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Sydney Harbour Sat 15


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Got to Roseville at about 6:30am for an easy launch and plenty of parking. What a surprise. I thought I'd be walking miles being a public holiday weekend.

First job to get some livies. Haven't been out at such a late hour before and with a relatively strong wind as well it was the first time I haven't been able to raise live bait in the harbour. However all not was lost as one of the kids on board got on to some decent bream. Ended boating (3) varying from 25 to 28cm all on the live bait handline rigs. Biggest fish he'd caught till then, so one happy customer for the day already. :yahoo:

Well Mr. yakka wasn't gunna play ball so I decided to move off to try for something of decent size. The original plan was to go to a Fad or the Waverider for a dolly day but with six on board I could feel the weight on the big Quinney and also whilst at Balmoral I sensed that the wind was already an issue, so decided to stay in close. Not worth the risk with so many people on board so decided to exercise the captain thingo.

Plan B: As it was a SW blow I thought we'd stick our nose out of South Head and with the high cliffs these should give some protection. If not we could scoot back into the harbour to one of the bays anyway. As we rounded the corner hey ... don't you love it when a plan comes together. Not quite glassey but better than the choppy conditions elsewhere.

We followed the cliff face and before too long I notice a fish trap. Thought a drift pass it would be a good start to see if any dollies had adopted it yet. Zippo for dollies. We ended up anchoring nearby as we seemed to be drifting too fast. Out goes a couple of padernosta rigs with pilies.

Soon (3) of the crew started calling for Ralph over the side of the boat. One went into inspect the ceiling of the cuddy for the rest of the trip. :(

20 mins on bang goes the Daniels Shimano baitcaster with 12lb mono. First big fish for Dan. Guru Wombat (little does he know that I know little) does the instructing bit about use the rod don't just wind etc. etc. It's a kingy by the weight and way it's fighting methinks and amidst a lot of wooping and yelling we soon see colour. Yep! a silver 64cm bullet hits the deck. Yahooooo!!! Second happy customer. :thumbup:

Whilst taking the pics of the king the camera mans rod takes 'the' bend and lets out that beautiful sound zzzzzz... only a drag can do. Whatever it is it had little chance as it was on the end of the Penn overhead with 30lb braid. Usually used with the downrigger. Son number one was the man on the job. First kingy for him. Yes Lord!! thankyou. Within minutes kingy No2 hits the deck after a sloppy netting job by yours truly who seemed to do everything to loose it. Well I was a bit excited for the little fella. Just legal at 60cm so into the esky she goes. Customer No3 happy. :biggrin2:

Phew!! The day is saved. I spent the day baiting, rigging, driving, netting, unhooking everything from a gigantic puffer fish (30cm), to those beaut kings. Didn't have a fish myself but you know I had a beaut day.

Hope eveyone else are having the same. God Bless chaps. Enjoy the pics.


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Great Suff Wombat :thumbup: and an excellent report!

I too get a great kick out of watching others getting excited over landing their great fish

Thanks Clutch. Not as big or as many as over the Tas but we dance and holla!! just the same when they're on. :yahoo: Must meet and have a beer with you when I'm over next. You near the Metropolis at all?


Edited by wombat
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