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Waiting For The Big One!


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Hi all,

This is a report from the other half again! :(

Me no time of late to fish, doing the motherly duties at home! YAY! :1prop:

Anyway over to Jim.

Went for a fish of the beach Friday Night. Gees those westerlies were cold. Anyway spent 3 hours throwing out XOS sized baits and all that was biting was sharks. At 11.00 the guy next to me caught a small jew on a pilly. Here I was throwing out monster baits without a hit and he got one on a pilly. Hmmm - decided to change my methods. Swapped my two 10/0 hooks with two 4/0 hooks and used nice long and thin squid strips. In that hour caught a 6kg jew an a nice big tailor. He was one fat male (croking away). Short and stumpy.

Thought of slicing a fillet and throwing it out but got tired and lazy. Hopefully the big jew will be around on my next trip.


Edited by femalefisho
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Hi all,

This is a report from the other half again! :(

Me no time of late to fish, doing the motherly duties at home! YAY! :1prop:

Anyway over to Jim.

Went for a fish of the beach Friday Night. Gees those westerlies were cold. Anyway spent 3 hours throwing out XOS sized baits and all that was biting was sharks. At 11.00 the guy next to me caught a small jew on a pilly. Here I was throwing out monster baits without a hit and he got one on a pilly. Hmmm - decided to change my methods. Swapped my two 10/0 hooks with two 4/0 hooks and used nice long and thin squid strips. In that hour caught a 6kg jew an a nice big tailor. He was one fat male (croking away). Short and stumpy.

Thought of slicing a fillet and throwing it out but got tired and lazy. Hopefully the big jew will be around on my next trip.


Nice one...........another nice Jew from the sands... :thumbup:


Spizza (Spiro) :beersmile:

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