05: Will be going back there this long weekend for sure.

Lastly, with light fading, I went back to my trusted spot near the Gladesville Bridge for some tailor, bream and decent whiting. All were returned.

Great day out. A cracker of a day in a cracker of a city.

Cheers all,


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Guest madsmc

Nice one Ash, good on you for getting the young fella out for a fish. Hope you end up hooking whatever it was that eluded you this time around. :biggrin2:

Next time you're having problems with crowd control, get your young fella to play a game I like to call "20 questions".

It's fairly simple and very effective for getting people to move. All you do is setup shop next to your target, so your son doesn't have to go far, and you can keep a close eye on proceedings. Then let the questioning begin!

Questions about really inane, boring s%#t will work wonders, and make sure he throws in at least one standard follow up question of "Why?" to every question he asks. Something like this:

Ash Jnr: "What are you using for bait?"

Target: "Prawns"

Ash Jnr: "Why?"

Target: "Cause the fish eat them"

Ash Jnr: "Why?"

etc etc

It should only take about 10 minutes of this for a normal person to "crack" and go elsewhere rather than suffer the embarassment of having to tell a young child to shut up. My little brother used to do it to my mates and believe me it's very effective, to the point where one of my mates simply refused to come into our house if my bro was home. :074:

Happy days, crowd free. :thumbup:



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